This will replace the pop-up image with a LightBox and slideshow. It is based on the cpg 1.4x plugin by jeepguy_1980 (;u=60615) and the mod. by Sander Weyens (SaWey) (;u=40798). It uses the jquery based NFLightBox by Helori LAMBERTY at ( The Coppermine file jquery-1.3.2.js is used by the plugin.
Features - Borders with rounded corners
- image caption shown by default with title
- timing settings for image swap and fade
- image swap by fade only (no animations)
To install:
1) Download the zip file to your computer
2) Log in as admin and install with Plugin Manager - use Configuration to set your preferences
3) Enjoy it!
-) SET "Number of files in album to list for slideshow" TO 500 OR LESS ========
To uninstall:
1) Use Plugin Manager
Example/Demo Here (Main Site) (
Here (My 1st CPG Gallery) (
Here (Artists Gallery) (
Best effects and views with browser set to view full screen - great with large images.
Compatible browsers - Firefox 3.5.6 - IE8 - Safari (Mac + Win) - Opera - Chrome
Compatible 1.5.x plugins - iScroll. Slider, Monitor Calibration, Mousewheel + More
Bug and usage reports are kindly requested - thanks.
Download the latest version below
Release of Version 0.2
- NFLightBox.js - fix bug in escape key function
- NFLightBox.js - enable/fix click overlay to close
- NFLightBox.js - add function - return to last image
- NFLightBox.js - add function - show image caption
- NFLightBox.js - add function resize image to screen
- NFLightBox.js - remove uneeded code
- nav. images edited for contrast
- codebase.php - add image caption
- codebase.php - add a few .js variables to <head>
- nf.lightbox.css - small edits
- add readme to plugin package
Alll essential Slideshow functions should now work out of the box. It still needs a config page and some clean up of .css, etc. New version is attached to first post.
Really beautiful! :)
Indeed a very cool plugin - I'm looking forward to see more of it (i.e. the plugin's config panel).
Please note: the name of the library that get's used is not "jsquery", but "jquery" as far as I can see.
Release of Version 0.3
- add hit counter function - (borrowed from EnlargeIt! - thanks)
- Meta album set maintained for LightBox image set (lastup, topn)
Version 0.3 attached to first post.
@ Timos + Joachim,
The config. is coming, but I am still learning and want to get the biggest bugs out first...
Release of Version 1.0
- add configuration page to plugin package
- Visual timer can now be set on/off (save cpu)
- add "nofollow" attribute - configurable
- add captions, border, timers, etc. to config
- Major .css and style changes
- tweaks, cleanups for more efficient operation
- detailed instructions for Config in on-line readme file
New version attached to post # 1.
This should now be ready for most users. It will run faster for the visitor and allow for some config. flexibility
Good job. I have added the plugin to the SVN repository and moved some stuff around. I'm trying to improve it step by step to allow you (and other potential plugin authors) to see step by step what needs to be to improve a plugin in terms of i18n, usability and functionality. Please don't get me wrong: I'm not trying to discourage you. My edits are not meant to blame you or your work. I'm just trying to show you the steps to turn a good plugin into an outstanding plugin. Just monitor the commits performed and the changelog on the subversion repository. I will try to keep the changes from one step to the next easy to understand and not too complex.
Web SVN access:
Before my initial commit I had to rename the plugin for standards compliance: it's better to name the pluguin folder exactly as the plugin and not waste characters that don't mean anything. The install routine was buggy: observe the difference between INSERT INTO and INSERT IGNORE INTO. The uninstall routine was even dangerous: never perform a DELETE with a LIKE operator - that is bound to cause problems, as you might delete core settings!
Thanks, since I am still happy to be learning, I look forward to seeing the changes.
At the moment I am still working to improve the visual aspects of this plugin and perhaps add a couple of more config. options. This means more learning (jquery) and considering that before March of this year I barely knew anything about coding and Coppermine.....I am in too deep over my head!
Thanks Again and Best Wishes for the New Year
72 Kbytes of Javascript... :o
I suggest to find a way to make this smaller - on a slow connection it will take many seconds to load! Do a Google search for JS packer; even without encoding and shrinking variables, it will reduce the size to 50% easily simply by removing comments and spaces.
Thanks - I will take a look. Although first to "defend" the original author of the jquery has about 32 Kbytes dedicated to the rounded corners*.........and it is also smaller in total than the 1.4.x plugin....
* you have given me an idea to make the round corners a config option or maybe to drop them completely....a quick test has shown much smoother animation without the rounded corners....
Quote from: Timos-Welt on December 31, 2009, 04:06:28 PM
72 Kbytes of Javascript... :o
That should not be a problem, as the script get's pre-loaded and cached. I don't think that 72 KB is too much.
I also agree that 72 KB is not extremely large. However, a smaller version (~40 KB) without the curved corners seems to be less demanding for the visitor's cpu and has smoother image resize animations. I would like to add this a config. option so that users of the plugin can tailor it to their expected visitors, similar to the availability of the visual timer. It should be easy, adding the selection of one .js or the other, but it might be at least a few days until I can get back to this plugin.
So in the meantime here is a temporary posting of the smaller .js and the .css to go with it.
Timos, perhaps you can give it a try and opinion too. Please note I have also added another config. option that is now only
in the .js. It is called inFade and controls the fade-in rate for the new image (also now smoother looking).
I fixed the critical error when viewing non-images in r7003 (
Quote from: Αndré on January 06, 2010, 08:35:45 AM
I fixed the critical error when viewing non-images in r7003 (
Thanks alot it works now with videos.
Joe, did you have the time to look at the subversion repository as I suggested? For those who are not familiar with checking out SVN I have created a package of the modified plugin. Please let me know your thoughts.
Indeed I have not only looked at it it but also have added a couple of new features to the plugin using the svn version.(for smoother image transitions) Your changes are quite extensive - that must have taken some time!
I now see some of what you have referred to. Edits to the svn version follow what you have done.
Unfortunately there are a couple of issues with the svn version, some of which I have been able to address.
But since you have asked....without any intent to belittle your work, here is a short list.
- Slideshow timer interval is a needed value for the plugin config. - added in new version
- The display breaks without the timer bar shown - (.css padding value not being passed) 'fixed' in new version
- Default setting in Install/Config. for buttons shows only one button
- Value set in config.for Image swap time is not passed to function. This is indicative of my biggest, most un-solvable problem right now. I have also set a few more config values involving timing - they are (eventually) getting into the script - I can get them to display. But they do not affect the function that they are being asked to influence. It seems like the "settings" aren't loaded fast or complete enough when lightBox starts "out of the script" instead of "out of the header".
I will package a release with the changes tomorrow - fixed or not, for you to look at. Some of the changes I have integrated onto my public 1.5.x site above. I think future users will like the flexibility that has been added.
Nice work on the changes.
@Joachim: is it possible to give plugin authors write access to just 'their' plugin directory in the svn? That would make development easier as we can see in that case (terms like 'svn version' and 'new version' make things a little bit confusing).
No, sorry: that's impossible on the subversion repository of that we use. I agree that this would make things easier. Using terms like "svn version" or similar are of course not good - we should always refer to exact versions / revisions.
@ Αndré, Thanks for the fix in 7003 and also for consideration to subversion access. But at least speaking for myself only...that could be dangerous.....
Releasing a new version with new features today is not logical or possible.
In r 7003 a config value (Image swap) is not being read and used by script.js.
Testing has shown for the unread values:
- the js_var list in page head is populated with the values
- if the value is set/edited into the corresponding variable setting in script.js the value is now read
- the value can be be read by the script and displayed as a title or caption
- possibly because of the script's execution/timing, it will read and use a config. value for slideshow interval which has the same 4 digit format as the other unread timing variables.
- NFLightBox.js - the original code - has shown a low tolerance for some config. errors
Any help possible is requested. Testing and searching will continue here in the meantime.
Release of version 2.3 (based on Subversion r7003)
New Features- Hide animation - show images by fade in and out
- Show/hide rounded corners for smoother animations
- Fade-in setting for image into container
- Fade in configuration for image and container together
All of the required features now function. It will operate 100% out of the box.
New version is attached to first post. Changelog is in the package (too long to list here).
Known Issues
- Button set select will now select theme's buttons. Unfortunately some of the standard 1.5.x themes do not have all of the named buttons and will show blank fields instead of buttons. Default setting is now for plugin's buttons to avoid confusion.
- Plugin will not run if <head> info. is set as "return meta;". The script.js will not read all of the variables set into the array 'var js_vars'. Changing the sequence of the variables in the array does not help. The script seems to need this order of commands/variables/functions to operate properly.
1) jquery-1.3.2.js loaded
2) some of the variables defined
3) script.js called with defined variables.
This requires the workaround to add the <head> info. as a str_replace for </head>. Using "return meta;" places the plugin info above/before the required 1) and 2) noted above.
Any suggestions that do not degrade the output, configuration and functionality of the plugin would be greatly appreciated.
Enjoy it!
Release of new version 2.3. Details in previous posting.
Thanks for your contribution. I will merge your changes with the subversion repository.
There are some things that come to mind though:
- You have edited all file headers - that's of course nonsensical - they automatically get updated by subversion and mustn't be edited manually, see
Quote from: file headers
In all textual Coppermine files (i.e. files with the extensions .php, .htm, .css, .js, sql, .txt, .xml) there is a subversion header present that is meant to help developers and power users to determine what version and revision number a particular file is. This can be helpfull when troubleshooting as well as in support matters. However, from a technical point of view (as far as the core functionality of your gallery is concerned), the additional subversion file headers are just for information purposes and don't server any technical purpose.
Subsequently: if you're an end user, you can savely remove the subversion file headers from files where this bothers you, e.g. if you want a clean HTML output (code-wise) of your pages you can remove the subversion file header from the HTML template file of your custom theme (themes/yourtheme/template.html).
Developers and contributors on the other hand are required to preserve the subversion file header or add it when coming up with new files that end up under version control (see "Adding files").
The idea behind the subversion file header is that it always get's updated automatically be the subversion software whenever a user with subversion write access committs a file. Think of the lines as placeholders: the subversion keywords $HeadURL$, $Revision$, $LastChangedBy$, $Date$ get replaced by their actual values - in this document, the equivalents are $HeadURL: $, $Revision: 6907 $, $LastChangedBy: gaugau $, $Date: 2009-12-25 11:42:34 +0100 (Fr, 25. Dez 2009) $. There is no point in manually editing the content of those values - remove the information if you're an end user and it bothers you, but it won't affect your gallery in any way, so it's easier to leave the subversion file headers as they are.
- You appear not to have understood the concept how dynamic content from PHP (e.g. a config setting or a language string) "travels" from PHP to the external JavaScript file. I have gone through great effort to reduce all the extra gargabe you had in codebase.php's function definition for "lightbox_notes_for_net_header": after I had cleaned up all the extra inline-JavaScript you deliberately added new crap to the content of the $meta variable. Under no circumstances can you have the line $template_header = str_replace('</head>', $meta . '</head>', $template_header); That is crap code and baaaad. I'll have to clean that up before committing. Please don't re-introduce that nonsense once more.
- Using the PHP comment style
can't be used in JavaScript afaik
- A blank gif is a blank gif: refering to the one that comes with the plugin is nonsense; use the one that comes with coppermine. Make it light-weight!
- Your code is hard to read and edit - please use indentation properly as suggested in
Cheers Joachim
Joachim, Perhaps you misunderstood - it does not work the way you had it before. Please test your changes for functionality before committing. Version 1.0 worked - your subversion revisions did not. Removing features like the slideshow timer option should not be done either - that is a double standard saying it exists in Coppermine for this plugin but for other plugins (like the iScroll, Slider, etc..) corresponding cpg functions need to be in the plugin. In any case the slideshow timing is influenced by the new fade-in features, it would be beyond cumbersome to ask someone to change menus when trying to configure a plugin.
Quote from: Joachim Müller on January 13, 2010, 06:00:15 PM
- Using the PHP comment style
can't be used in JavaScript afaik
The php type comments are residual from the original NFLightBox script.
Quote from: Joachim Müller on January 13, 2010, 06:00:15 PM
You have edited all file headers - that's of course nonsensical - they automatically get updated by subversion and mustn't be edited manually
Subversion stuff is out of my domain - apologies for the extra rev. info.
Quote from: Joachim Müller on January 13, 2010, 06:00:15 PM
A blank gif is a blank gif: refering to the one that comes with the plugin is nonsense; use the one that comes with coppermine. Make it light-weight!
You must be kidding - how much weight is added here? 43 bytes? BTW I could not find any image files named "blank" in 1.5.x and have now just downloaded the latest version from svn also to find none - perhaps you can enlighten me as to where they are located.
Quote from: Joachim Müller on January 13, 2010, 06:00:15 PM
You appear not to have understood the concept how dynamic content from PHP (e.g. a config setting or a language string) "travels" from PHP to the external JavaScript file......... That is crap code and baaaad.
With Enlargeit! v1.7 I counted more than 50 variables in the header from the plugin.........50.....
Quote from: Joachim Müller on January 13, 2010, 06:00:15 PM
Your code is hard to read and edit - please use indentation properly as suggested in
I am not a coder or any type of programmer at all - this has all been an exercise in learning and a way to be creative. I will try to neaten things up next time.
Quote from: Joe Carver on January 13, 2010, 06:49:26 PM
You must be kidding - how much weight is added here? 43 bytes? BTW I could not find any image files named "blank" in 1.5.x and have now just downloaded the latest version from svn also to find none - perhaps you can enlighten me as to where they are located.
images/spacer.gif ;)
I guess Joachim tried to say, that you don't need to include images that comes already with cpg. Some authors copy all needed images to the plugin directory, which can sometimes be a lot.
Release of version 2.4Changelog- configuration.php add version check array to work with changes in plugin manager
- remove info. from svn fields
Quote from: Joe Carver on January 25, 2010, 03:06:29 AM
- remove info. from svn fields
That causes an awfull lot of extra work for me to re-add that. Stop editing the SVN header and leave it alone, OK? It's there for a purpose. It doesn't hurt if it's in the code.
- stop adding the version number of the plugin to each of the file headers manually. That piece of information does NOT get replaced automatically and causes a lot of extra effort as well. We have some experience in maintaining code - please don't edit out the stuff we deliberately add.
- Adding the leading PHP-tag <?php to a file with the extension .txt is stupid. Don't!
- I have changed the coding style in the CSS files to match the coding style in all other CSS files that come with coppermine, to make it easier for newbies to find their way around. You changed that back. Please don't - there are reasons for my edits
- height attributes in CSS need a unit, e.g. px
- Don't specify a particular release deliberately for the minimum requirements. If you want to say "will run with any version of cpg1.5.x", use the line $plugin_cpg_version = array('min' => '1.5'); in configuration.php instead of specifying $plugin_cpg_version = array('min' => '1.5.1');, or are you sure that your plugin will not work with cpg1.5.0?
- Using indentation is fine when used properly. Don't use it without reason
Release of Version 2.6Changelog- codebase.php change method of plugin data to <head>
- codebase.php change script call/location to page body
Please note: Like many other posts related to cpg1.5.x this plugin is still a work in progress.
The newer method of loading the <head> variables was inspired by the Panorama Viewer for cpg1.5.x plugin - many thanks to Αndré!!! It also appears to have a side benefit: It now seems to "get along" better with other plugins that use the hook - 'page_meta'.
Please post any bug reports or suggestions for improvement. As time allows I hope to improve/enhance the visual aspects.
SVN header info. from last rev. left untouched. Version 2.6 attached to first post in thread.
First of all I'd like to thank everyone that worked on porting this - it looks and works great... no more file hacking= yay!
Since I set my intermediate images to 800px to make them somewhat usable and sufficient themselves, full size/popup is usually an action for users seeking a closer look and details... so I would like to turn off the auto resize and display full size (usually around 800x1200 or 1200x800 in my case).
It would be a great feature to add to the plugin config settings in admin but for now I'm just trying to find where to set this in the files myself... I'm not a coder and after tweaking and and looking through the .js and .css files I'm still not sure how to do this and would deeply appreciate any suggestions.
thank you!
As a request for a future config option to not resize (the already) full-size images or adjust the percentage of the display window - I will take note.
As a request for support I am obliged to say that cpg1.5.x is not yet supported - at the moment that also applies to this plugin, with the exception of glaring bugs. Time is just too short right now.
I am also obliged to mention that all support requests for cpg should always have a link to the Coppermine installation in question.
In the meantime...
Quote from: Joe Carver on December 18, 2009, 06:01:20 AM
Best effects and views with browser set to view full screen - great with large images.
In the installation notes it is said "The plugin should be installed as any other plugin" however I receive an so called fatal error:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function cpg_fetch_icon() in /home/flippie/domains/ on line 32"
The plugin is not listed in the (Plugins Not installed) box and cannot be installed instead a URL is given below the box referring to ""
Could you please advise me how to make use of this plugin?
This question may to very simple to answer however I do not know much about coding and such.
Kind regards,
Please reply with a link to your Coppermine - not only is that a rule of this Support Forum it will also help to diagnose the problem.
Quote from: Joe Carver on March 08, 2010, 09:07:31 PM
Please reply with a link to your Coppermine - not only is that a rule of this Support Forum it will also help to diagnose the problem.
Sorry for not posting my web link in my first post.
My Coppermine gallery:
You are using the wrong LightBox plugin. Your version is <!--Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.26 (stable)--> .
This plugin is for Coppermine v1.5.x.
When you go to the plugins page you should note the version of Coppermine that the plugin was made for (1.4.x and 1.5.x) and always read the thread associated with the plugin for latest version, info., etc
See: LightBox Slideshow (,59013.html)
[Off topic]
You should also read the thread about the thumb rotate plugin. It is unsafe according to the plugin's author.,57469.html
Release of version 2.7 Changelog- add nav. anchor (#) references for smoother transitions on exit
- now compatible with IE7 (as best as I can test!)
- general housekeeping, cleanup
Details are in the package. SVN/header info. untouched from last couple of revisions.
Notes: I think this is a "final release" unless I hear otherwise. Rounded corners will not show in older or "compatibility mode" IE.
Will also attach v2.7 to first post in thread.
There was a problem with the work of lightbox-notes-for-net_v2.7
"Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access" set "Yes: thumbnail and intermediate image"
Guests can open full-size images
How to disable the guest display flash full sized image?
Quote from: Vixs on April 08, 2010, 10:55:34 PM
How to disable the guest display flash full sized image?
File plugins/lightbox_notes_for_net/codebase.php would need extensive modification. I will take a look at making that change for the next release (as time + testing will allow).
Release of version 2.8Changelog- Add check for "View full size image" permissions - unlogged visitors can not see LightBox if set in cpg Config
Changelog in package - headers untouched from v2.5 - new version also attached to first post
Release of version 2.9Changelog- Bugfix/compatibility for data returned to page_meta - reduce likelihood of "clash" with other plugins
Changelog in package - headers untouched from v2.5 - new version also attached to first post
Dear Joe,
First of all my compliments to the plugin, it works very nice.
I would have a little request. I am used to the Lightbox of 1.4 and there was a link on every slide to download the image.
Could you implement that link here also?
Kind Regards, m4rcu5
Quote from: m4rcu5 on May 11, 2010, 10:25:22 PM
....there was a link on every slide to download the image.
Could you implement that link here also?
It will be in the next release.The change will require a config. option for users who will not want the feature.
Please post a link to your gallery in your future postings.
My apologies.
Thank you for putting it in the next release, i am looking forward to it :-)
The link to my current cpg15x testing ground is:
I also noticed i am currently using you theme here. If you dont mint i will be using this theme on my production site as well, but i probably change all the images to fit my style.
Apologises if this isn't the place to ask. Can't seem to find an answer to this. I have this plugin enabled and it's great but there's one thing I can't seem to workout - When the internediate image is clicked the lightbox pops up and displays the larger image, but it doesn't appear to display the full size. I have images of 800, 1024, 1200 and higher in width but they all seem to display at a size around 800px. Is there anywhere that I can change so that the full size image is displayed?
Many thanks in advance.
Quote from: casp3r on June 12, 2010, 08:55:06 PM
....but they all seem to display at a size around 800px.
That is by design, to fit inside a browser window. Use full screen mode.
Quote from: casp3r on June 12, 2010, 08:55:06 PM
Is there anywhere that I can change so that the full size image is displayed?
Yes, by editing file plugins/lightbox_notes_for_net/script.js.
var resize = 1;
Replace with:
var resize = 0;
It will then show the image full sized with no adjustment. There is no "in between" with this.
Always make a back up before making any changes.
Perfect :) Many thanks.
Release of Version 3.0Changelog- Add "Download Link" to open fullsize in new window. Set by config. for: all visitors - logged user - none.
- Add config option for no image resize
New version attached to first post in thread.
As always to upgrade - uninstall and delete the old plugin before uploading and installing the new version.
I installed this plugin with 1.5.6 and whenever I click on any image, I get this error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 77 bytes) in /home/xxxx/public_html/gallery/include/ on line 277
Any clue as to why this is happening?
Quote from: 6thmercury on June 15, 2010, 03:58:58 AM
Any clue as to why this is happening?
Not without a link to your gallery - it is required for support.
i get this error when viewing most viewed from my gallery.
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in /xx/xxx/xxx/xxxx/include/ on line 277
when i choose to see this album and want to se most viewed i get this error. some albums is ok. and when i try to go to the next image i get random image. i can not go back to first image.
this error happen when i am in most viewed.
While executing query 'SELECT, r.aid, filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight, filesize, ctime, r.title, r.keywords, r.votes, pic_rating, hits, caption, r.owner_id, pic_raw_ip, pic_hdr_ip
FROM cpg_pictures AS r
INNER JOIN cpg_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid
WHERE (r.aid = 551)
AND approved = 'YES'
AND hits > 0
LIMIT 0 ,-20' in include/ on line 1593
mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-20' at line 8
File: /xx/xxx/xxx/xxx/include/ - Line: 258
and when i deactivate the plugin nothing of this errors happen
Try adjusting the plugin config. setting: Number of files in album to list for Slideshow.
Use a value of 500 or less.
Quote from: Joe Carver on June 18, 2010, 11:51:40 AM
Try adjusting the plugin config. setting: Number of files in album to list for Slideshow.
Use a value of 500 or less.
i did use different number less than 500, errors still come up.
Thanks for the reply. This issue might have a cause that I can not control at the moment.
I can not replicate the size of your gallery with my test gallery.
Please - could you make a fast test without the plugin?
1) Uninstall Lightbox
2) Choose a recent Category (2010)
3) Try "Most viewed" -> then the last page -> last thumbnail
4) Home Page -> "Most Viewed" -> then the last page -> last thumbnail
Thanks in advance if you can reply with your results.
Quote from: Joe Carver on June 18, 2010, 06:02:47 PM
Thanks for the reply. This issue might have a cause that I can not control at the moment.
I can not replicate the size of your gallery with my test gallery.
Please - could you make a fast test without the plugin?
1) Uninstall Lightbox
2) Choose a recent Category (2010)
3) Try "Most viewed" -> then the last page -> last thumbnail
For the first url this error:
"While executing query 'SELECT, r.aid, filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight, filesize, ctime, r.title, r.keywords, r.votes, pic_rating, hits, caption, r.owner_id, pic_raw_ip, pic_hdr_ip
FROM cpg_pictures AS r
INNER JOIN cpg_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid
WHERE (r.aid = 544)
AND approved = 'YES'
AND hits > 0
LIMIT 0 ,-45' in include/ on line 1593
mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-45' at line 8
Fichero: /x/x/x/x/include/ - Linea: 258 "
second url
While executing query 'SELECT, r.aid, filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight, filesize, ctime, r.title, r.keywords, r.votes, pic_rating, hits, caption, r.owner_id, pic_raw_ip, pic_hdr_ip
FROM cpg_pictures AS r
INNER JOIN cpg_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid
WHERE (r.aid = 544)
AND approved = 'YES'
AND hits > 0
LIMIT 0 ,-45' in include/ on line 1593
mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-45' at line 8
Fichero: /x/x/x/x/include/ - Linea: 258
4) Home Page -> "Most Viewed" -> then the last page -> last thumbnail
Thanks in advance if you can reply with your results.
with no errors.
thank you for your time and help. any advice is welcome
It might be related to: This Thread (,65552.0.html). Until that is resolved you might want to not use the LightBox and reinstall it later. Thanks for the reply.
This is a great plugin! Is there any plans to have it update the view counter when an image is viewed through LightBox?
For some reason the counter is not longer functioning. I will look at it within the next few days and if successful include the fix in a new release.
You can see if this related fix solves your LightBox problem. Try release 7701 or later.
Quote from: Nibbler on June 21, 2010, 08:42:50 PM
Please see if the fix in r7701 solves this.
Release of Version 3.1ChangelogNew version attached to first post in thread.
Quote from: Joe Carver on June 22, 2010, 04:26:44 AM
You can see if this related fix solves your LightBox problem. Try release 7701 or later.
please tell me where to get release 7701
- Documentation: subversion (
- Web SVN: corresponding file (
Quote from: Joe Carver on June 22, 2010, 04:26:44 AM
You can see if this related fix solves your LightBox problem. Try release 7701 or later.
it did fix mySQL error most viewed image. Thanks dev team,65552.msg326228.html#msg326228
Quote from: Joachim Müller on June 22, 2010, 07:53:47 AM
- Documentation: subversion (
- Web SVN: corresponding file (
LightBox plugin is great and works.
category with 1382 files
but still i am getting Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in /xx/xxx/xxx/xxxx/include/ on line 277 and most times no error or image is display
on gallery-most viewed image
thanks for your help
Don't clutter this announcement thread with your individual issues.
Quote from: socomoroco on June 23, 2010, 06:01:28 AM
but still i am getting Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in /xx/xxx/xxx/xxxx/include/ on line 277 and most times no error or image is display
on gallery-most viewed image
I can not reproduce this while running LightBox. If it persists for you without LightBox then I suggest another post elsewhere. If it is related only to LightBox being installed please re-post. Please note that your gallery returned a 500 internal server error at one stage when I checked it and because of all of your advertisements the pages can load very slowly.
How do you get the slider part to show up in albums?
Quote from: BR79 on July 10, 2010, 03:24:17 AM
How do you get the slider part to show up in albums?
I have no idea what you are asking about, please be more specific.
You will also need to post a link to your Coppermine.
In the demo -
It shows when you hover over album images - a slider of images shows up above the album thumbnails displaying the images of the albums and with each thmbnail that you hover over it displays on top in a slider slideshow
The link to my coppermine is
It is offline at the moment due to me preparing for a big opening tomorrow night and am still working on it as I had to re-upload and re-install my coppermine and start from scratch recently
This plugin does not do as you have described.
For an image slider see: Slider animation on album list page (,57388.0.html)
it works well with this plugin: EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI (,57424.0.html)
If you want the LightBox to start directly from an album thumb then extensive code modifications would be needed. That is something I do not have the time for now. I will keep it in mind for a future revision.
Error =/
I dont know what happen :-\
somebody help me? ;D
I don't get an error on the page you refered to. Maybe you should use more words to describe what you did, what you expected and what result you get.
camillagds, Please, as Joachim wrote, try to use more details in your next request. But because you were good to post a link to your Coppermine I think you you intended to say that you are having an error with LightBox working.
You are using other plugins that might interfere. I see at least one (Slideshowit) that has <head> code where it does not belong. So I suggest you try:
- In plugin manager use the up and down arrows to move LightBox lower or higher on the list of installed plugins
- Uninstall the other plugin(s) and see what effect that might have
Thanks so much!
Is the slideshowplugin if cause the problem =)
I used now the Lightbox and flash media player for the videos. thanks =)
Just a quick question... Is it possible to load the lightbox by clicking on a thumbnail in the album thumbnail view instead of having to go to the individual photo page before loading the lightbox?
I used Timo's EnlargeIt on my 1.4.x Coppermine versions and liked the way the his lightbox opened from the thumbnail view, but his does not include a slide show option.
Quote from: Shane on August 07, 2010, 09:38:41 PM
.. Is it possible to load the lightbox by clicking on a thumbnail in the album thumbnail view instead of having to go to the individual photo page before loading the lightbox?
It would not be possible without extensive modifications.
hi guys,
I downloaded the zip-file, search and choose it via the plugin-manager (in the admin panel), but the system load the file (zip) up and after a refresh (after the upload) I see nothing of the light-box in the plugin section. :-[
Alright, got it and solved that problem, but the next one is waiting--> LightBox dont work. In the settings I hit the box: Resize Images for Browser Window, and configure everything as I needed, but no LightBox is to see in the gallery. :(
Quote from: nemesis13 on August 24, 2010, 04:37:05 AM
...... no LightBox is to see in the gallery. :(
Can you see the board rules about posting a link to your Coppermine too?
Sorry, forgot:
Hi, and thanks for this good plugin
how can I put a transparent gif for more pictures protection? is it simple to made it?
Thx and
Sorry for my bad english :-[
Great plugin. Thanks.
Just some very minor feedback, if it is of use:
1. I switched to this from Enlargeit as that plugin was unable to navigate the entire album (only the page of thumbs).
2. The slideshow icon looks a little too much like the "next photo" icon (so I have manually changed it as a temporary measure).
3. I will have to remove my video clips and put them in a separate album in order for users to realise they are there, as clicking next/prev in this one skips the video files.
4. On slow connections users who click too quickly on the intermediate image jump out of Coppermine and get just the image in a blank browser window (is there any way to ensure the plugin script is loaded before the ability to link is enabled?).
5. I would like the option to darken the background more when the plugin runs (which I could do in Enlargeit), if possible.
6. I have for years never used the "intermediate image" functionality, but used the Admin Tools to add it today, purely to be able to use this plugin. Without sticking a very small intermediate image in front of people I would have had no real way of "encouraging/training" them to click again to get the plugin to run. I see this has been mentioned before but I would also like the ability to skip straight from the thumb to the plugin if you are looking at a long-term roadmap for the plugin.
Again, this is just minor feedback, as I really like this plugin. Thanks very much for the work.
Hi Joe
With reference to point no.2 above, would it be possible to add a hover text popup (like you do for the next/prev buttons) for the "slideshow" and "close" buttons please?
The box with the main image centers itself vertically in the available vertical space (before the drop-down box with captions/buttons etc appears). On a wide aspect-ratio screen (with limited vertical screen space) this leaves even images with just a few words of captions getting cropped by a line or so at the bottom edge. Scrolling down by just one line or so fixes it, but I wondered if you know how to place the initial box a set distance from the top edge of the available space (rather than being centre-aligned)? This would allow it to biased a little higher to allow for the complete box to still stay within the available space after the drop-down caption box appears (based on me carefully controlling the caption lengths of course). I know this is inherant from the by the way...
Thanks in advance.
1. It is a great plugin. Why not post a help request in the EnlargeIt! thread?
2a. Graphics/buttons are the user's choice. Joachim Muller even added a selection to config. No changes are planned.
2b. It should be possible to add titles/tooltips to those buttons, maybe something simple in the next maintenance release.
3. Video problems can't be tested by me. Your report of trouble means nothing without a link to your gallery.
4. I will take a look, but am not optimistic. I might be able to reduce the size of the .js. Maybe for the next maintenance release. Maybe.
5. Why not simply choose "Hide Animation" in config.? That will darken the background. Or edit script.js and find this line:
overlayOpacity: 0.8,
Maybe it will be a config. option in the next maintenance release. At the moment I have been changing the border and background colors, the opacity should not be too difficult to change.
Quote from: Joe Carver on August 08, 2010, 01:02:32 PM
It would not be possible without extensive modifications.
Quote from: Joe Carver on July 10, 2010, 05:51:32 AM
If you want the LightBox to start directly from an album thumb then extensive code modifications would be needed. That is something I do not have the time for now. I will keep it in mind for a future revision.
Please just stop asking. It will not happen anytime soon or at all. If I decide to actually try to crack that problem it will be many months before anything is released.
7. Moving the image up is possible and tested. Maybe I will set something in config. for the next maintenance release.
The estimated time for the next maintenance release is a few weeks to a month or so, maybe longer. As has been written before changes / additions / creations to a cpg 1.5.x plugin are not trivial to make. There are standards of language accessibility and testing requirements that can be quite time-consuming.
Joe, thank you very much for developing this. It's really just what I wanted. And thanks for having the patience to progress this far with it.
I also experience the cut-off bottom (after the description unrolls) while having too much empty space at the top, but I'll take a look at the code and see if anything occurs to me. It does seem odd that the page is so tall (about 1.5 or 2 screens worth) but I assume that's inherent in how LB works.
Sure it would be nice to auto-start it or even launch it from the thumbnails page but those wishes are minor.
Quote from: AntonLargiader on October 17, 2010, 07:45:22 PM at the top,......Sure it would be nice to auto-start.....
Done + tested for the next version. It will be a config. setting (once all of the the work is done). :)
Quote from: AntonLargiader on October 17, 2010, 07:45:22 PM
....launch it from the thumbnails page
Please read the previous posts in this thread. :(
I did read the whole thread. That's why I didn't ask for it. :) But I do wish for it, like others do.
Cool on the box alignment. I did some reading after my last post and it seemed like it was a common lightbox problem without a simple solution.
I have a problem with all versions of LightBox does not work the Insert a layer trasnparente to minimize image theft
I just install this very nice plugin to my coppermine web site.
But lot of my picture title and description use a BBcode
unfortunately on LightBox Slideshow this BBcode appears with code not with format.
This would be really nice if BBcode could work.
And if in addition, the user could adjust itself time of picture display.
Not only by administrator on configuration.
Quote from: cavok on November 11, 2010, 03:34:55 PM
unfortunately on LightBox Slideshow this BBcode appears with code not with format.
You have to apply
bb_decode on the appropriate string.
Sorry André, my English is certainly not terrible, but I do not see what you mean in your answer.
Quote from: Αndré on November 11, 2010, 03:56:11 PM
You have to apply bb_decode on the appropriate string.
Could you be more explicit.
The function bb_decode replaces the bbcode tags with html code. You have search where the plugin code adds the title/description to the output. Here you need to do something like
I don't know the code, I just gave a generic hint.
Ah, I understand better now, I must write in code.... :D
It would be with joy, but unfortunately, I do not know kidney coding. :o
Quote from: Αndré on November 11, 2010, 04:36:58 PM
You have search where the plugin code adds the title/description to the output.
@cavok, You can wait a few weeks while I test a working solution that can be added to the next version or look for these variables in codebase.php.
$pic_title =
$pic_caption =
short question:
Where can I change the color of the "Download Link" in the css?
I can't find it ???
Quote from: Casper79 on November 28, 2010, 05:55:25 PM
Where can I change the color of the "Download Link" in the css?
"Download Link" was added as an afterthought. It is not in .css.
So, look in file plugins/lightbox_notes_for_net/codebase.php for this:
var downLink = '<span style="font-weight:bold;"............
Change as you wish.
I can't find this code on my codebase.php ???
Here is my codebase.php:
The only file where I find:
var downLink = '<span style="font-weight:bold;"............
is in file plugins/lightbox_notes_for_net/script.js
Quote from: cavok on November 29, 2010, 10:35:11 AM
is in file plugins/lightbox_notes_for_net/script.js
You are correct. I was incorrect.
Doesn't work for me ...
var downLink = '<span style="font-weight:bold; color:#000000;">
The link is still grey.
Here's a link to my gallery:
Add this to file plugins/lightbox_notes_for_net/style.css
#lightbox-image-details-currentNumber a {
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
But maybe that when BBcode will supported, it will be a problem.
Quote from: cavok on December 01, 2010, 05:32:58 PM
But maybe that when BBcode will supported, it will be a problem.
BBcode tags will not function inside the LightBox.
I will add an option to strip the tags so that the text shows. It has been tested to be functional.
EDITEDQuote from: cavok on November 11, 2010, 03:34:55 PM
This would be really nice if BBcode could work.
Please do not repeat the same requests.
Quote from: Joe Carver on December 01, 2010, 01:36:12 PM
Add this to file plugins/lightbox_notes_for_net/style.css
#lightbox-image-details-currentNumber a {
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
This workes perfekt!
Thank you very much :D
Hi Joe.
As I reported in other thread... i'm having a problem witn your plugin.
With version 2.5 all was fine but with all the more recent versions the intermediate image gets too big... any clues to solve this?
You can see an example here:
Thank you for your time.
Already unistalled all plugins, optimized the database and it continues displaying the big image and not the intermediate :-(
Quote from: Rockas on December 23, 2010, 05:04:19 PM
Already unistalled all plugins......
There are plugins on the page you linked to.
It shows this error in my Firefox error console.
QuoteError: document.getElementById("fb-root") is null
Source File:
Line: 25
I would suggest that you
uninstall and delete any plugins you now have installed.
Then use the alternate method of installation. Use clean copies of the latest versions.
Try changing the sorting order of the plugins in Plugin manager. Use the up / down buttons to make changes.
Check the settings in Config for intermediate resize and view.
Quote from: Joe Carver on December 23, 2010, 10:37:11 PM
There are plugins on the page you linked to.
It shows this error in my Firefox error console.
I would suggest that you uninstall and delete any plugins you now have installed.
Then use the alternate method of installation. Use clean copies of the latest versions.
Try changing the sorting order of the plugins in Plugin manager. Use the up / down buttons to make changes.
Check the settings in Config for intermediate resize and view.
thank you Joe!
Do you think that it is better if I just uninstall and delete all plugins and replace the index.php with a complete fresh clean one (as it comes in the coppermine installation package, ofc)?
Perhaps I could have been more clear.
It looked like the LightBox was partially loading earlier. Maybe that could indicate that either the new files did not upload / unzip / install properly or the process of uninstall / delete / upload / reinstall was incomplete.
As far as other plugins go, you will have to find which one might not be functioning or conflicting.
Although this plugin does not run from index.php I can not say how it will run with modified cpg files nor can I say with certainty which other plugins it might conflict with. There are just too many to test all possible combination / permutation scenarios.
After 3 complately new installations using 3 different upload methods (uploading coppermine ZIP package and unpack directly in the server... using FileZilla... using SmartFTP) no luck.
I install coppermine all goes just fine then without any other plugins I just install LightBox 3.1 and it gives me the full image in the intermediate page :-(
I have no clue about what is happening.
I must go on with the site setup as I have a deadline but if you can't reproduce this then later I will try again in a different folder in the server.
Thank you for your time.
Pictures of the big size in Opera 11 do not open, in other browsers all works, and in previous Opera 10 worked
Sorry for my bad english
I can see that on your site, but.....
It works fine on my test gallery with a larger image.
QuoteFilesize: 1297 KiB
Date added: Jan 04, 2011
Dimensions: 3888 x 2592 pixels
So I looked elsewhere and found.... is your theme causing the trouble.
Try first:
then try the image you posted.
Maybe it is some of the advertisements or something else that is wrong.
Thanks. its work fine with curve_green
This plugin gives me this error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 77 bytes) in /public_html/include/ on line 289
I have full size image instead of intermediate after I have installed this plugin (ver 3.1). I have no other plugins installed on my gallery.
My gallery: (
I use igames theme with modifications, but the same is with other themes: curve, rainy_day which I have installed.
Why this plugin doesn't work properly with my gallery?
Thanks for Your reply.
Hello Rafotograf, I visited your gallery and LightBox Slideshow seems to works normally.
What is your problem exactly ?
Hello cavok,
When You click on thumbnail in album view You should see new page with intermediate image (in my gallery 380px height) but now, when I have this plugin installed, there is full size image (680px height) insted of itermediate.
I can not reproduce the problem - please uninstall the plugin and I will look at your gallery again.
Now I have uninstalled the LightBox Slideshow plugin.
Here are screenshots:
with_plugin.jpg - with installed LightBox Slideshow plugin, intermediate image is fullsize (680px height)
without_plugin.jpg - LightBox Slideshow plugin is uninstalled, intermediate image is in medium(normal) size (380px height)
I can see....
What do have for this setting in Config?
Config >> Thumbnails settings >> Use dimension (width or height or max aspect for thumbnail)*
Change the setting to anything but "Exact" - this is something I will have to look at.......
Here is a fix.....
Open / edit file plugins/lightbox_notes_for_net/codebase.php
}elseif($CONFIG['thumb_use']=='any' && max($picture['pwidth'], $picture['pheight']) > $CONFIG['picture_width']){
$condition = true;
Add directly below:
}elseif($CONFIG['thumb_use']=='ex' && max($picture['pwidth'], $picture['pheight']) > $CONFIG['picture_width']){
$condition = true;
Save and upload. Remember to make a backup first.
Quote from: Joe Carver on February 27, 2011, 10:20:36 PM
Here is a fix.....
Open / edit file plugins/lightbox_notes_for_net/codebase.php
}elseif($CONFIG['thumb_use']=='any' && max($picture['pwidth'], $picture['pheight']) > $CONFIG['picture_width']){
$condition = true;
Add directly below:
}elseif($CONFIG['thumb_use']=='ex' && max($picture['pwidth'], $picture['pheight']) > $CONFIG['picture_width']){
$condition = true;
Save and upload. Remember to make a backup first.
That's it.
I have this settings in:Config >> Thumbnails settings >> Use dimension : Exact.
Now the plugin works very good.
Thak You for this plugin & Your help.
This is an amazing plug-in. Can I make one suggestion, if it was not suggested before: You add an optional 'download' button to the lightbox controls.
I have just installed this amazing pluing and everthing is working fine.
Is there a way to jump from the albumlistview direct into the lightbox (Fullsize) without the "middlesize"?
Example: i am in the albumlist , click on an image and then the "lightbox" will open directly.
Is there a way to realise this?
Greetz Hexo
(at the moment i haven´t enable the lightbox!)
I found that its not working together with transparent overlay to minimize image theft, its not vorkin on intermediate pictures...any salution for that??? I
Many settings on version 1.4, you no longer need to manually change some settings.
Thank you very much!
Can this slideshow be directly started from thumbnails.php? When I click on a thumbnail, to open directly this slideshow
Joe, as this plugin is called "LightBox Slideshow" it would be a good addition to replace the default Coppermine slideshow with the plugin's automated slideshow when you click on the slideshow link in the navbar imo. Currently you have to open a full-sized picture and start the automated plugin slideshow from there.
Quote from: Αndré on October 20, 2011, 03:19:54 PM
Joe, as this plugin is called "LightBox Slideshow" it would be a good addition to replace the default Coppermine slideshow with the plugin's automated slideshow when you click on the slideshow link in the navbar imo.
;D You are absolutely right - that actually has been on my mind recently, but I have not tried it yet.
Time is very scarce for me, but I do have a few new features for the plugin that I have been using. Those changes just need to be finished with lang, help and config updates. I will add that to the list and start on it soon. It will be a configurable option.
Hi all!
Seems that I found a weird behavior while using the LightBox plugin with a specific Coppermine configuration. Under Config > Thumbnails settings > Use dimension, if you select Exact, then the 'normal' image is not shown in the intermediate view. Instead, you got the full image, which breaks the page layout.
If you change the 'Use dimension' parameter to another value or disable the LightBox plugin, then the intermediate image is shown as expected.
Anyway, thanks for this great plugin, which should be integrated in the Coppermine distribution! ;)
Pedro De Almeida
Release of Version 3.2Changelog- LightBox buttons in Navmenu - select by config to change, add or use custom icon
- Fixed top margin - set by config to adjust for titles and Lightbox nav buttons
- Automatic slideshow start
- Slideshow intervals to more than 15 minutes
- More tooltip/title info
- BB Code tag strip in title and caption
- Default size of LightBox list now at 200
- Bugfix for thumbs configured as "exact"
Uninstall and delete older versions before upgrading.
Custom language files will also need to be updated, there are new additions.
New version also to be attached to first post in thread.
All users please note:My time and testing capacity is limited.
Feature requests will be noted, but not all will get a response.
Support is limited to what time is available. Please be certain there is a bug before reporting it. Please report in a way that is easy to understand the condition and post a link to the location / gallery installation.
It looks like there have been more than 1,000 downloads of this plugin - please enjoy this latest version!
Wouah, this was really quick! Thank you Joe for this new release which fixes the issue related to the 'Use dimension' thumbs configuration.
Nevertheless, it seems that the throbber no longer appears when loading images. Inspecting your code, I found that container element (#lightbox-loading) for the throbber is not present on the DOM tree.
Nice work anyway and let me add a vote for making LightBox available under the thumbnails view!
Hey Joe, I saw that you added a nice option for showing the 'LightBox link in the Nav Menu'. Unfortunately, this option causes the $template_img_navbar function to be overridden, which conflicts with my own theme template.
As a little contribution and for a more unobtrusive approach, here is a little script that anyone can add in their template to change the behavior of the default Coppermine slideshow button. And, as a bonus, it also starts the LightBox slideshow automatically ;D :
$(document).ready(function() {
// Override behavior of the default Coppermine slideshow button:
$('#slideshow_button .navmenu_pic').click(function(event){
// Trigger a click event on currently displayed image anchor:
$('.display_media .image').parent('a').triggerHandler('click');
// Wait for slideshown button availability:
var id = setInterval(function(){
if($('#lightbox-container-image-box-top-left img').size() > 0){
// Clear interval callback:
// Trigger click event:
$('#lightbox-container-image-box-top-left img').click();
}, 1000); // Adapt this delay to match your LightBox settings
Nice, uh?
Quote from: almeidap on November 10, 2011, 12:32:10 AM
I found that container element (#lightbox-loading) for the throbber is not present on the DOM tree.
Thanks - I will take a look, but can't be sure when...
Quote from: almeidap on November 10, 2011, 11:49:10 PM
As a little contribution and for a more unobtrusive approach, here is a little script that anyone can add in their template to change the behavior of the default Coppermine slideshow button. And, as a bonus, it also starts the LightBox slideshow automatically ;D :
Thanks for the contribution.
I have installed this v3.2 on a fresh install of CPG 1.5.16. I have only one other plugin operating and that is FinalExtract. The lightbox is not functioning at all on my install. Config is set to show intermediate images, but it jumps directly to full size in a standard pop up window.
I have tried different change.
I have uninstalled FinalExtract... no change
I have uninstalled and reinstalled change
I have tried the file edit on the previous change
Thumbnails are set to max aspect
Transparent overlay is switched off
Am I missing something here?
I reinstalled CPG as it seemed not to be creating intermediate images and all works fine now :D
Hi Joe,
Thanks for this fantastic plug-in.
I'd like to make a recommendation? For the "Download link" option (when enabled), can I suggest that you implement the Content Disposition feature for modern browsers, so the "Download Link" will actually download and save the the file to the user's computer instead of merely re-opening the file in a new window?
For reference, I refer to your other excellent plug-in "Add a Download Link":,65849.msg341441.html#msg341441
That is a valid request.
I will take a look at it for the next release and add it my long list of cpg tasks.
Help please I installed the modification now what?
Says go to the configuration where is the configuration it assumes I know where it is I have looked all over I just dont see it.
Thanks in advance
Why do I have to keep answering these 5 stupid questions at the bottom of the page?
Ok my son figure it out the wife and I was looking for the config in the Coppermine "config" I guess more contrast between the text that is a link and regular text and the color between the 3/16" diameter icons and the background color in pluginmgr.php is required before I would ever have figured it out.
The son claims he had the LightBox mod is not working for me when I go to the albums and click on the pictures its the same ole thing a popup window.
Click a picture a pop up window opens
Click the same picture in the pop up window and the window closes
Click the next picture and another window opens up with the picture
Click the picture and the window closes.
94 pictures in the album I am getitng user feed back like " you make it 1/2 way through the album and you become dizzy from the popup window opening and closing" and "are you kidding me we hated pop up windows 10 years ago make them go away" I have some albums that will be over 200 pictures when I upload them no way users will tolerate a popup window opening and closing 200 times.
I need to fix this soon the troops are getting resseless.
"The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
You did not answer the verification questions correctly."
Trying the bot testing a second time
Ok after a few hours of messing around I figure out that if you go into the CPG config then go to "Thumbnail view" and check "Go directly from thumbnail to full-sized image " this breaks your plug in.
PLEASE put a note in the instructions or some place so future users dont have to spend hours trying to figure this out.
Great modification my hat is off to you!
Quote from: Maxgallery on January 17, 2012, 04:47:41 PM
Help please I installed the modification now what?
Says go to the configuration where is the configuration it assumes I know where it is I have looked all over I just dont see it.
Thanks in advance
Why do I have to keep answering these 5 stupid questions at the bottom of the page?
Go to your "Plug-ins."
The configuration options for plug-ins are located in the Plug-in, not in Configuration. ;)
I love this plugin, I did notice that if a visitor right clicks the image and saves it to their computer, that the "Insert a transparent overlay to minimize image theft" is disabled when using this plugin - the pics can be saved as a jpeg. Can this be corrected?
There is no plan to implement that feature within this plugin.
I've been running the earlier version of this plugin without problems, but just tried v3.2.
I am using the default configuration for the plugin. Other plugins in use are keyboard navigation & minicms. Theme is vstrip.
If I click on the (intermediate) image, it will show the full size image without a problem, but if I click the arrow right button for the next image, it will show the 1st image again and adds to the caption - "Click to view full size image" and also shows the 1st image as no. 2 in the set. Also it suggests there are 33 images in the album but in fact there are only 32.
If I start at say the 5th image in the album, LightBox will show that image as 1 of 33 (not 5 of 32) and working my way through, when I get to the 6th image to be displayed, it will be image no.5 with "Click to view full size image" added to the caption.
Hope I have explained the problem clearly. Gallery on the link below (running 1.15.20)
Any help appreciated. If no easy answer, I can go back to previous version, which works correctly.
I have not been able to reproduce what you are seeing, so please.
- Try a different browser and / or clear your IE cache
- Make certain that all of the plugin files were cleanly uploaded
I don't have much time, so if it repeats or works, please reply.
Quote from: Joe Carver on September 26, 2012, 02:14:40 AM
I have not been able to reproduce what you are seeing, so please.
- Try a different browser and / or clear your IE cache
- Make certain that all of the plugin files were cleanly uploaded
I don't have much time, so if it repeats or works, please reply.
Yes, sorry! Should have tried that first. It works fine, thanks!!!
Could it be used at thumbnail views ? Because i set "Go directly from thumbnail to full-sized image: Yes" at Gallery Configuration.
Thanks a lot.
fantastic plug-in... thank you very much... :D
Is there a possibility to directly start the slideshow with a direct link outside the gallery (another internet page or site)?
an album of my gallery as example:
thanks, Marco
It would be very difficult. To start with, the external
page would need to load the LightBox javascript file
located on your server.
There could be some ways to work around the obstacles,
but I have no easy path to point you towards.
Hi Joe, thanks for your feedback...
just an idea to make it: it's possible to put something in the displayimage.php script that automatically starts the slideshow instead of showing the normal picture in the coppermine page? for example this one:
and maybe make this option activable with an option in the plug-in config parameters?
Thanks... Marco
sorry. I have a problem with this plugin. Now I have installed, but i don´t knoh how I get do main page. Plase tell me, how I get it. Thanks.
Quote from: Joe Carver on December 18, 2009, 06:01:20 AM
This will replace the pop-up image with a LightBox and slideshow. It is based on the cpg 1.4x plugin by jeepguy_1980 (;u=60615) and the mod. by Sander Weyens (SaWey) (;u=40798). It uses the jquery based NFLightBox by Helori LAMBERTY at ( The Coppermine file jquery-1.3.2.js is used by the plugin.
- Borders with rounded corners
- image caption shown by default with title
- timing settings for image swap and fade
- image swap by fade only (no animations)
To install:
1) Download the zip file to your computer
2) Log in as admin and install with Plugin Manager - use Configuration to set your preferences
3) Enjoy it!
-) SET "Number of files in album to list for slideshow" TO 500 OR LESS
To uninstall:
1) Use Plugin Manager
Example/Demo Here (Main Site) (
Here (My 1st CPG Gallery) (
Here (Artists Gallery) (
Best effects and views with browser set to view full screen - great with large images.
Compatible browsers - Firefox 3.5.6 - IE8 - Safari (Mac + Win) - Opera - Chrome
Compatible 1.5.x plugins - iScroll. Slider, Monitor Calibration, Mousewheel + More
Bug and usage reports are kindly requested - thanks.
Download the latest version below
hi, i downloaded the latest file and its works fine in the imgae view page
but my gallery is set to open file from the tumbnail page
and there the plugin dont working (the default one open the image)
how can i set it to work on tumbnail page as well as image view page?
First of all, excellent plugin, Joe ...
I saw in Ver. 2 that one can close if clicked on overlay (I assume that means outside the image)
I have just installed the latest version 3.2 but it does not seem to close when clicking outside the image.
Any ideas how to get it to close when clicking outside the image ?
my website powered by Coppermine :
If I remember correctly, that is an artifact of the Download Link setting.
Try turning it off / on in the plugin config page.
You could use this plugin, Add a Download Link for the full-size image v1.1 - v1.4 (,65849.0.html) (which has been nicely updated by a contributor) if you want to provide a download link for your visitors.
Thanks, Joe, you are right ! Turning off the download link solves it.
with LightBox plugin the image shrinks to very,very small size like 40x20px if I add height:auto and width:100% to the img style.
Can someone help me understand why?
can not view an image when I click the thumb in last uploads etc only in random files and the gallery thumb when lightbox is enabled
I did deleted height:auto and width:100% to the img style
me too
clicking in random files, lastcom and toprated works .... in lastup and lasthit no
in guest access the page is blank, in the admin mode:
"Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 24 bytes) in /../coppermine/include/ on line 291"
My gallery (
Plugin vers. 3.2
Coppermine 1.5.22
my first post was a request
Use coppermine since 2006 and I upgraded two weeks ago (to 1.4.x to 1.5.22 italian version)
this plugin I had ever seen and it is really nice
I've update coppermine (1.5.24) but nothing has changed
Quote from: allvip on August 25, 2013, 03:16:31 AM
with LightBox plugin the image shrinks to very,very small size like 40x20px if I add height:auto and width:100% to the img style.
Can someone help me understand why?
How are you setting those values? The plugin has it's own resizing routine that can be turned off in the config. page.
Quote from: allvip on August 27, 2013, 01:07:30 PM
...can not view an image when I click the thumb in last uploads etc only in random files and the gallery thumb when lightbox is enabled
Quote from: pacifico on August 31, 2013, 01:30:04 PM
...clicking in random files, lastcom and toprated works .... in lastup and lasthit no
I am unable to reproduce that effect, but don't have the exact same conditions.
What is the setting that you have for this plugin config value?
QuoteNumber of files in album to list for slideshow
Try setting it to a smaller number (not zero).
Hi Joe
thanks for the tip but before posting i tried to set a low number (150, 50, 10) but the error was left
I tried again now and nothing has changed
Perhaps my gallery settings are quite heavy (full size 1920, intermediate 740, thumbs 250 exact and the index Breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/lastup/lastalb/lasthits/lastcom/random,4/onlinestats index) with over 60.000 photo but it's fast and the plugin works perfectly and is very nice except in lastup and lasthits in the index
Thanks for the reply. I have some ideas, but very little time for testing and confidence for results.
If I find/change something, it will be posted here.
Other information that could be useful
index - lastup and lasthits fail - about 64,000 photos
index user gallery - lastup and lasthits fail - 35,000 photos
index category "raduni" - lastup and lasthits works - about 15,000 photos
Index - Page lastup by menu (performance)
Parameter Current Peak
Memory usage 5.07 MiB 7.55 MiB
Page generation 228.18 ms 228.18 ms
Page query time 143.73 ms 143.73 ms
Page query count 25 25
the plugin still enable .... too nice
Hi Joe,
I ran into this issue. Because I have a wordpress site I load the galleria theme in an iframe in our website. When you go into light box or full screen mode, it opens full size in the frame, not in the page/screen. Is there a way to change the script somewhere to take the parent page as size instead of the iframe (or something like that?).
petite traduction en français !)
Quote from: Αndré on January 06, 2010, 08:35:45 AM
I fixed the critical error when viewing non-images in r7003 (
...I have tried a couple of combinations, but I cannot get this running properly. Here is my setup:
coppermine 1.5.46
php 5.6.32
LightBox (lightbox_notes_for_net): v3.2
Flash Media Player (flash_media_player): v2.1
The lightbox works nicely with images, but videos are just skipped. If I click on the lightbox icon (upper left) while watching a video, I get another box displaying the video, but nothing to select next or previous image/video. Also, there is no button for automatic slideshow. I assume I have the wrong combination of the plugins or their versions (?).
I pushed an example album with videos to public:
Any Idea?
Quote from: pacifico on August 31, 2013, 01:30:04 PM
me too
clicking in random files, lastcom and toprated works .... in lastup and lasthit no
in guest access the page is blank, in the admin mode:
"Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 24 bytes) in /../coppermine/include/ on line 291"
My gallery (
Plugin vers. 3.2
Coppermine 1.5.22
Hello all,
unfortunately, I'm running into the same issue: user galleries, etc. work perfectly, as soon as you click on one of the "last uploaded" pictures you get the error:
"Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 81 bytes)"
Same in my test gallery (1.5.48) and the live one (1.6.06). Maybe there is a solution / workaround in the meantime.
I haven't found any other plugin with the "lightbox look" yet.
Thank you for your help!
Quote from: totosfo on June 09, 2019, 02:41:36 PM
I haven't found any other plugin with the "lightbox look" yet.
Although not exactly the "lightbox look", have you tried this (,79126.0.html) for CPG 1.6.x?
Quote from: ron4mac on June 09, 2019, 04:01:47 PM
Although not exactly the "lightbox look", have you tried this (,79126.0.html) for CPG 1.6.x?
Thanks for that :), I just tried and works. Now I just need to act as a zoom replacement when a user clicks on the intermediate picture, but that's something for the other thread.
Had this working on 1.6 until I updated jquery today 5/5/21. Worked great, anyone got a fix? I know its an old plugin and post.