Hi everyone,
I made a little theme again. :) I Know it's a little cheesy but I like it somehow.
Hope everything's fine with it.
What can I say? Thanks for your readiness to share, but I had to turn the entire theme upside down - please review my changes closely, using a diff viewer. The theme is still incomplete - there's an issue with the custom header and the admin menu items.
Demo (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/index.php?theme=beauty_of_nature) - Download (http://downloads.sourceforge.net/coppermine/cpg1.4.x_theme_beauty-of-nature_v1.2.zip)
Do you mean all these things that were missing (sorry for that) or are there other issues with the custom header and admin menu?
Look, I don't want to bash you, as you clearly contributed, but in fact you made so many mistakes that it would require a very long posting to explain everything, which would be beyond scope. Please use the diff viewer as I suggested.
Every edit I performed was needed. Here are just
some mistakes you made or edits I had to perform:
- Removed images/Abstandhalter.gif (there already is a blind gif in the package that is meant to be used for that purpose)
- mixture between HTML attributes and CSS attributes is baaaad.
<table ... background="themes/beauty_of_nature/images/bg2.jpg"> is a deprecated HTML attribute. The CSS solution <table ... style="background-image: url('themes/beauty_of_nature/images/bg2.jpg');background-repeat:repeat-y;"> should be used - rolled images/index_01.jpg, images/index_02.jpg, images/index_03.jpg and images/index_04.jpg into one file (images(header.jpg). Why tile a 37 kB image? It just makes it harder for users to modify it
- Don't use <html>, but <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="{LANG_DIR}"> for standards compliance
- Added the line <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" /> for issues that might show up with IE8
- There's no such thing as a height attribute for the HTML tags <table> or <tr>, nor have there ever been such tags. Yet they are used on many sites, who all seem to copy one from the other. To add to the confusion, some versions of IE interpret those attributes although they never existed in the specifications of the W3C.
That's why I wrapped your table into a div container, to be able to specify a width - Use background images created by CSS instead of putting <img> tags into tables that exist for design purposes for faster loading
- HTML-Tags that don't have a closing tag (like <img>, <br>, <hr>) should use the notation <img />, <br /> and <hr /> for standards compliance without hurting older browser's rendering
- Specify border attributes for <img> tags to make sure that exotic browsers don't add borders by default.
- Some of the placeholder tokens where missing in your theme. A genuine theme for cpg1.4.x needs to contain all of those tokens
- Use proper indentation for easier edits and readability
- There was no need to define the sys and sub menu inside your theme.php. Defining the menu spacer as <br /> instead of the default :: does the trick
- Wrapping the admin menu into a table is not needed if you want it vertical
- There have been table nesting mistakes. Always validate your table
I just noticed that the theme doesn't validate yet because of three little flaws that haven't made it into the package. I have attached an edited copy of template.html - just rename back from template.html.txt to template.html
Forget my previous posting about template.html - there have been more things that I fixed, so I packaged a new version and replaced reference to the package in my above posting (my initial posting in this thread where I refer to the demo and download).
Ugh, I'm really sorry for all the mistakes... :(
I'm still learning and I hope I can keep all this in mind for my next theme...
Thank you for modifying it.
I think it looks really sweet on the thumbnail!
But, is there anyone who can just make one .zip file with the right files, because I'm still not able to get it up and running.. :-\
Quote from: MaddiePie23 on April 04, 2009, 11:05:27 PM
I think it looks really sweet on the thumbnail!
But, is there anyone who can just make one .zip file with the right files, because I'm still not able to get it up and running.. :-\
The demo
The Download is in the download section (funnily enough ;))
Quote from: Starlight on April 03, 2009, 11:20:04 PM
Ugh, I'm really sorry for all the mistakes... :(
I'm still learning and I hope I can keep all this in mind for my next theme...
Thank you for modifying it.
Thank you for contributing. We all have to start somewhere and we learn from our mistakes (usually :-[)
I look forward to seeing your next theme.
Not cheesy at all--it's beautiful!