Hello there,
When I click 'My Gallery' and the filter is applied to the url http://www.actionforcetoys.com/gallery/index.php?cat=10005 no photos show up, but if I goto the main index page without the cat filter they are there. http://www.actionforcetoys.com/gallery/index.php
Please help. Can't find any documentation or info on this one.
The "My Gallery" Button is used for your personal gallery.
You probably haven't created any albums in your personal gallery.
The Photos you have uploaded are in a different category.
I have albums and images that I created though.
No user Galleries show up http://www.actionforcetoys.com/gallery/index.php?cat=1
Can you try creating a new user and see if you have the same issues please. Maybe it's because I'm in the admin group or something?
You could always try creating a user yourself.
I was thinking it might be best to do it from a different OS/Browser/IP smart arse. :P
Please don't insult supporters.
What I meant was you didn't Create any Albums in the "My Gallery" Category.
You did Create albums, just in a different Category.
Did you not see the :P in the post? It's called a sense of humour...
And you haven't really helped me in the slightest. :-*
That was a joke btw you have helped me really. :)
It might be an idea to have 'My Photos' instead of or merged with 'My Gallery' then?
The standard user galleries show up now in http://www.actionforcetoys.com/gallery/index.php?cat=1 but galleries uploaded by admins don't show up. Why is this?
Obviously it's not scripted to show galleries created by admins. Might be an idea to show admin created albums in this section in 1.5.x
What a nonsensical and abusive thread. Locking. Next posting in the similar manner will get you banned.