Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 miscellaneous => Topic started by: sv2bnv on April 07, 2009, 02:07:48 AM

Title: [Invalid]: Comments and login problems
Post by: sv2bnv on April 07, 2009, 02:07:48 AM
Hello, i have phpfox and i integrated the coppermine gallery. I have a problem with the login. When somebody logins for the first time he can go to the gallery and write comment. After a day or so, when he connects to my site again, he stays logged in at the main site and logged out fron the coppermine gallery.

I would like you either to help me fix this problem or to help me put a text saying "You must login again, so we can verify your username. Please click here(link)".

I hope i didnt post in the wrong forum...
Thank you very much and please if you answer, have in mind that i am a newbie!
Title: Re: Comments and login problems
Post by: Joachim Müller on April 07, 2009, 10:01:56 AM
That port goes unsupported here. Ask the jerks who created the port. I call them jerks because they even removed the "Powered by Coppermine" tag at the bottom, so what do you expect? Locking.
Title: Re: [Invalid]: Comments and login problems
Post by: Joachim Müller on April 07, 2009, 06:46:51 PM
sv2bnv by PM:
Quote from: sv2bnv on April 07, 2009, 10:10:40 AM
Hello, you have just locked the topic i opened. Sorry if i offended you with something, but i want to tell you that i feel the same way about them because even though i paid 160$, it does not work perfectly.

I think that it is unfair to lock my topic, because i asked you, if you can, to help me either solve the problem (i understand if you do not want to) OR to help me put a text that will appear only when you are logged out instead of the comments box.

As i said, i am a newbie, and i do not know a lot about programming.
thank you

There's no support for the port you use. There's no support for people who have removed the "Powered by Coppermine" tag at the bottom. "No support" means exactly what it says: there is no support for you here - you're not allowed to post here. Supporters will not answer your questions. That's what "no support" means. That's why this thread was locked. It doesn't matter if you paid someone to accomplish what you have or not. I can only say that I'm sorry for the money spent. Anyway, you will go unsupported here, that's why this thread was locked. Sending me a PM won't change anything about this policy, nor does your skill level or your programming knowledge have an impact on the level of support you will get here. Unsupported means unsupported. Restore the footer and stop using the port, but use the genuine coppermine package instead. If you do restore the footer and run a standalone coppermine package, you're allowed to start another thread with your question to "our" version of coppermine. If you don't do as I suggested, you will have to ask for support somewhere else.
Thread remains locked. Don't PM me again.

Title: Re: [Invalid]: Comments and login problems
Post by: Joachim Müller on April 08, 2009, 08:21:38 AM
Another unsolicited PM by sv2bnv:
Quote from: sv2bnv on April 07, 2009, 08:04:06 PM
I am sorry if i offended you or the programming team in any way. I really had the impression that the copy i use is legal and this is the reason i bought it in the first place! I do not know what the port is and i dont think that there was a coppermine link at the end when my developer gave me the site.

There are some people like me, that they do not know much about these stuff. It would be nicer if you could talk without temper and let me understand. I do not expect you to reply to this message and i sent it to you to apologize.
I would also like, if you can , to delete the topic i started.

Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.
Have a nice day

First of all: you don't accept a "no" for an answer, do you? I told you not to PM me any more, yet you still send me a PM?

I'm not ready to accept the excuse. Here's why:
Quote from: sv2bnv on April 07, 2009, 08:04:06 PMI really had the impression that the copy i use is legal and this is the reason i bought it in the first place! I do not know what the port is and i dont think that there was a coppermine link at the end when my developer gave me the site.
If you haven't removed the "Powered by Coppermine" footer and you're not a coder, then how did you find out that your gallery is based on Coppermine? Come on, get real: you spent $160 on a customized copy of an open source app. Take it like a man then that you spend your bucks in vain.

Quote from: sv2bnv on April 07, 2009, 08:04:06 PMThere are some people like me, that they do not know much about these stuff. It would be nicer if you could talk without temper and let me understand.
Being a newbie is a poor excuse for misbehaviour and not being ready to respect board rules (read first, post afterwards). I read such lame excuses every day ("I'm a newbie", "I'm not a coder" etc.), and I'm fed up of them. Back in school, when a new kid came into the class, the newcomer kept quiet for a start and observed the others before doing anything. You and all the other guys who use the "I'm a newbie" excuse do the opposite of what you'd do in real life: you don't get familiar with the rules of the community first, but you post your question right away. After being told about the rules you even break them on purpose again and even complain about being told about the rules. That's what I would call rude behaviour. Some even rant about the rules in the first place.
I'm not ready to explain the reason for the rules to every newcomer. I'm not ready to explain the basics to every newbie who shows up here. I'm not ready to hold the hand of every kid who thinks that you don't need to understand the technology at all and yet stiil run a website of his own. I'm not ready to read the documentation to everyone who's too lazy to read.
If you think that this means I'm rude, selfish, arrogant or whatever, then you're probably right to some extent: I am not Mother Theresa. I don't provide a free lunch. What I do here is provide support for the target audience of coppermine. Target audience are the people who know open source software, who know how the www works and who are ready to read first and ask then. I help that type of people readily. I don't need the others - I'm convinced that they should do something else instead of running a web gallery. Maybe those people should use Flickr or hire a pro if needed - I don't care. They can come back if their skills have improved and they have done their homework (reading the docs, searching the board). If they chose not to do so, that's fine by me as well. Just don't complain if you're not the intended audience. We never said that Coppermine should be used by every website owner in the world.

Quote from: sv2bnv on April 07, 2009, 08:04:06 PMI would also like, if you can , to delete the topic i started.
We don't do that - threads remain, as per board rules. You agreed to respect them when you signed up, so don't complain about the rules. Nobody forced you to accept them.
Title: Re: [Invalid]: Comments and login problems
Post by: Joachim Müller on April 14, 2009, 04:54:58 PM
Got yet another PM from "sv2bnv". Banned. What a moron.