I don't have anyplace for new users to sign up, and if I try to input a new user from the admin end I get:
While executing query "INSERT INTO cpgusers(user_regdate, user_active, user_profile6) VALUES (NOW(), 'YES', '')" on 0
mySQL error: Duplicate entry '' for key 2
[ID] => 3f7047fa83d7c8e136809db9408074c2
[am] => 1
[lang] => english
[sort] => na
[liv] => Array
- => 15
[1] => 17
[2] => 3
[theme] => eyeball
[user_id] => 1
[user_name] => admin
[groups] => Array
- => 1
[disk_max] => 0
[disk_min] => 0
[can_rate_pictures] => 1
[can_send_ecards] => 1
[ufc_max] => 0
[ufc_min] => 0
[custom_user_upload] => 0
[num_file_upload] => 1
[num_URI_upload] => 0
[can_post_comments] => 1
[can_upload_pictures] => 1
[can_create_albums] => 1
[has_admin_access] => 1
[pub_upl_need_approval] => 0
[priv_upl_need_approval] => 0
[group_name] => Administrators
[upload_form_config] => 0
[group_quota] => 0
[can_see_all_albums] => 1
[group_id] => 1
- => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM cpgfiletypes; (0s)
[1] => select * from cpgplugins order by priority asc; (0s)
[2] => delete from `db293461997`.cpgsessions where time<1249325769 and remember=0; (0.001s)
[3] => delete from `db293461997`.cpgsessions where time<1248119769; (0s)
[4] => select user_id from `db293461997`.cpgsessions where session_id = '40c7ffad333733bce5b0f7f752578a46' (0s)
[5] => select user_id as id, user_password as password from `db293461997`.cpgusers where user_id=1 (0s)
[6] => SELECT u.user_id AS id, u.user_name AS username, u.user_password AS password, u.user_group+100 AS group_id FROM `db293461997`.cpgusers AS u INNER JOIN `db293461997`.cpgusergroups AS g ON u.user_group=g.group_id WHERE u.user_id='1' (0s)
[7] => SELECT user_group_list FROM `db293461997`.cpgusers AS u WHERE user_id='1' and user_group_list <> ''; (0s)
[8] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) as disk_max, MIN(group_quota) as disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) as can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) as can_send_ecards, MAX(upload_form_config) as ufc_max, MIN(upload_form_config) as ufc_min, MAX(custom_user_upload) as custom_user_upload, MAX(num_file_upload) as num_file_upload, MAX(num_URI_upload) as num_URI_upload, MAX(can_post_comments) as can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) as can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) as can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) as has_admin_access, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) as pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpgusergroups WHERE group_id in (1) (0s)
[9] => SELECT group_name FROM cpgusergroups WHERE group_id= 1 (0s)
[10] => update `db293461997`.cpgsessions set time='1249329369' where session_id = '40c7ffad333733bce5b0f7f752578a46' (0s)
[11] => SELECT user_favpics FROM cpgfavpics WHERE user_id = 1 (0s)
[12] => DELETE FROM cpgbanned WHERE expiry < '2009-08-03 15:56:09' (0s)
[13] => SELECT * FROM cpgbanned WHERE (ip_addr='' OR ip_addr='' OR user_id=1) AND brute_force=0 (0s)
[14] => INSERT INTO cpgusers(user_regdate, user_active, user_profile6) VALUES (NOW(), 'YES', '') (0s)
[15] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpgpictures WHERE approved = 'NO' (0s)
[op] => new_user
PHP version: 5.2.10 - OK
mySQL version: 5.0.81-log
Coppermine version: 1.4.25(stable)
Module: GD
GD Version: bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support: 1
FreeType Linkage: with freetype
T1Lib Support:
GIF Read Support: 1
GIF Create Support: 1
JPG Support: 1
PNG Support: 1
WBMP Support: 1
XPM Support:
XBM Support: 1
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support:
Module: mysql
MySQL Supportenabled
Active Persistent Links 0
Active Links 1
Client API version 5.0.67
MYSQL_SOCKET /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql
MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient
Module: zlib
ZLib Support enabled
Stream Wrapper support compress.zlib://
Stream Filter support zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate
Compiled Version 1.2.3
Linked Version 1.2.3
Server restrictions (safe mode)?
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
safe_mode | Off | Off
safe_mode_exec_dir | /usr/local/php/bin | /usr/local/php/bin
safe_mode_gid | Off | Off
safe_mode_include_dir | no value | no value
safe_mode_exec_dir | /usr/local/php/bin | /usr/local/php/bin
sql.safe_mode | Off | Off
disable_functions | no value | no value
file_uploads | On | On
include_path | .:/usr/lib/php5 | .:/usr/lib/php5
open_basedir | no value | no value
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
sendmail_from | no value | no value
sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
SMTP | localhost | localhost
smtp_port | 25 | 25
Size and Time
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
max_execution_time | 50000 | 50000
max_input_time | -1 | -1
upload_max_filesize | 20M | 20M
post_max_size | 8M | 8M
Page generated in 0.091 seconds - 16 queries in 0.001 seconds - Album set : ; Meta set: ;
How do I fix this?
the Fluid Druid
In the future, don't post debug_output unless requested. Instead, do as suggested per board rules and always post a link to your gallery when starting a new support thread.
It seems that there is something fishy with your users table: the field user_id needs to be set to auto-increment. Fix that using phpMyAdmin or similar.
Thanks for your helpful reply.
I really want to use coppermine as an online catalog / store, but have been having constant problems.
I will seee if I can figure out how to apply the fix you described and hopefully that will fix it. btw, the website is http://www.hippyhikingguide.com (I use that domain for development).
the Fluid Druid
Hi again,
According to my phpmyadmin it is already set to "auto_increment"
Any other ideas?
Thanks for your help.
the Fluid Druid
Quote from: thefluiddruid on August 04, 2009, 06:19:21 PMthe website is http://www.hippyhikingguide.com (I use that domain for development).
That's not what I have asked for: I haven't asked for a link to your domain, but a link to your coppermine-driven gallery.
Sorry, I had a stroke back in 2001 and get confused.
I don't have Alzheimers, but I sure have Sometimers!
Here us the url for the gallery it's self:http://www.hippyhikingguide.com/mine/ (http://www.hippyhikingguide.com/mine/)
Thanks again
the Fluid Druid
Registration is disabled, so I can't look at it by myself. This is very frustrating, having to beg for permissions for each step.
Not related to initial install (the gallery is already populated), moving thread accordingly.
I apologize for the frustrations, but if you would like to tell me how to enable registration I would be happy to. However when I tried to make a test user (with me logged in as admin of course) I got an error. Otherwise I would have a test account set up for you. Should I try again and post the error?
the fluid Druid
Try the manual!
Quote from: i-imagine on August 05, 2009, 05:26:13 PM
Try the manual!
I had read the manual, but it didn't solve the problem.
I was able to set up a new user (while logged in as admin), after doing a database update.
I don't know why I had to do that, but I noticed it was a database error and was hoping that might fix it.
I now have a test user (username: testman password: test)
Have now been able to register.....
QuoteThank you for registering.
An email with information on how to activate your account was sent to the email address you provided.
looks to be fine from here
Yep, thanks!
It's working great now.
I'm trying to9 set up the shopping cart plugin, however documentation seems to be lacking.
do you know of any good config instructions out there?
Thanks for all your hard work,
the Fluid Druid
Quote from: thefluiddruid on August 06, 2009, 02:35:25 AM
I'm trying to9 set up the shopping cart plugin, however documentation seems to be lacking.
do you know of any good config instructions out there?
We have a strict "one issue per thread" policy that you agreed to respect. You had your share of misbehaving and not respecting board rules (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,55415.0.html) so far. Now please start respecting them. There will be no more support for you if you don't. And no, there are no such instructions besides the announcement thread for that plugin.
Quote from: thefluiddruid on August 06, 2009, 02:35:25 AM
It's working great now.
Marking thread accordingly and locking to avoid the thread getting cluttered.