Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: net on July 22, 2009, 10:13:49 AM

Title: Looking for profressional help optimizing CPG for large database
Post by: net on July 22, 2009, 10:13:49 AM

I'm having some trouble with slow queries and i can't on my own figure out how to lessen the load on the sql server.

I've done all in my capability to lessen the load (removed comments, intermediate page, favorites, hit logging, static statistics updated through cronjob each night, removed keywords)

Still my sql show evidence of slow queries that i can't find. My gallery is "big" but not huge. I don't use users, i'm the only user. I do however have 500 000 high quality images, also i have around 5000 + albums and 200 + categories. I have lots of requests for someone experienced enough such as:

1. Make all statistics on the site update through cronjobs, even the ones calculating amount of images in album/categories. (Right now i only have the statistics on the front page update through a cronjob, the mod was for free on these boards.)
2. Remove / re-write the queries in to improve performance. (if nessesary)
3. Install SEF Url support through apache mod_rewrite module and modify it so that the url output has -categoryname-albumname-whatever.html (SEF Url works fine on my apache setup, however i need someone to mod the default htaccess that comes with it to do the changes above.)
4. A better and smoother way to see recent updates through coppermine, right now i'm using "thumbnails.php?album=lastalb" which takes a long time to load if you have 5000 + albums.)
5. Change so that query sorting last updated album sorts the thumbnail for the album by ascending, which means, the last picture uploaded to the album should be the picture displayed, not the first one uploaded (which is default and unchangeable in coppermine)
6. If possible optimize SQL settings to suit my gallery better.

This is about it, price range would be 350$ or more depending on how much of this can be solved with ease.

Please reply to this thread if you're serious and want to get in contact.
Title: Re: Looking for profressional help optimizing CPG for large database
Post by: Joachim Müller on July 22, 2009, 02:22:39 PM
sub-board rules, read first! (,8170.0.html)
Title: Re: Looking for profressional help optimizing CPG for large database
Post by: net on July 23, 2009, 10:05:14 AM
Sorry if i broke any rules Joachim, but you solved this issue for me in another thread. Ofcourse more optimizations could be done, but seeing how much performance i gained from the fix you helped me with in another thread i really don't need them done anytime soon.

For others that experience performance issues hosting huge amount of pictures see thread:,60739.0.html

But note that this change will have this effect on your gallery:
Quote from: Joachim MüllerYou'll loose the approval admin menu item. Doesn't hurt if you're the only uploader or if you haven't enabled admin approval for your groups.

Thanks for the help!