Some one please kindly help by telling how to remove "File Information" like "Filename","Album name","Date Added" etc under a photo in the cpg album.
Im particularly looking for "how to remove URL andFavourites under the photos.
If this topic has already been discussed then please the link here.
I have tried a search but could not find about the above topic.
Thanks in advance.
Im including a screen shot of the areas marked in "blue" which I want to get rid off.
There's a plugin for this.,27407.0.html
Hi Nibbler,
Thanks a lot for the link ;D
I know you will laugh at me but could you please let me know what and how to do with the 2 plug ins ?
I dont want to do something foolish which will spoil the whole album ::)
So it is better to clarify and be laughed at than doing something foolish and spoil the whole thing :(
If you don't know how to do something then you read the manual.
Nibbler,Im really thankful to you for both the above links.
Everything went on so smoothly and Im no longer seeing the undesired links under the photos in my cpg ;D