when i run CPG and SMF in Bridge mode , I have problem displaying correct charset/encoding.
It shows fine when CPG in standalone mode.
SMF is in UTF-8
CPG is in UTF-8
any help, or direction where I should look would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I'm willing to pay for someone look into code, because I'm simply running out of ideas. my budget $100
thanks in advance for your time.
Coppermine install: http://solutionb.com/pictures/
Forum install: http://solutionb.com/forum/
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.25
Forum version: SMF 1.1.10
Test user account: test / test
BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL: http://solutionb.com/forum/
Relative path to your BBS's config file: ../forum/
Use post-based groups?: 0
Is your old issue solved? http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,61741.0.html
According to Joachim Müller that post is solved.
If you ask me, this been frustration going for 2 weeks, and no, I still have charset problem with CPG.
last week, I had to move cpg and smf to yet another server with myphp/mysql setup exactly as old host MysQL (collation utf-8, latin1)
So , now I see chars propagate correctly after CPG DB import. Yet, when I switch it to bridge mode with SMF, all DB driven text shows as garbage, which lead me to believe this is bridging issue now.
if DB was in Koi or other custom encoding, I would try to make mysql_connect implant at every DB connect call, but my CPG is in UTF-8 (shows in config. and charmng.php)
any thoughts?
Problem solved thanks to $55.
here is solution to anyone that might run into same issue!
The problem is Coppermine get the wrong default charset from SMF.
I fixed it by modified "include/init.inc.php"
require_once 'bridge/' . UDB_INTEGRATION . '.inc.php';
I added:
cpg_db_query('SET NAMES latin1;');
Please check if there is any problem left and let me know.
Quote from: parnat on September 22, 2009, 08:17:27 PM
According to Joachim Müller that post is solved.
Huh? I didn't post in this thread, so what are you refering to? In the other thread it was you who marked the thread as solved, not me, so why are you complaining?