Hello -
I have a budget of $100
I believe that my coppermine has been somewhat modified and I am afraid to upgrade to the newest version myself for fear that I will ruin something.
Already there has been a few problems. I was trying to do a back-up and one of my member's albums just disappeared.
My mass e-mail does not work and either does the e-mail notification when someone leaves a comment.
General Error
Ran into problems sending Mail. Response: 550 must be authenticated
Line : 152
File : smtp.php
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I also have a phpbb forum where when you leave a message an error message comes up, but yet the message is still published. It confuses me and members.
My site is http://PhotoShowdown.com
My webhost is One an One - They provide no help with the site, but give access and most of the necessary tools
Kind Regards - Gunther Allen
In your other thread Joachim asked you not to create a new thread but continue the one you have open.
Why do you not do as requesed and be patient. Continually breaking the rules and ignoring advice given is not a good idea if you want continued help.
Locking this thread