Hello! Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia.
So... I need Plugin or Mod. I'm ready to pay $50 for this.
What I want:
I have gallery with rating system. Every new photo must be rated by users. If photo didn't get 3 or more rates in 24 hours - it's automatically delete, or move to another album like "Trash"... Plug-in must to do same thing to photos had small rating, like <3 balls.
If it's possible, please contact me by ICQ: 9 3 0 - 4 4 5. Thanks for help.
I'll do the job.
I created the plugin within 24 hours but still get no payment, because Moonlighter has some trouble with his money :-\
I suggest to do no jobs for him unless he is able to pay.
[Off topic:] I think that experienced members (members from the cpg forum with more than 100 post) must receive a 50% of the payment before starting and the 50% of the total when the work is finished. It's like a "Waranty" like every freelancer website has.[/Off topic]
It's up to the freelancer to negotiate such details of his contract. I'd say your suggestion is fair, but I don't think we should force this as a rule. You're welcome to come up with a thread that discusses/suggests details.
@eenemeenemuu: if Moonlighter doesn't pay in time I suggest increasing the pressure a bit: post his URL if you have it - nobody will want to make business with him is he's such a bad contract partner - his URL will get a bad reputation. After all, this website is pretty relevant, so bad karma given here will be accessible when googling pretty easily. As a second step I suggest threatening to publish the plugin.
Still no payment after 3 months :(
Moonlighter is absolutely not recommendable as contract partner!
I'll ban the guy then - this won't get you the pay you deserve, but it will at least keep him away a bit. As I suggested earlier, I recommend to publish the URL of his site to make sure other freelancers are warned when they google for their potential customer.
Unfortunately I don't have the URL of his website.
I think the url's thief will be (not active yet) dumkoweb.ru and his name is "Dmitry N Strokin",
Phone: +7 836 2452410 (Russia).
I hate this kind of morons. >:(
Very clever and thorough research - well done. Googling for the email address of that guy leads to http://hosting.pro43.ru/domains/whois.html?d=DUMKOWEB&tld=ru
Let's add some spam to his mailbox by posting his email publicly: dnstrokin@gmail.com (email harvesters can sometimes even do you a favor ;)).
I nearly spat my drink over my keyboard laughing at that Joachim.
Well done Fabriccio on your detective work.
Enemenenememeneeneoo - At least we have a usefull plugin so well done on your work.
Here's his profile (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.photosight.ru%2Fusers%2F267650%2F) with a picture if you want to put a hit out on him.
LOL... I think we should stop it... Please, nobody put his name again in this thread!! Why? Because if you search on google right now his "Name Initial Surname" (I mean: Dm... N Str..) as it is on my last post (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,59137.msg301061.html#msg301061), you get at first position on google :) this thread with the workd "Thief" on google description, see: http://www.google.com.ar/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&=&q=Dmitry+N+Strokin&btnG=Buscar+con+Google&meta=lr%3D&aq=f&oq=
I think that's enough :D
Mr photographer, if you are reading this, pay to eenemeenemuu what he deserve and I personally will edit the thread that is first on Google.