I recently had someone do an upgrade. I wanted to go back to my old template and paid someone else to get that added. I just noticed there are a few problems with the albums and I can't get hold of the last person that worked on this for me. The Search will pull up files and show additional pages with results, but when you click those links it errors with this message: it says that the albums do not exist. Also, The cloud tags with the linked keywords bring up the same error message. I need someone to fix those issues and make a few additional changes. I would like a search box on every page instead of only using the link to get to it and also to add an intro on the main page.
Here is my gallery: http:www.silverspoonmurals.com/gallery (http://www.silverspoonmurals.com/gallery)
[I just changed the bbcode link to link to your gallery, it was pointing to: "http://www.http.com/gallery". Fabricio]
Budget $30.00
Thank you!
I have had a lot of lookers but no reply...is the budget too low? What is a fair price to fix issues? I figured three hours work..10.00 per hour? Am I wrong on the amount of time to resolve the issue? Let me know! Thank you!
Quote from: shoucate on May 11, 2009, 03:12:22 AM
I recently had someone do an upgrade. I wanted to go back to my old template and paid someone else to get that added. I just noticed there are a few problems with the albums and I can't get hold of the last person that worked on this for me.
Nothing to do here, right?
Quote from: shoucate on May 11, 2009, 03:12:22 AM
The Search will pull up files and show additional pages with results, but when you click those links it errors with this message: it says that the albums do not exist.
I made a test search with the word "test". I get 5 results and no errors when I click on it.
Strange behavior: the links looks like
image_search&cat=0_1.php instead of
Quote from: shoucate on May 11, 2009, 03:12:22 AM
Also, The cloud tags with the linked keywords bring up the same error message.
I can approve this. This has to be fixed somewhere.
Quote from: shoucate on May 11, 2009, 03:12:22 AM
I would like a search box on every page
It means that you want to replace the google search box with a coppermine search?
Quote from: shoucate on May 11, 2009, 03:12:22 AM
add an intro on the main page.
??? What "main" page? What kind of "intro"? Please be more detailed.
Please upgrade to the most recent version 1.4.22 - maybe it solves some of your issues.
Quote from: shoucate on May 11, 2009, 03:12:22 AM
I recently had someone do an upgrade.
I think this person foozled your gallery search. It's hard to estimate the amount of work, because you don't know what exactly is damaged. Maybe it can be fixed with a simple upgrade, maybe you have to review a lot of files.
Thank you for that input, I will be more detailed. I payed someone here to upgrade coppermine to the latest version a few months ago, someone that is on the board here. He installed latest version, and got it working, but I had to choose a new theme and could not use my old custom template. I chose a user created coppermine theme. I got bad reviews from people here saying it was hard to get around with that theme. So I paid the person that upgraded my coppermine to update my old template so I could use it instead since I had better hits with it. I thought everything was working and may not have tested it well enough before I signed off on the template. So, perhaps my fault there. But as far as I know everything was working fine.
After the changes all my links were bad in the search engines, except for the main gallery page here: http://www.silverspoonmurals.com/gallery. Unfortunately upgrading coppermine has decreased my traffic quite a bit, and probably due to the search factor not working properly and broken links on search engines.
Anyway, after that I had someone doing some unrelated web work for me that I asked to change the page names to reflect the category names. This would line up with how my old original custom tempate worked and all the pages that were already in search engines. I didn't realize there were other problems.
Bottom line search will pull up photos and you can click on photos and go to the photo. (Test the word "tree" to see an example of the problem.) But if there is more than one page of photos pulled up in the search results, I get a "album does not exist error message. Also the cloud tags don't work, I get the error message that the album does not exist again when you click a tag. This could easily be an issue created by changing page names. I probably did not thoroughly test if that affected the search.
I just discovered the problem this week and need to get it fixed because it is seriously affecting my stats more than likely frustrating a lot of people and possible clients. I know I would leave the site and go elsewhere if I was hitting bad links.
As far as changes, all I need is an intro to appear on the main gallery page with the albums. It explains to my customers what I do as far as mural work is concerned. I use coppermine as a portfolio for my work, not as a group or community photo gallery. So there are many features or links not visible to the public, as I don't allow people to upload photos.
The coppermine search box I would like added to the template so it appears on every page. This makes it easy for people to search for photos quickly and eliminates an extra click. Yes I do have a google search box at the top which will remain, but it searches the entire site. I want people looking for photos to just search the photo gallery.
Please let me know if this is a better explanation of the problems that need fixing and what I need as far as changes.
Thank you for reading.
Where is the "Powered by Coppermine Photo Gallery"???
Looks like it is in a footer with 0px and all white font on white background? Why is that?
I didn't take that off the footer or ask it to be taken off. I will check it out. Thx.
Quote from: shoucate on May 13, 2009, 03:31:36 PM
I payed someone here to upgrade coppermine to the latest version a few months ago, someone that is on the board here.
Please post the name. We like to know if the jobs performed by the freelancers where done and how they were done.
Juachim(Fabricio)I believe it was you who upgraded my coppermine and then updated my old template. Someone else changed the category names for me. The second person may have caused the linking problems when they changed cat names. I don't know. I don't think it is really important who did it anyway. All I need is someone that wants to get paid to fix issues. Since I just noticed the issues it is my fault for not being as thorough checking that all functions were working properly.
Quote from: Joachim Müller on May 14, 2009, 08:21:31 AM
Please post the name. We like to know if the jobs performed by the freelancers where done and how they were done.
I did the upgrade. And both of us (shoucate and I) agree on change the template instead of update the old one. So, no, I did not upgrade the old template. In fact, I did never update an outdated template in my life.
Quote from: shoucate on May 14, 2009, 02:10:04 PM
Juachim(Fabricio)I believe it was you who upgraded my coppermine
Quote from: shoucate on May 14, 2009, 02:10:04 PM
and then updated my old template.
No. We just add the footer and header.
@shoucate: Then how come that the Powered by Coppermine tag is gone? I'm sure that Fabricio hasn't removed it... ::) Please restore it.
Quote from: Joachim Müller on May 14, 2009, 03:25:32 PM
Please restore it.
Increase the font size here:
.footer {
font-size : 0px;
color: #ffffff;
As soon as I can get someone to fix the issues, I will have them restore it. I did not change that at all. If I were going to do that I would have deleted all text references. Do I just delete that code off the style sheet? Which again I did not add that code. If I could fix everything I would not be trying to pay someone to do it. Obviously no one is interested in getting paid to work on this so I will go elswhere to get help.
Quote from: shoucate on May 14, 2009, 09:19:31 PM
no one is interested in getting paid to work on this
Quote from: eenemeenemuu on May 13, 2009, 08:38:10 AM
It's hard to estimate the amount of work, because you don't know what exactly is damaged. Maybe it can be fixed with a simple upgrade, maybe you have to review a lot of files.
That could be the reason. Nobody wants to run into trouble for 30$.
It's weird that your coppermine generates links like
image_search&cat=0_1.php that work :o
Quote from: shoucate on May 14, 2009, 09:19:31 PM
I will go elswhere to get help.
Good luck. Maybe a freelancer answer to this post in the next days.
Thank you for being nice emee. I can understand if the budget was not high enough I just estimated as best I could. I figured someone that was very knowledgable with the product would be able to figure out quickly where the problem was. I even said I would pay more in one of my responses, still no takers.
You can put this as resolved and I will hire someone at scriptlance to fix this.
Marked as closed as requested.
Good luck with it.