Hi again..
is it possible that users of my gallery can delete own pictures.. ?
ny site is: onlinegalleriet.dk
account to test: torbeniversen
pwd: 2105inger
version: 1.4.26 with Stramm mod.
i have set the correct things in config i have tryied to set language to english but no delete buttom..
also i would like to have the abillity to delete edit and have full control over their own galleries.. is that possible..
any help would be appriciated.. thanx..
Documentation -> Config -> Allow users to retain control over their pics in public galleries (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm#admin_user_editpics_public_start).
Clickable link to your gallery would be http://onlinegalleriet.dk/
Done that.. !! still not working..
Try Approval set to NO. Then make your test. I could not delete a test .gif just now after waiting for admin approval.
Other wise you could test the effects of the plugins your are running....(one that allows for anyone to edit maybe?)
Yes I know.. :-) i removed the Approval option .. so please try agian..
I also tryed with all my plugins.. nothing seems to work..
Care to tell us what plugins you are using? Post a screenshot of the relevant section of the plugin manager screen (attach the screenshot to your posting). Also attach a screenshot of the corresponding section of coppermine's config screen and the groups control panel. Before you take the screenshots, remember to temporarily access those pages in English (by accessing http://onlinegalleriet.dk/?lang=english). After you did, you can switch back to your default (by going to http://onlinegalleriet.dk/?lang=xxx). You might as well temporarily disable your plugins to make sure that they are not interfering (there is a single toggle in config that allows you to disable the processing of plugins).
hi Joachim and joe..
i can see.. i missed that.. it worked when i turned off my plugins.. so I ve got a bit of work left..
thanx for your support and quick reply´s ..
reagards Torben