I'm looking for somebody who likes to help me to build my own theme.
website : www.stevo.be
price : max 100 euro
work: max 50 hrs
I want to learn more of building themes together with somebody who knows a lot about coppermine (I have latest version now but some things aren't working)
I'm from Antwerp en it should be nice to build together with somebody who's living nearby. In worst case you can work with msn or email.
I have already an idea what I want but I haven't the motivation or sometimes the time to start playing with de css. My knowledge about css/php is also not so good and I need a theme that I can use for every update that comes with cpg.
Please contact met at PM if you like to help me.
I hope that was meant to be 5hrs not 50hrs?
Building a theme is quite simple and if you have a little html/css knowledge you should find it quite easy. Why not give it a go? Read the docs then ask on the theme forum if you get stuck.