Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 permissions => Topic started by: hardluckstudios on March 20, 2009, 08:25:09 PM

Title: how to activate new accounts and assign albums
Post by: hardluckstudios on March 20, 2009, 08:25:09 PM
Help! I am using coppermine gallery on my new site, I want the artists to be able to register, activate their account, and then assign albums to them. I would like for all new artwork uploaded to go into the recently added categories, but I also want them all to have their own private galleries that people can access. I have just activiated a new user that followed the registration instructions, and they worked. But when I try to create albums for them, or allow them to create their own albums, I am getting a message that they don't have access. I am the administrator, and I am getting told that I don't have access to create new albums. Did I do something wrong in configuring the site?
Title: Re: how to activate new accounts and assign albums
Post by: Joachim Müller on March 21, 2009, 01:37:50 PM
Actual link to gallery is - don't force us to get familiar with your "exotic" navigation when asking for support  (not a good name for that folder btw. - "gallery" would be more intuitive and more relevant in terms of SEO)
Quote from: hardluckstudios on March 20, 2009, 08:25:09 PM
I am getting a message that they don't have access.
What's the exact wording of the message? You get that after doing what exactly?

Quote from: hardluckstudios on March 20, 2009, 08:25:09 PM
Did I do something wrong in configuring the site?
We can't tell, as you failed to tell us what your configuration settings are nor what your settings on the groups control panel are.

You're running cpg1.4.18, which is outdated. It's mandatory to upgrade to the most recent stable release (currently cpg1.4.21) asap, before doing anything else.
Title: Re: how to activate new accounts and assign albums
Post by: floridaflatlander on March 21, 2009, 04:33:32 PM
This stuff is in the docs and takes some play time. I think when you register for this forum you are informed to look in docs first.

I am a newbie too. It just takes time, both reading and play time.
I also noticed that it looks like you had Coppermine placed on your site by a service.  This matters only because the easy part is over for a little while and as Mr. Muller said, for searches somthing else may have been better. This is a good product, but like all good products it takes time to learn.

1. Because you want them to have albums I suggest you activate the accounts.

If they look like they have a legit email address from some place you know that's good.

If your site is like mine and I have a very small site, you'll get God only knows who registering. Most of the people trying to register at my site are from China, some from Russia. I get 10 -15 a day wanting to register as users. Can you imagine if user activation on my site was automated and all these created albums on my site.

I kept records for a while of people wanting to register,  some have the same emails address and use the same and/or different user names over and over for a period of time and some don't.

The odd thing for me is that they register but my site tracker has no record of them visiting the site, odd.

2. You can let them make their own albums by clicking the correct radio button in groups section of the admin panel. It just takes play time.

3. You got to create categories then albums(well I don't know if you got to, but anyway I did it that way). Most of the work you want to do is in the categories, album and group section of in the admin mode. And in the proporties section of the of the album in admin mode.

Make up a couple of dummy users, register and test and play with it, you'll be glad you did.

Steve J
Title: Re: how to activate new accounts and assign albums
Post by: hardluckstudios on March 22, 2009, 07:09:32 PM
Thanks to all for the responses and the tips for configuration. You have brought up an important point and prompted another question. Exactly how do I set this up without the exotic navigation? I'm not sure what address to enter in the configuration that would allow people to click on a choice in my site's menu, such as gallery and have it open to the coppermine gallery without that extra step. I'm sure I am missing a simple but crucial step in setup. Thank you for your patience and generosity in assistance.
Title: Re: how to activate new accounts and assign albums
Post by: Joachim Müller on March 23, 2009, 09:37:25 AM
We have a strict "one question per thread" policy that you agreed to respect when signing up. Create a coppermine theme that matches your overall site's design and avoid using silly frame constructs or JavaScript-driven navigation on your site's overall navigation. Not related to Coppermine though, but a general recommendation in clever webdesign basics.
Title: Re: how to activate new accounts and assign albums
Post by: floridaflatlander on March 23, 2009, 03:48:18 PM
It would be nice to have instead of Usually to do this you have to upload coppermine yourself. Its pretty easy, just go slow and take your time.
Read the docs and you'll have to get some info from your provider either from your providers control panel or over the phone. But you should know that anyway.