Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: mallard on August 04, 2009, 08:40:57 PM

Title: Need 2 Gallery's updated.......
Post by: mallard on August 04, 2009, 08:40:57 PM
I have 2 Coppermine Gallery's installed on 2 different servers that desperately need upgraded/updated. I had a 3rd...... but the server was shut down due to a hack. I had to delete it completely before service could be restored. I DO NOT want that to happen to the other 2. I am looking for someone to upgrade them to the latest builds without loss of albums and pics. The themes are lame...... I did not know custom themes could be developed. Since I do not know what the fair offer of budget for this is....... I do not want to offend anyone on a price. Please let me know. The galleries are:

Title: Re: Need 2 Gallery's updated.......
Post by: phill104 on August 04, 2009, 08:59:23 PM
Why not give it a go yourself. It is quite easy and can be done in under an hour.

If I was in your position, rather than asking for someone to do the work for you I would ask someone to teach me how to do it. That way I would be able to do it myself in the future.

If you do decide to do it yourself and read the docs which explain what to do then feel free to start a thread in the upgrading section of the forums if you run into trouble.
Title: Re: Need 2 Gallery's updated.......
Post by: mallard on August 04, 2009, 10:23:50 PM
I enjoy the way Coppermine let's folks view pics...... but I don't have time or skill to take on understanding Coppermine software and it's files. The software was free with the hosting package. I would rather compensate someone skilled in Coppermine so as not to have any measurable downtime or problems arise with the clients website. I am not lazy...... but rather feel security in someone who is capable and willing to upgrade to the latest build or versions without fear of loss of the gallery... which is always the result of my taking on projects that seem easy to skilled people.
Title: Re: Need 2 Gallery's updated.......
Post by: Gene-2008 on August 05, 2009, 03:29:09 PM
As an avid Turkey hunter myself I will help you!

PM and I will get/give details.
