user: testuser Password: password
I had version 1.4.18 installed and was working just fine. I had not logged in for a while. no changes were made to the site. I got a notice of a new registration, so Ichecked the gallery, and saw that none of the photos that had displayed before could be viewed. I repaired the database and upgraded to 1.4.25 but no change. i searched the help, I have PHP Version 5.2.9 installed with GD enabled, and permissions on all of the album and upload directories. i reset the program to factory defaults and went through the config files again and everything looks in order. I looked in the directories and all of the photos are still there. I can upload new files, but they still don't show. Any thing else I might be missing? thanks
You was hacked for not update your gallery often. Remove the .htaccess file in your root folder that is pointing your url's pictures to Google and then read and do this: http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,51927.0.html
Yes, maybe after removing that file your gallery would work as you expect. Well, you would be back asking for help on a day or two. Please, read carefully the thread I'm pointing and sanitize your gallery correctly.
Thank you so much. I had looked for the .htaccess file, but I don't use legacy filemanager often, so when it didn't show, I assumed that was not the problem. When I went backed and searched for the file instead, there were the little buggers, all over. I deleted the root, but that didn't solve the problem, si I deleted the rest of them in the gallery and album directories, and now the gallery displays properly. I then used winmerge and went through the rest of the files, and everything looked ok. What's wrong with people, that they have nothing better to do then hack peoples web sites? scum.
Yes, there is always people out there trying to make others people's life harder.
Thanks for coming back and mark the topic as solved.
Hint: Updating the gallery as soon as a new version comes up, you'll be 99,9% out of hackers ;)