Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: dmccreary on November 19, 2009, 10:29:00 AM

Title: cpmfetch Expert needed
Post by: dmccreary on November 19, 2009, 10:29:00 AM
I've worked with both Coppermine and Joomla for a number of years. I wish to hire a cpmfetch expert to help me with integration of the two. I've got a new CPG install done with cpmfetch working (well. the test page shows up ok), and have highslide installed.

I want to use CPG as a single repository of images and place them into various content pieces, either as a single image or a grouping/mini gallery. Documentation for a joomla/cpmfetch plugin is non-existent, ditto with the module from that coder, I need to spend my time on other things, not slamming my head on the keyboard on this one.

cpmfetch will rely on an album #, and pic #, so I'd also like to have in CPG admin backend some utility that would display all of that .. just to admins. Thus easy to pluck those parameters to add to a cpmfetch call.

The other concept I need to implement:

Use highslide to view intermediate images,  but include (ideally in the popup) a download button for high resolution big pic, and that button requires/triggers a user/pass. user/pass will be sent by client to those requesting (ie, this is to serve as a registration vehicle for the press to download print size JPGs), so we don't need a registraiton piece built, but it obviously had to hit a table with the user/pass in it. Ideal would be to tie to Joomla's user table jos_users.

I have a decent budget for these, as it's a commercial project. Several hundred dollars would not frighten me in the least if I can get this the way I want it.

I need this done quickly, ie, within 4-5 days (today is November 19 2009).

I'll be glad to pay a portion of the bid price in advance via paypal so that you'll know i'm not a time waster. I can provide references on request, hopefully you can too.

I would give first preference to a member of the CPG development team, that's a given. Or vuud!
Title: Re: cpmfetch Expert needed
Post by: phill104 on November 19, 2009, 10:39:50 AM
There are already a number of cpmfetch extensions for Joomla, surely modifying one of these would achieve what you want.

Please post a link to the site you wish this done for as per the board rules.
Title: Re: cpmfetch Expert needed
Post by: dmccreary on November 19, 2009, 05:35:21 PM
Phill: Thanks for your reply.

Site development URL
CPG install (very crude, not concerned with appearance at this point, just functions)
cpmfetch is installed and working as is highside

I'm familiar with the two joomla modules and the plugin. Documentation for one of the modules and the plugin are non existent, and it's the plugin i'm really interested in. I have limited time and too much work to spend hours sorting out the syntax and getting it to work, I just want to pay someone who knows cpmfetch to walk me through the functions, how to code to pull single images and adjust to size, and perhaps how to integrate that plugin with an icon in the JCE editor... but can contact the author of that for that part.

This is a commercial project with a nice budget, if I can pay you to help I'd be delighted as you're dev team. I do not want to violate board rules by supplying email or skype. If you're interested, I'll prove I'm serious by paying you a hundred US dollars in advance just for reading this, please advise how best to get $$ into your hand and code/help into mine.

Thank you...