With this plugin you can 'upload' videos from Youtube and other video file hosters to your website.
Please find the button for the config page on the plugin manager. There you can enable/disable the different video hosters.
1. Create a text file and insert the permalink or url from the browser address bar (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B26asyGKDo)
2. Rename the text file to <filename>.<provider> (e.g. my_video.youtube)
3. Upload the text file to your Coppermine gallery (use the upload form or the batch-add feature)
4. Optional: upload a thumbnail for your video by using this plugin (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,60272.0.html)
Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/coppermine/files/Plugins/1.5.x/cpg1.5.x_plugin_remote_videos_v1.11.zip/download
That's cool - the kids will love that one.
This kind of plugins becomes CPG even more popular, nice one! I love it! (...and I'm not a kid :P)
Nice one ;D. And having a plugin will reduce the amount of support from people who struggle with the Youtube mod.
What other providors do you have in mind?
I don't really use video in coppermine on my windsurfing site as the joomla integration combined with this plugin linked to below takes care of all my media needs. I've linked the plugin as it has a good list of other providors and their settings.
This is just an improved plugin version of my cpg1.4.x mod (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,58222.0.html) 8)
I use Youtube for hosting too large video files (file size limit on my free webhost) and I don't know which other popular video websites exists. The only one I know is from Germany: www.myvideo.de
If a user want to have support for another provider, I will add it to the plugin and release a new version.
Quote from: eenemeenemuu on June 19, 2009, 08:20:48 AM
I don't know which other popular video websites exists.
It probably the same as "I don't know which other popular search engine exists." :) Of course that there are others outthere, but Youtube (or Google in my example) has more than 90% of visitors worldwide. It's not a
must, but if you
want to, you could take a look at this list: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/embedded-video-with-link/ (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/embedded-video-with-link/)
My suggestion would be only these ones:
- Google Video
- Metacafé
- Yahoo! Video
- MySpace Video
One that
had a good past was dailymotion, not so popular nowadays.
Despite this critics, I love this plugin!
I would add vimeo to that list. It is very popular over here and growing rapidly
There may be some who will find it usefull to embedd videos from adult video sites like youporn. I know that this is the armpit of the internet and I could understand if you would not want to look into this. As I said before, I wouldn't use the plugin anway, as videos are beyond scope on my personal coppermine-driven sites, so this is just a suggestion what others might find usefull.
Not sure about all those sites - do all of them have an API? Do they want others to embedd their content? There is an aspect to this in legal terms as well.
I don't use any API. I just use the embed code these hosters provide to the public - so they want others to embed their content :)
I currently add support for the providers you told me.
On Fritz's site that I linked to above there is a little info on the legal implications of embedding from these sites including some details on sites he was not allowed to add to his list.
Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on June 19, 2009, 09:41:42 AM
On Fritz's site that I linked to above there is a little info on the legal implications of embedding from these sites including some details on sites he was not allowed to add to his list.
I'd be interessted in such an article, but couldn't spot it. Could you please post a deep link to it?
@Andre: on Fritz's page there is a list of video services supported by his tool (http://allvideos.fritz-elfert.de/remote-content.html):
- 6.cn (http://6.cn/watch/5875895.html)
- Apple trailers (http://www.apple.com/trailers/disney/walle/exclusive_medium.html)
- Blip.tv (http://blip.tv/file/1045496/)
- GameTrailers (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/35864.html)
- MegaVideo (http://www.megavideo.com/?v=SSUJCTP0)
- MyShows (http://www.myshows.cn/myplayvideo.aspx?vid=3142)
- Google (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5547481422995115331)
- Yahoo (http://video.yahoo.com/watch/4999350/13297892)
- YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lbvSBNLLoo)
- iFilm (now Spike) (http://www.ifilm.com/video/2783985)
- Vimeo (http://www.vimeo.com/420617)
- Metacafe (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/801083/impresive_drive_by_my_t3rio/)
- Break (http://www.break.com/index/absolutely-hilarious-bathroom-mirror-prank.html)
- Jumpcut (http://www.jumpcut.com/view/?id=300286B0350B11DC9A12000423CEF5B0)
- Current TV (http://current.com/items/85012811_hard_in_an_instant)
- Revver (http://www.revver.com/video/27335/extreme-diet-coke-mentos-experiments/)
- College Humor (http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1796348)
- MyVideo.de (http://www.myvideo.de/watch/3052858)
- SevenLoad.de (http://de.sevenload.com/videos/BqV1zFl/Ein-Kaefer-mischt-auf-Minuscule)
- ClipFish (http://www.clipfish.de/player.php?videoid=NDE2fDMz)
- Stickam (http://www.stickam.com/editMediaComment.do?method=load&mId=176905747)
- FreeVideoBlog (now Vidiac) (http://www.vidiac.com/toprated/0/f24a376c-636c-4280-af15-8b9547f46127.htm)
- StreetFire (http://videos.streetfire.net/video/7b129723-1aac-40a5-b9cf-9a1d00e3ecda.htm)
- DropShots (http://www.dropshots.com/felfert#albums/videotest/2007-04-28/09:30:42)
- Bofunk (http://www.bofunk.com/video/6192/me_under_the_train.html)
- Virb.com (http://www.virb.com/victorsolomon/videos/2795)
- TED.com (http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/127)
- DailyMotion.com (http://www.dailymotion.com/de/cluster/travel/featured/video/x5tnma_weisswasserrodeo-das-kajak-special_sport)
So you could conclude that it's a list of popular services that probably fall into the category "can be used with remote players".
Quote from: Joachim Müller on June 19, 2009, 10:36:00 AM
- 6.cn (http://6.cn/watch/5875895.html)
- Apple trailers (http://www.apple.com/trailers/disney/walle/exclusive_medium.html)
- Blip.tv (http://blip.tv/file/1045496/)
- GameTrailers (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/35864.html)
- MegaVideo (http://www.megavideo.com/?v=SSUJCTP0)
- MyShows (http://www.myshows.cn/myplayvideo.aspx?vid=3142)
- Google (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5547481422995115331)
- Yahoo (http://video.yahoo.com/watch/4999350/13297892)
- YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lbvSBNLLoo)
- iFilm (now Spike) (http://www.ifilm.com/video/2783985)
- Vimeo (http://www.vimeo.com/420617)
- Metacafe (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/801083/impresive_drive_by_my_t3rio/)
- Break (http://www.break.com/index/absolutely-hilarious-bathroom-mirror-prank.html)
- Jumpcut (http://www.jumpcut.com/view/?id=300286B0350B11DC9A12000423CEF5B0)
- Current TV (http://current.com/items/85012811_hard_in_an_instant)
- Revver (http://www.revver.com/video/27335/extreme-diet-coke-mentos-experiments/)
- College Humor (http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1796348)
- MyVideo.de (http://www.myvideo.de/watch/3052858)
- SevenLoad.de (http://de.sevenload.com/videos/BqV1zFl/Ein-Kaefer-mischt-auf-Minuscule)
- ClipFish (http://www.clipfish.de/player.php?videoid=NDE2fDMz)
- Stickam (http://www.stickam.com/editMediaComment.do?method=load&mId=176905747)
- FreeVideoBlog (now Vidiac) (http://www.vidiac.com/toprated/0/f24a376c-636c-4280-af15-8b9547f46127.htm)
- StreetFire (http://videos.streetfire.net/video/7b129723-1aac-40a5-b9cf-9a1d00e3ecda.htm)
- DropShots (http://www.dropshots.com/felfert#albums/videotest/2007-04-28/09:30:42)
- Bofunk (http://www.bofunk.com/video/6192/me_under_the_train.html)
- Virb.com (http://www.virb.com/victorsolomon/videos/2795)
- TED.com (http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/127)
- DailyMotion.com (http://www.dailymotion.com/de/cluster/travel/featured/video/x5tnma_weisswasserrodeo-das-kajak-special_sport)
A lot to do ;D work in progress.
I need to increase the size of the file type extension during plugin installation:
Can this cause some unintended behavior to the rest of the gallery?
It was a while back when I first started using the plugin that I saw the legal page but I cannot find it right now. It may have been on on of the othe branches of this plugin as there are a number borrowing the code.
The gist of it is that it all depends on whether it can be considered "re-broadcasting". In the UK for instance it is illegal to rebroadcast without consent but in the case of embedding you are not the one liable but the host site is. There have been cases in the UK where lawyers have sent out letters asking poeple to withdraw such content and people usually abide. There has not yet been a case of this taken to court in the UK as both sides are worried it would set a legal precedent which depending on which way it went could damage either side. In Turkey for however, you are considered the one liable and can be persued. So it depends on where you are.
Another worrying issue is that of privacy. By viewing an embedded video you are still sending certain information back to for example youtube, it is just the way a browser works. But you as a user have not visited youtube but another site that happened to embed a youtube video. Therefore you did not have a choice whether to have that information sent to them. There are currently legal wrangles going on accross the globe regarding this to find out who is ultimately responsible and whether this is an invasion of privacy.
So having said all that I suggest you put a disclaimer/warning somewhere in the plugin stating some of the above information.
Quote from: eenemeenemuu on June 19, 2009, 12:46:33 PM
I need to increase the size of the file type extension during plugin installation:
Can this cause some unintended behavior to the rest of the gallery?
I'm not sure. I suggest asking this question on the dev board for cpg1.5.x coding and to suggest increasing the size in the first place (not only for the plugin, but generally for the entire cpg1.5.x install).
Version 1.3 attached to the initial post.
Issue: Slideshow button sometimes crashes gallery if an external video is displayed as guest.
http://pics.timos-welt.de/displayimage-lastup-0-1037.html => click on slideshow.
While executing query 'UPDATE cpg15x_pictures SET hits = hits + 1, lasthit_ip = '', mtime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE pid = ' in include/functions.inc.php on line 2626
mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Same happens for all non-images. See bug report (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,63316.0.html).
Version 1.5 adds a new config option to overwrite the default video dimensions.
I have tried uploading a privat video, which works fine if you use the youtube URL a normal video has, but if you try to upload the "Limited-access URL" youtube offers I get this error:
Error: invalid video id
I dont make my videos (of the kids for my family to see) available to everybody, so it would be useful if this type of youtube URLs were supported.
I tested a private YouTube video some weeks ago and it worked. Please post the url.
Updated the video player height for the new dailymotion player in version 1.6.
When trying to upload "Jeff.YouTube" I get "Security Error". :(
Please try to upload that file with the simple upload form (http upload). Problem seems not to be related to this plugin, but to your Coppermine setup. Maybe it helps to write the file extension in lower case.
hi just add some code for youtube private videos. extension for them will be youtubepriv
Thanks for your contribution.
If you click on a limited access url (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/
watch_private?v=abcdefghijk&sharing_token=N5RZKiA4K3cNuHELreQkeA) you will automatically redirected to http://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=abcdefghijk. It's not possible to embed private videos via limited access url. Hm, it's technically possible, but only registered YouTube users which have access to that video can view it.
Changelog of version 1.7:
- Use YouTube privacy-enhanced mode.
- Added support for YouTube private video urls.
Very nice
I was reading through the example codes for cpg1.4 to do this and it was making my head spin
upgraded to 1.5 and installed this, all working sweet
I had a look in the codebase.php file most of it seems to make sense
just wondered if anyone can tell me how to find the info to add in more sites?
motionbox and photobucket to be exact
Quote from: grantson on May 21, 2010, 03:06:37 PM
motionbox and photobucket to be exact
I'll have a look if it's possible to integrate them.
You need an account for motionbox.com - I neither have one nor want to register myself.
It's not possible to derive the embed path from the website url at photobucket.com. You need to enter that path manually, which isn't fool-proof and therefore beyond the scope of this plugin. Of course you can add
case 'photobucket':
$params = array(
'search_pattern' => '/(.*)/',
'default_width' => 600,
'default_height' => 361,
'player' => 'http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf',
'player_height' => 0,
return remote_videos_html_replace($params, $pic_html);
to codebase.php. But that's only recommended if you are the only person who can upload files to your gallery.
Thanks Andre :)
Could someone help me?
I've just installed the latest version of Coppermine and also this plugin, but I cant find the upload link and field for videos in my Upload Screen.
How can I fix that?
Quote from: sweetgunner on June 24, 2010, 10:37:54 PM
Could someone help me?
I've just installed the latest version of Coppermine and also this plugin, but I cant find the upload link and field for videos in my Upload Screen.
How can I fix that?
Ok, sorry. I just figured out how to do it. I was thinking as vs 1.4... ::)
Version 1.8 fixes a small issue on the plugin config page. If a 'remote video file extension' is the first entry in the allowed movie types list, the checkbox is now set correctly.
This works like a charm. Thank you.
I was a bit confused as to how to configure it, but that's now sorted.
Still, uploading a text file may be a fiddle for non-tech users. Perhaps a form with inputs for an url and a dropdown for video provider would be useful - when sent, this creates the textfile automatically. Just a thought.
Maybe I'm wrong...
I've got several movies added in my CPG 1.4x with the Youtube-mod.
Will these be available with this plugin or do I have to add them all again?
There are at least 2 YouTube mods. Please post a link which mod you are using.
Quote from: Αndré on August 19, 2010, 09:13:39 AM
There are at least 2 YouTube mods. Please post a link which mod you are using.
I am/was using this one : http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,37962.0.html
I don't know how that plugin works. But I assume that it won't work without some changes. Just give it a try in a local test environment.
I've tried your plugin.
no modding -> no fuss with updates
need to create and upload a text-file
need to create and upload a thumbnail
The mod had as pro that you could just put the URL in an text-field and that the thumbnail was automatically generated.
If you can add the last two contra's to pro's you've got a wonderfull plugin.
Everybody should than be able to add YouTube-movies ;)
I already thought about a box where you just have to paste the youtube url and it creates the file automatically. I planned to add a second box where you have to add the file name (or alternatively use the video id as file name). But as the plugin is designed to work without fopen, I think it's not possible to automatically add the thumbnail. Of course the plugin could try to grab the thumbnail and just do noting if it doesn't work.
Let me think a little bit more about these options and give me some time :)
Quote from: Αndré on August 19, 2010, 10:04:02 PM
I already thought about a box where you just have to paste the youtube url and it creates the file automatically. I planned to add a second box where you have to add the file name (or alternatively use the video id as file name). But as the plugin is designed to work without fopen, I think it's not possible to automatically add the thumbnail. Of course the plugin could try to grab the thumbnail and just do noting if it doesn't work.
Let me think a little bit more about these options and give me some time :)
Bitte ;)
The two largest suppliers of my plugins are German... how's that possible :D
Quote from: ff on August 19, 2010, 10:32:52 PM
The two largest suppliers of my plugins are German... how's that possible :D
We are busy bunnies :)
I am very satisfied about your plugin, and it works fine with the custom image.
It is a little work creating the text files, change the extension, and loading up for every file an image,
but the results may be seen. I upload for each audio also a custom image.
Advantage, all the other video providers can be done on the same way.
Once I was familar with "how to do it" i am very surprised with the result.
Here you have an example of my site:
Thank you very much, und eine gutte tag zugewuncht :o
I have discoverd something special:
If you use keyword tags for your Albums and Files
If you enable the keywords manager in your general settings
If you enable in your album list settings show number of linked files
For an album with a keyword f.i. "Promise", the application gonna search in all your albums all files where the word "Promise" is used.
In the album list it gives you a review, there are 3 normal files and 7 linked files in this album.
In the thumnail file list view of that album: First you will see the original files and than the linked files from all other albums.
It gonna give you the linked youtube files and also the uploaded thumbnails for that files.
So your user can see everything about "Promise" from different albums in one same album.
So that story about linked files works also for this plugin remote videos.
I was surprised in a very positive sense, to view this, and hope you can use it, because it is a powerful tool.
I tested a lot of applications, but I cannot ignore for these special things, coppermine is the best ;D
Here you can see an example, see the description of the last folder "Promise" and open it,
The 3 first files Promise 01,02,03 are original files, all the other files are linked files from other albums.
http://christianitymedia.net/index.php?cat=4&page=3 (http://christianitymedia.net/index.php?cat=4&page=3)
Quote from: christianr on August 24, 2010, 01:25:54 PM
I have discoverd something special:
If you use keyword tags for your Albums and Files
If you enable the keywords manager in your general settings
If you enable in your album list settings show number of linked files
For an album with a keyword f.i. "Promise", the application gonna search in all your albums all files where the word "Promise" is used.
In the album list it gives you a review, there are 3 normal files and 7 linked files in this album.
In the thumnail file list view of that album: First you will see the original files and than the linked files from all other albums.
It gonna give you the linked youtube files and also the uploaded thumbnails for that files.
So your user can see everything about "Promise" from different albums in one same album.
So that story about linked files works also for this plugin remote videos.
I was surprised in a very positive sense, to view this, and hope you can use it, because it is a powerful tool.
I tested a lot of applications, but I cannot ignore for these special things, coppermine is the best ;D
Here you can see an example, see the description of the last folder "Promise" and open it,
The 3 first files Promise 01,02,03 are original files, all the other files are linked files from other albums.
http://christianitymedia.net/index.php?cat=4&page=3 (http://christianitymedia.net/index.php?cat=4&page=3)
Something wrong here? Or is it just a report that this plugin works like a charm? 8)
Quote from: Αndré on August 24, 2010, 08:09:12 PM
Something wrong here? Or is it just a report that this plugin works like a charm? 8)
Everythings works above my expectations, thanks for this fine plugin
I'm upgrading to the latest 1.5.x and I'm curious about my current YouTube videos. Someone else asked here but I'm not sure if their reply back was that everything was fine or not.
Anyhow, currently I am using 1.4.x with this YouTube modification:
To be honest I love it, I don't have to do anything other then post the URL and it does the thumbnail for me. I wish you could somehow do the same thing with this.
Anyhow, I'm curious if my YouTube videos will still work (with thumbs and all) when I switch over to the newer version, or am I going to have to add them again again - thus taking a LONG time to fix & having to make thumbnails for each and having views back at 0
It's already on my to-do list:
Quote from: Αndré on August 19, 2010, 10:04:02 PM
I already thought about a box where you just have to paste the youtube url and it creates the file automatically. I planned to add a second box where you have to add the file name (or alternatively use the video id as file name). But as the plugin is designed to work without fopen, I think it's not possible to automatically add the thumbnail. Of course the plugin could try to grab the thumbnail and just do noting if it doesn't work.
Give me some time to add and test this feature.
Awesome :)
Quote from: Αndré on August 30, 2010, 06:39:35 PM
It's already on my to-do list:
Give me some time to add and test this feature.
Is one month too soon? ;)
I wish I could program like you guys.
Quote from: ff on October 11, 2010, 08:09:19 PM
Is one month too soon? ;)
No. I'm currently quite busy. But it's on top of my list and it will be added as soon I find some spare time :)
Quote from: Αndré on October 11, 2010, 09:31:44 PM
No. I'm currently quite busy. But it's on top of my list and it will be added as soon I find some spare time :)
Glad you still plan on this. Is the only reason I haven't upgraded yet lol ;)
Quote from: ShiversOfHorror on October 27, 2010, 05:59:33 PM
Glad you still plan on this. Is the only reason I haven't upgraded yet lol ;)
I'm setting 1.5 up right now.
I think I'll get a big notify on this thread because I'm eager :)
I made a text file to the youtube video how do i change the name? When i click on the photo it just opens a browser with the code
i was trying to follow the instructions from andre.
1. Create a text file and insert the permalink or url from the browser address bar
2. Rename the text file to <filename>.<provider>
3. Upload the file like a normal video file
how do i upload it like a normal video file? maybe thats the problem.
Quote from: auct on December 17, 2010, 10:50:46 PM
how do i change the name
With your file browser.
Quote from: auct on December 17, 2010, 10:50:46 PM
how do i upload it like a normal video file?
Just upload it like any other file you upload in Coppermine (with the flash uploader, the upload form or via batch-add).
thanks for answering so fast Andre what all should be in my text file, i can't change the .txt to .youtube
did you check my link?
You have to rename the file before you upload it. You have to insert
Quote from: auct on December 17, 2010, 10:50:46 PM
the permalink or url from the browser address bar
of the video.
Quote from: Αndré on October 11, 2010, 09:31:44 PM
No. I'm currently quite busy. But it's on top of my list and it will be added as soon I find some spare time :)
Hey André, can you give the final touch to this plugin? Cheers.
hello i just install this mod & is not working where i can post the youtube url?
can you give me more inf as you saying
2. Rename the text file to <filename>.<provider>
i cant save text file to <filename>.<provider>
or i'm doing any thing bad need more info plez
Quote from: Αndré on June 18, 2009, 05:03:20 PM
With this plugin you can 'upload' videos from Youtube and other video file hosters to your website.
Please find the button for the config page on the plugin manager. There you can enable/disable the different video hosters.
1. Create a text file and insert the permalink or url from the browser address bar
2. Rename the text file to <filename>.<provider>
3. Upload the file like a normal video file
4. Optional: upload a thumbnail for your video by using this plugin (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,60272.0.html)
Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/coppermine/files/Plugins/1.5.x/cpg1.5.x_plugin_remote-videos_v1.7.zip/download
Quote from: johny000 on April 11, 2011, 10:54:21 AM
i cant save text file to <filename>.<provider>
You have to replace the token with something like
I just updated the instructions in the initial post.
so i got the plugin to work, but i can't seem to get my thumb nail shown. can someone help me?
How do you add the thumbnail? Please post a link to a video where the thumbnail doesn't work.
please can you add the videozer.com to this plug-in
i tried to add it but all my tries was failed
I do something wrong using this plugin and I hope you can help me!
My video is on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1zpS0ins0A&feature=feedu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1zpS0ins0A&feature=feedu)).
I created the textfile Joyride.youtube (including exactly the link) and uploaded it via http-upload.
I also uploaded a thumbnail for my video using the plugin Custom Thumbnail for cpg1.5.x (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,60272.0.html (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,60272.0.html))
When I watch my gallery (Videos in www.photo66.at (http://www.photo66.at)) I can see the thumbnail for the video, but when I click on it, a new browser window opens showing the text http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1zpS0ins0A&feature=feedu (that's the link to my YouTube video) instead of starting the video.
Can you tell me what I did wrong?
Try to remove the
Quote from: Αndré on October 23, 2011, 03:34:57 PM
Try to remove the
Sorry that I haven't answered till today...
I tried it without that but the result is the same.
If I copy it into the address line of my browser everthing is alright.
You have to display known file extensions in your browser. You haven't uploaded the file
Remove the .txt and it will work as expected.
Any change for à version supporter for Ipads ? (no flash) ??
Sorry for the strange English.
It is the T9 on my IPad. ( it was still on Dutch)
This plugin just uses the functionality provided by the video hosting sites. I have no personal interest in exploring all available websites if they provide a HTML5 player. So if you need that support, please have a look at those websites yourself and suggest their HTML5 codes.
Hi Andre..
I would like to use this plugin but is not working for me,
In NOTEPAP...I include the youtube URL...
and SAVE as "mtvideo.youtube", upload using "normal" way but opens a code files tumbnails...cliking on it opens a blank page.
Please could you tell me what I did wrong?
yhank you.
Please post a link to the intermediate view of that uploaded file in your gallery (displayimage.php).
Quote from: Αndré on November 06, 2011, 11:18:53 PM
You have to display known file extensions in your browser. You haven't uploaded the file
Remove the .txt and it will work as expected.
With the txt-ending I only get a screen showing nothing but the url.
Without the txt-ending I cant even upload the file. I get this error message:
Forbidden file extension!
what now?
Quote from: Αndré on June 18, 2009, 05:03:20 PM
Please find the button for the config page on the plugin manager. There you can enable/disable the different video hosters.
I think it has something to do with the enabling. When I hit the "remote videos" button on the plugin managing site I get redirected to the start page.
Nothing is happening. No adding of new file types or sth like that.
I tried to add "youtube" as a new video file type under settings - file settings, but didnt work either.
tried to reinstall the plugin, but didnt work either.
Any advice?
After installing the plugin:
Quote from: Αndré on June 18, 2009, 05:03:20 PM
Please find the button for the config page on the plugin manager. There you can enable/disable the different video hosters.
Without that additional configuration you won't be able to upload the custom plugin file types.
Quote from: Αndré on March 05, 2012, 04:56:08 PM
After installing the plugin:
Without that additional configuration you won't be able to upload the custom plugin file types.
How can I get there? When I hit the "Remote videos"-button (the one with the toothed wheel) on the plugin manager site, I get redirected to the index.
I just downloaded plugin version 1.8 from the initial post, installed it and hit the "Remote Videos Config" button. It directs me to index.php?file=remote_videos/admin and displays the plugin configuration screen, as intended (see attachment).
Great Plugin.
Any thoughts for .facebook remote video - Mainly for use with business "pages" where no login to facebook is required by the end user? Have I missed it some how?
Please post a link to a Facebook video, so I can check its embedding options.
Facebook Public Video Link:
I cannot see any embedding options, so I think Facebook doesn't want that people embed their videos somewhere else. So there won't be support for Facebook videos, sorry.
We appreciate you looking at this.
Thank you for your time,
Hello :)
Can anyone make a video step by step how to use this plugin? I'm trying for months to do it but fail: (
Get Here:
Upload ... (TODO)
But the video and not be attached: (
Make a short video video, step by step work, please!
Maybe someone else will, but I won't create a video, as the instructions are very easy IMHO. Instead, explain what doesn't work and/or attach the file you try to upload to your gallery.
From the instructions I can not figure out how to uploading -
use the upload form or the batch-add feature
What, where and how uploading (state) in this plugin is not well explained - explained. No good illustration.
Should the server where my site is to be "virtual", ie Mainframe with full access to the root directory?
Quote from: brad4edat on July 23, 2012, 07:13:00 PM
I can not figure out how to uploading
Hmmmm... I think this feature will be good with pictures too or make a remote pictures plugin: uploaded or remote picture show on gallery... ::)
I won't add this feature to this plugin, and I probably also won't create such a plugin.
Is this plugin just for admin's to upload youtube videos to their gallery or can users/members also upload youtube videos ?
Like every other file type, everyone can upload this special file type.
Thank you André for the mod
Really like how when the video is enlarged the user is not directed to You Tube.
So the uploading side does not look like "the poor cousin" to other gallery platforms is it possible please for you to code into the mod
as others have suggested where the user can simply just paste in the video hosts URL ?
I know of open source code that maybe of use to you to help implement where you can just paste in the URL ?
Obviously I am requesting this cause I want my gallery to be easy for our users to use, but obviously its going to really help to future proof the demand for Coppermine .....
Quote from: terrano on September 12, 2012, 10:00:47 PM
is it possible please for you to code into the mod
as others have suggested where the user can simply just paste in the video hosts URL ?
I still don't know where to place the field. Do you have any suggestions? If not, my idea is to add a button either to the menu or directly on the upload pages, which redirects you to a separate upload form where you can select the album and paste the URL.
Thank you Αndré
Yes think on the upload page would be best. (clean and least confusion)
Any idea please on a time frame when this can be implemented Αndré ?
I'm currently working on an Youtube URL user upload plugin which will work with this plugin Remote videos for cpg1.5.
I have added a third upload form in addition to swf and single file uploads.
Also I have made a conversion tool for the old Youtube hack for cpg1.4 by Nibbler so Coppermine sites still on cpg1.4 can upgrade and keep their Youtube links.
To make this plugin installable by anybody I want a new hook in db_input.php to process "uploads" which are not file uploads.
My suggestion for a new hook is like this in the last lines of db_input.php:
if(CPGPluginAPI::action('upload_process',$event)) break;
// Unknown event
if ($CONFIG['log_mode'] != 0) {
log_write('Denied privileged access to db_input.php (unknown event) for user '.$USER_DATA['user_name'].' at ' . $hdr_ip, CPG_SECURITY_LOG);
cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_errors['param_missing'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
Thank you Veronica that is excellent.
With wishful thinking I installed the code :) are you able to give an indication
of time frame please Veronica, days weeks, months ? Appreciate everyone busy with
their own projects, looking to release our new site in 2 weeks, wondering if first bit
of correspondence going to be - "What's notepad" :D
I have a 99% working plugin but some more testing should be performed by me before releasing the code for installation
Well done - thank you for all your effort into the plugin ...
This is a status update of my new remote video linking plugin.
I have found a bug in Coppermine 1.5.20 which results in none of the help screens is easy readable within my plugin
When this bug is resolved by Coppermine development I can continue my work and also release my plugin
Thank you for the update Veronica
Our new site is ready togo live - this is the only piece of the jigsaw left to do.
Appreciate how precious The Coppermine Development team's time is, are you able to give a
time frame please when the bug will be fixed ?
Veronica could you please contact me at 188318@gmail.com
Thank you
This is a fantastic plugin idea!
However I am having a little trouble...I have followed all of the instructions but after loading the test file to Coppermine I get the following error message when trying to view:
Error: invalid video id
Could somebody please advise where I might be going wrong. I have the latest version of the video plugin (1.8) and Coppermine version 1.5.24
Ok, so if you leave us long enough we will work it out!
I needed to remove the "s" from https in the URL.
I'll have a look if I can add HTTPS support.
please can add vk.com or any other video hosting for erotic content. The presented nothing works or violated by law (that I make myself shoot :)) :)
Feel free to extend the plugin, it shouldn't be hard to understand how it works and how to add additional video hosting services.
not obtained to extend the plugin :-\
where to find params 'player' from vk.com ?
You would need to research your chosen video provider. Some do not allow remote videos while other readily provide all the details. Andre has provided the facilities for many but we cannot obviously provide for all as they vary so much.
if the video 100-200 pieces (each video is about 100Mb)upload, will it affect performance of my site
or you recommend to download the video on the video hosting?
performance of my hosting average
all-gsm, unfortunately I don't know what you're asking for. Using this plugin will save some traffic and storage space from your website, as you'd upload the video files to an external page.
video that I need only on vk.com, unfortunately I do not know how to extend the plugin, I tried,
and about the video I meant upload to my site, video 100-200 pcs (each video ~ 100Mb), it probably will be very slow job site. Way more than 100MB video playing slow.
New installation of CPG w/ remote video plugin --> Remote_Videos: Revision: 7781 LastChangedBy: eenemeenemuu
All is wonderful except the remote videos; which produce "Error: invalid video id".
In searching this forum, I find similar posts but nary a solution... Would really like to get this up and running.
All videos are YouTube pieces --of our own authorship -->a sample link is below.
Any help would be Greatly appreciated.
Use this url:
Check out the post of the plugin:
Try this change: http://sourceforge.net/p/coppermine/code/8636/#diff-1
Thank you very much André.
Αndré, Niecher --> THANKS!
Especially for the updated codebase.php file.
It's just not working for me. I uploaded 02_02_14.youtube file on coppermine callery and i show player icon, but when i push the video icon nothing to do. Whats problem? anyone can help me?
A link to the gallery would help to see what it is doing...
What version of Coppermine and the plugin?
I hadn't used this plugin before - but installed in in my testbed, uploaded the textfile description as {filename}.youtube, and played it successfully.
okei i see you :) http://rescue.nsc.ee/displayimage.php?album=15&pid=437#top_display_media
I use coppermine 1.5.26 version and plugin 1.8 version
OK... your .youtube file looks correct - containing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOBiTKD2a-c which properly plays on youtube...
I loaded the same file to my sandbox and it played fine...
I overrode your sites theme - adding &theme=curve to the url:
http://rescue.nsc.ee/displayimage.php?album=15&pid=437&theme=curve#top_display_media (http://rescue.nsc.ee/displayimage.php?album=15&pid=437&theme=curve#top_display_media)
and the video played fine...
Something in your theme may be altering the code generating for the imbedded flash?
The page source for the flash object on your site appears as:
<object id="SWFlash" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="320" height="285"><param name="autostart" value="true" /><param name="src" value="albums/userpics/10001/video.youtube" /><embed width="320" height="285" src="albums/userpics/10001/video.youtube" autostart="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ></embed></object><br />
and on my site - and yours with theme set to curve:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="385" data="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/DOBiTKD2a-c"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/DOBiTKD2a-c" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /></object><br />
Not sure what accounts for the difference - but maybe will point you in the right direction...
okay, but how it works in floog theme?
i don't understood, what's different?
but looks this http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg15x/displayimage.php?album=6&pid=17#top_display_media
video is working..but not me.
Perhaps one of the other devs can assist when they are available... Others have works with themes and the theme engine much more than me...
Currently when I look at your link I am getting a database error. Is that something new?
Please look again http://rescue.nsc.ee/displayimage.php?album=15&pid=438#top_display_media
see threadhttp://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,62704.0.html (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,62704.0.html) for related issue with another flash plugin...
i'll try it, but nothing change.
As it seems to be a theme issue, please don't clutter any plugin threads, but start a new thread in the themes board describing your issue. Thanks.
I'd just like to say this plugin is excellent. I installed it this evening along with the custom thumbnail plugin & it works very well.
When I posted yesterday about it working well, I had not tried using Chrome. It doesn't appear to work, nothing appears where the intermediate image should be.
Firefox and Internet Explorer work as expected.
I have done a search about embedding videos in Chrome and other people seem to have problems as well. Is it Chrome at fault?
Above is a link to 2 YouTube videos in my gallery
Quote from: sharpo on March 15, 2014, 12:16:34 AM
Works as expected for me with Chrome 33.
Quote from: Αndré on March 15, 2014, 12:54:36 PM
Works as expected for me with Chrome 33.
Thanks for checking Andre.
I'd better investigate further, mine is also version 33. Just checked "about" and it updated to:-
"Version 33.0.1750.154 m Google Chrome is up to date."
Suppose this is what happens when you don't regularly use a certain browser and it isn't the latest version!!
Pleased to say it works for me now.
Is possible to add just embed codes? I mean... if I want to add a video from other host, can I just somehow add the embed code in the file and add it to the gallery? Thanks.
Rather than having to return to here for USAGE, I found it helpful to include the 3 steps in the configuration file $description.
$description = 'Upload videos from video file hosters to your gallery (YouTube, Google, Yahoo!, ...)<br />
USAGE:<br />
1. Create a text file and insert the permalink or url from the browser address bar (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B26asyGKDo)<br />
2. Rename the text file to <filename>.<provider> (e.g. my_video.youtube)<br />
3. Upload the text file to your Coppermine gallery (use the upload form or the batch-add feature)';
Quote from: Apolimia on December 10, 2014, 09:06:35 PM
Is possible to add just embed codes? I mean... if I want to add a video from other host, can I just somehow add the embed code in the file and add it to the gallery? Thanks.
That's currently not supported. Of course it could be added by adjusting the regular expressions the plugin uses to detect the video ID (and probably other needed information). Feel free to adjust the plugin and share it with the community. Maybe a leading and trailing
will already work, but that really depends on the embed code of the respective video hosters.
Attached is a beta version. It includes some unreleased changes I committed over a year ago (:o), Vine support (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,77788.msg377063.html#msg377063) added by ISANexusDev (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?action=profile;u=166395) and some general code and feature improvement of both contributions.
Main things to test:
- YouTube: HTTP and HTTPS support of short (youtu.be) and long (youtube.com) domain - both with and without leading "www" sub-domain
- Vimeo: HTTP and HTTPS support
- Vine: everything (HTTP and HTTPS support & new config options)
Quote from: Αndré on January 30, 2015, 09:56:22 PM
Attached is a beta version. It includes some unreleased changes I committed over a year ago (:o), Vine support (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,77788.msg377063.html#msg377063) added by ISANexusDev (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?action=profile;u=166395) and some general code and feature improvement of both contributions.
Main things to test:
- YouTube: HTTP and HTTPS support of short (youtu.be) and long (youtube.com) domain - both with and without leading "www" sub-domain
- Vimeo: HTTP and HTTPS support
- Vine: everything (HTTP and HTTPS support & new config options)
Reviewed the code: It looks shinny for me.
Tested many Youtube/Vimeo/Vine for https | http + with or without www subdomain + youtube.com | youtu.be combinations, and all were working correctly.
Thank you!
Version 1.9 has been added to initial post.
I am facing a problem, that the video plugin is not working anymore since a day or so. The video link is re-directed from
It WOULD work, if it would be redirected to
or the classic initial link above...
Thanks for fixing
I noticed on my private gallery that all YouTube videos stopped to work. I guess you're facing the same problem, but I don't know what you mean with "redirect" in your explanation.
I just had a look at the embed code YouTube currently provides. It obviously changed to iframe. I'll perform some tests as soon as possible.
Version 1.10 (attached to initial post) should fix the YouTube issues.
Wow! Thanks for the quick turnaround...works fine!
i've tried to figure out the code to embed
<iframe src="http://vk.com/video_ext.php?oid=164681391&id=162151261&hash=45dcf38e51031b2f" width="607" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>
but every method i tried brings up Error: invalid video id
Any ideas?
Please post more details. What exactly have you tried?
Quote from: Αndré on August 04, 2015, 08:21:13 PM
Please post more details. What exactly have you tried?
I didn't keep all the tests but this was the last one i tried, I don't know coding and tried to manipulate existing ones but it didn't work as the VK embed code uses 3 different IDs
case 'vk':
$params = array(
'search_pattern' => '/http:\/\/(?:www\.)?vk\.com\/\?video_ext.php?oid=([A-Za-z0-9]+)&id=([A-Za-z0-9]+)&hash=([A-Za-z0-9]+)/',
'default_width' => 640,
'default_height' => 480,
'player' => 'http://vk.com/video_ext.php?oid={MATCH_1}&id={MATCH_2}&hash={MATCH_3}',
'player_height' => 0,
return remote_videos_html_replace($params, $pic_html);
case '':
$params = array(
'search_pattern' => '',
'default_width' => ,
'default_height' => ,
'player' => '{MATCH_1}',
'player_height' => ,
return remote_videos_html_replace($params, $pic_html);
This is the embed code VK gives
<iframe src="http://vk.com/video_ext.php?oid=164681391&id=162151261&hash=45dcf38e51031b2f" width="607" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>
So theoretically just need to know how to get the oid, id and hash values
'search_pattern' => '/http:\/\/(?:www\.)?vk\.com\/video_ext\.php\?oid=([A-Za-z0-9]+)&id=([A-Za-z0-9]+)&hash=([A-Za-z0-9]+)/',
removes the invalid video ID message.
Unfortunately the vk.com player needs some more parameters to play the video:
<param name="flashvars" value="uid=164681391&vid=162151261&oid=164681391&host=http://cs505420v4.vk.me/&vtag=3db79b5d6d&ltag=l_6b169856&vkid=162151261&md_title=%26lt%3Biframe+src%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fvk.com%2Fvideo_ext.php%3Foid%3D7324586%26id%3D162001297%26hash%3Db7d57fd756ecf0d3%26sd%22+width%3D%26quot&md_author=Elena+Rotsel&author_id=164681391&author_href=/id164681391&hd=0&no_flv=1&hd_def=0&dbg_on=0&t=0&duration=63&thumb=http://cs505420.vk.me/u164681391/video/l_6b169856.jpg&hash=6b3a8670eb0ed9db33fef5cd5dc3487f&hash2=45dcf38e51031b2f&angle=0&img_angle=0&repeat=0&show_ads_preroll=0&show_ads_postroll=0&show_ads_overlay=0&legal_owner=0&eid1=0&slot=0&g=0&a=0&puid34=0&water_mark=&can_rotate=1&c3=&no_adfox=1&ads_preview=0&puid4=0&url240=http://cs505420v4.vk.me/u164681391/videos/3db79b5d6d.240.mp4?extra=D0j3UO6n8dPwDgaNZXS5TbpsaynlgivH2y_L8viVqgfY7xW98I-99CNw08vomo0qwM7NyMTi3mmG4EjeM-J4qNC_IdjPOFI&jpg=http://cs505420.vk.me/u164681391/video/l_6b169856.jpg&ip_subm=1&video_ext=1&is_yandex=0&apm;&is_vk=1&is_ext=1&referrer=&lang_add=Add+to+My+Videos&lang_added=Video+added+to+My+Videos&lang_share=Share&lang_like=Like&lang_subscribe=Subscribe&lang_subscribed=You+have+subscribed&lang_volume_on=Unmute&lang_volume_off=Mute&lang_volume=Volume&lang_hdsd=Change+Video+Quality&lang_open_popup=Expand&lang_fullscreen=Full+Screen&lang_window=Minimize&lang_rotate=Rotate&lang_ads_link=Advertiser%27s+Site&lang_ads=Ads&lang_ads_skip=Skip+ad&lang_next=Next+video&lang_replay=Replay&lang_next_cancel=Cancel&lang_ads_skip_time=Skip+ads+in+%7Btime%7D&lang_report_problem=Report+a+problem..&video_play_hd=Watch+in+HD&video_stop_loading=Stop+Download&video_player_version=VK+Video+Player&goto_orig_video=Go+to+Video&video_get_video_code=Copy+video+code&video_load_error=The+video+has+not+uploaded+yet+or+the+server+is+not+available&video_get_current_url=Copy+frame+link"></param>
so the video player cannot be embedded directly in Coppermine, but needs an iframe. Please have a look how it has been solved for vine.
After many days of clueless testing i have got it to work ;D
ok and to share
$params['player'] = str_replace("{MATCH_2}", $video_id[2], $params['player']);
and below add
$params['player'] = str_replace("{MATCH_3}", $video_id[3], $params['player']);
$params['extra_params'] = str_replace("{MATCH_2}", $video_id[2], $params['extra_params']);
and below add
$params['extra_params'] = str_replace("{MATCH_3}", $video_id[3], $params['extra_params']);
after the last case (eg. vine after break; add
case 'vk':
$params = array(
'search_pattern' => '/http:\/\/(?:www\.)?vk\.com\/video_ext\.php\?oid=([A-Za-z0-9]+)&id=([A-Za-z0-9]+)&hash=([A-Za-z0-9]+)/',
'default_width' => 660,
'default_height' => 415,
'player' => 'http://vk.com/video?act=get_swf&oid={MATCH_1}&vid={MATCH_2}&embed_hash={MATCH_3}',
You'll need to take the url out of the embed code and to save the text file extension as .vk
Quote from: Αndré on June 18, 2009, 05:03:20 PM
With this plugin you can 'upload' videos from Youtube and other video file hosters to your website.
Please find the button for the config page on the plugin manager. There you can enable/disable the different video hosters.
1. Create a text file and insert the permalink or url from the browser address bar (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B26asyGKDo)
2. Rename the text file to <filename>.<provider> (e.g. my_video.youtube)
3. Upload the text file to your Coppermine gallery (use the upload form or the batch-add feature)
4. Optional: upload a thumbnail for your video by using this plugin (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,60272.0.html)
Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/coppermine/files/Plugins/1.5.x/cpg1.5.x_plugin_remote_videos_v1.9.zip/download
Ive uploaded the folder to the gallery directory, as well as the txt file, but this plugin doenst show in plugin directory? nor does the video work
Please read the docs how to install Coppermine plugins.
Version 1.11 (attached to initial post) adds general iframe support. Additionally the deprecated <object> embed was replaced by an iframe for YouTube.
cpg 1.5.46
plugin latest 1.11 version
I get a error when I try to upload file "test.youtube":
QuoteOnly files with the following extensions are accepted: jpg/jpeg/gif/png/asf/asx/mpg/mpeg/wmv/swf/avi/mov/mp3/midi/mid/wma/wav/ogg/doc/txt/rtf/pdf/xls/pps/ppt/zip/gz/mdb
Youtube provider enabled. Extension .youtube enabled and present in allowed movie files.
Fixed after adding mime-type with this (https://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,59917.msg296124.html#msg296124).
need an help to embed clip from videos.sh, thanks to anyone could help me - thanks