This plugin adds a tracking code to every page if the user isn't logged in as admin. An additional cookie based exclusion is also available after the installation of this plugin. Users may also opt-out from tracking if they enable Do Not Track ( from their browser's settings. This plugin replaces my Google Analytics plugin (,61232.0.html). Please note that some translations are incomplete.
- multilingual (currently: en,fi,fr,pl and partly de,nl,ch,es)
- puts tracker code in all pages except if an admin has logged in or if the user has installed an optional cookie or if the user has enabled Do Not Track (
- doesn't overwrite any core files (eg. anycontent.php or theme.php)
- theme independent
Supported trackers:
- Google Anylytics
- Piwik
- Open Web Analytics (OWA)
- BBClone
- CrawlTrack
- Yahoo! Web Analytics
- Bing Webmaster Tools
- Google Search Console
About the config screen's Extra setting:
This setting is used to give the tracker a second setting. Depending on the tracker, this setting is mandatory for the tracker to work. If completing the field for a specific tracker is necessary, then the field is pre-filled with some text (ID-SITE, for example). Currently this field is only used for site IDs.
Google Analytics users:
Please make sure that you're using the Universal Analytics tracking method from Google Analytics's settings before using this plugin.
- Written by papukaija (;u=56739)
- v. 1.1 has been contributed by André (;u=24278)
- v. 1.4 includes some optimisations by Joachim (;u=2)
- This plugin includes database and form related code which are taken from the Social bookmark plugin
- André (;u=24278) (for German)
- tjiepie (;u=58040) (for Dutch)
- a-m (;u=36610) (for Chinese)
- jmatute (;u=73633) (for Spanish)
- FBleu (;u=68203) (for French)
- fabkow (;u=111905) (for Polish)
A new version of this plugin has been added to the initial post.
Changes in version 2.0:
- Added support for Open Web Analytics (OWA), BBClone and CrawlTrack (please test if they actually work)
- Added explanation for config screen's Extra setting to README.txt
- Updated Google Analytics's tracker code (removed pageTracker._initData(); which is now only usefull with frame sites, see here ( for more information)
- DB schema: Changed the varchar for tracker_extra to 50
Upgrading from 2.0beta1 (important): Due to the change in db's schema, you must completely uninstall (including settings) this plugin before installing a new version of it. The change was necessary to add support for OWA's longer site IDs.
A new version of this plugin has been added to the initial post.
Changes in version 2.1:
- Moved README.txt and TODO.txt to /docs/english.html
- Updated few links to use /docs/<user's_lang>.html through greybox
- Changed getRaw to getAlpha in cookie's reading
- This plugin uses now a language fallback
- Added form token to clenup's form
- Added 'success' css class to cookie sender's msg_box() in cookie.php
- inspekt inside external_tracker_footer() is loaded with $strict = FALSE; to use php based trackers but the superglobals are removed at functions's end (@devs: I'll change this method to something else if it isn't safe)
- Fixed redirecting url in cookie.php
A new version of this plugin has been added to the initial post.
Changes in version 2.2
- Moved from inspekt's $strict = FALSE to _source as the $strict has no effect inside a function (but these superglobals are of course deleted immediately after they're not needed)
I'm using the plugin for G analytics. Works great so far, thanks.
Spansih Translation for GA plugin cpg 1.4.xx
Quote from: Hache on September 16, 2010, 02:27:42 PM
Spansih Translation for GA plugin cpg 1.4.xx
Wrong sub-board and topic ...
First of all. Thanks for the nice plugin :)
Do you have source repository available somewhere?
I want to add some Russian tracker and probably Russian translation and it would be simpler to send patches against the source repo...
Quote from: kernelcraft on October 21, 2010, 08:23:43 PM
Do you have source repository available somewhere?
No, a local lamp is enough for me and a dev hasn't yet added this plugin to the official svn.
Quote from: kernelcraft on October 21, 2010, 08:23:43 PM
I want to add some Russian tracker and probably Russian translation and it would be simpler to send patches against the source repo...
Feel free to attach your translations to this topic. It's quite easy to add new trackers to my plugin, so just post the required details to this topic (please use either attachements or the code/quote formatting) and I'll add them to my plugin. The required details for a tracker are url to tracker's doc, default setting value(es) for tracking Id/site IDs, etc and some explanation for those settings. However, I won't have access to main computer until the third week of November, so you'll need to wait a while before your contribution will be included in my plugin.
Quote from: papukaija on October 21, 2010, 11:29:52 PM
a dev hasn't yet added this plugin to the official svn
Added version 2.2 (package from initial post) to svn repository in revision 7984 (
Quote from: Αndré on October 22, 2010, 09:26:45 AM
Added version 2.2 (package from initial post) to svn repository in revision 7984 (
Great. Thank you.
A new version of this plugin has been added to the initial post.
Changes in version 2.3:
- Added support for Yahoo! Web Analytics
- Google Analytics and Piwik now use the new asynchronous javascript tracker
You must completely uninstall (including the deletion of settings) the older version due to a database change or alternatively use phpmyadmin to add "async" field to this plugin's table (CPG_plugin_external_tracker where CPG is the prefix set by the gallery's installer) with enum (YES/NO) and 'NOT NULL', NO being the default value and then assign YES for Google Anylytics and Piwik and NO for other trackers.
I recently installed another FB mod that had a conflict originally with your external tracker plugin causing its meta data not to show (the FB plugin)
I moved your plugin to a higher position of execution order and it solved the problem.
However, now I'm curious if your plugin is working or not. I don't see anything in the header for any google scripts, nor do I see any when I have just this plugin installed.
Is there a way to verify its working outside checking G. Analytics?
I see the GA script in the header part of your gallery located at (please remember board rules). The plugin doesn't verify the values set in the plugin's configuration (with the exception of security checks by inspekt) , so you can enable any js based tracker with the default values and look at the html source code after you have saved the changes to the settings. Enabling php based trackers with default values may lead to error messages since php's include function will fail.
Attached v.2.4 of this plugin to the initial post. This version fixes the reported compatibility issue (,62561.msg343610.html#msg343610) with Image Scroll and other plugins altering the head part of the html code.
Got an error, tracking it down now:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_GLOBAL, expecting '{' in /var/www/html/ on line 32
Sure enough the function on line 32 is missing an opening curly brace. Fixed and working like a charm now.
Quote from: TeknoSounds on February 01, 2011, 04:39:13 AM
Got an error, tracking it down now:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_GLOBAL, expecting '{' in /var/www/html/ on line 32
Fixed in v.2.5, attached it to initial post.
French translation (by FBleu) added in the pack in the initial post
Quote from: François Keller on February 26, 2011, 11:07:21 AM
French translation (by FBleu) added in the pack in the initial post
Thank you for your contribution. Unfortunately the svn version of this plugin is a bit outdated, so I copied the new French files to my local copy and updated the initial package. LP has always the latest version of this plugin, more details in the initial post. I've also added FBleu to the translator part of the docs (both English and French).
ok, thank's, do you want i update the svn version of this plugin with your new ?
Yes, that can't be a bad idea.
I installed the plugin and read the manual but there is no such thing as 'config manager' in Plugin Manager.
How do I configure it to work with Google Analytics?
The link isn't named "config manager" but just settings. Please post a link to your site if you need further help.
There is no settings, neither. This is all I can see:
That's not what I asked for. I can't reproduce your issue with the given details. Please follow board rules (,55415.msg270616.html#msg270616) or have a nice debugging weekend.
You can see my gallery at
I did not post the link because to see plugin manager, you'd need to login as admin. Is this what you need?
Does it work with default themes? I uploaded igames theme to my site and still can't reproduce your issue. Does versionchek.php confirm that you're running latest CPG? I'm asking this because the link text is taken from CPG's own language files. You can also try to download the plugin again and reupload configuration.php. Btw, I checked from CPG's lang files that the correct link text for English is actually just "Config".
I tried other thames but it is the same thing - no 'Config'. Where should it be located?
I updated cpg few days ago from 1.4 to 1.5.12. I never used plugins before. Everything else seems to be working just fine and version check does not signal any errors. I also reuploaded configuration.php. No luck.
When I was installing the plugin, regular html install didn't work so I had to upload unpacked folder. Then I had to change its name to 'external_tracker' because 'cpg1.5.x_plugin_external_tracker_v.2.5' would not install in plugin manager.
This is getting strange. The link should be between the cookie link and the support link. Until this issue is solved, you can access the config page by going to "index.php?file=external_tracker/plugin_config". Can you try with an other browser? Can you see the link in the html code (the fastest way to locate the proper section of the html is to search for "index.php?file=external_tracker/cookie") ? If yes, does the link appear if you disable all styles,for example in Firefox it's in: Show>Page's style and then "no styles"? Can you see the config link in the admin menu as both links uses the same text from cpg's language files?
Quote from: Lockheed on March 04, 2011, 08:21:51 PM
Then I had to change its name to 'external_tracker' because 'cpg1.5.x_plugin_external_tracker_v.2.5' would not install in plugin manager.
Sorry, I forgot to rename the folder name inside the zip file. It's now fixed.
My main browser is Opera, but I tried Chrome and it's the same thing.
The only instance I find in source is this;
<td class="tableb" width="20%" valign="top">Extra:</td>
<td class="tableb" valign="top"><a href="index.php?file=external_tracker/cookie" class="admin_menu" title="Install or update the cookie">Install or update the cookie</a>
<a href="index.php?file=external_tracker/plugin_config" class="admin_menu" title=""></a>
<a href=",65174.0.html" rel="external" class="admin_menu" title="Support thread"> Support thread</a></td>
Yes, I can see Config manu at all times in Admin area. That is, if you mean the menu bar you can see onthe screen I posted earlier.
Quote from: Lockheed on March 05, 2011, 09:18:40 AM
<td class="tableb" width="20%" valign="top">Extra:</td>
<a href="index.php?file=external_tracker/plugin_config" class="admin_menu" title=""></a>
So for some reason php fails to parse
(the config_icon refers to
cpg_fetch_icon('config', 1);)
Quote from: Lockheed on March 05, 2011, 09:18:40 AM
Yes, I can see Config manu at all times in Admin area. That is, if you mean the menu bar you can see onthe screen I posted earlier.
Yes, that's what I meant. The good news is that this isn't a css issue. The bad news is that I 've no idea about this bug's root cause: your admin menu is able to get the link text and I checked that the config icon is found in your server (the script doesn't output the html for the icon if that isn't found on the server). Do you get any php errors either in your gallery's logs or your server's logs? Have you installed other plugins? It's unlikely that the issue would come from another plugin but something somewhere is breaking those variables. Does at least the direct access to
index.php?file=external_tracker/plugin_config work?
Yes, the direct access works and I am waiting 24h before GA starts recording stats for my gallery.
Well, it has been three days since I configured the plugin and Google Analytics panel is still saying 'Tracking Unknown'.
Quote from: Lockheed on March 07, 2011, 09:22:28 AM
Well, it has been three days since I configured the plugin and Google Analytics panel is still saying 'Tracking Unknown'.
That's completely normal since your gallery's html source doesn't show GA's tracking code. Please try to answer my questions in reply 31.
I have no other plugins installed and I am not sure how to check the logs.
To be more precise, I don't know what to look for in the logs.
Forgot to activate the plugin... ::)
Quote from: Lockheed on March 08, 2011, 09:38:56 AM
I have no other plugins installed
In that case the issue seems to be with your server software but I really can't see why php fails to parse the parameters in the config link.
Quote from: Lockheed on March 08, 2011, 12:22:18 PM
To be more precise, I don't know what to look for in the logs.
Try to look for any error messages (php notices,syntax errors,etc) which come from any file in /plugins/external_tracker/. Some of the error messages may be visible in debug mode ( (you can enable it from your gallery's settings). Please don't post the whole output but just any errors from my plugin and php's version. The location of your server's log vary but you can access them with Cpanel, Vistapanel,etc or ask for them from your hosting company.
GA is working but I added Piwik to my gallery to get IP addresses of visitors. However, I am not sure what should I type in the 'Tracker' field for Piwik in plugin config. I tried page address but it does not seem to be working.
Quote from: Lockheed on March 09, 2011, 11:48:08 AM
However, I am not sure what should I type in the 'Tracker' field for Piwik in plugin config. I tried page address but it does not seem to be working.
The field should be pre-filled with "domain.tld/path-to-piwik/". It should work as long as you don't add http(s):// since it's added by the javascript and remember to add the trailing slash.
For 2 days now, google analytic shows, its never taken this long before.
QuoteWaiting for Data
Analytics has been successfully installed and data is being gathered now.
Quote from: papukaija on March 04, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Please follow board rules (,55415.msg270616.html#msg270616) or have a nice debugging weekend.
Quote from: papukaija on March 18, 2011, 09:11:55 PM
Problem occurring here (
Quote from: papukaija on March 07, 2011, 10:40:43 PM
That's completely normal since your gallery's html source doesn't show GA's tracking code.
Please double-check that you've enabled and configured this plugin. Are you using the latest release (currently v.2.5) of this plugin? Does the code appear if you disable all other plugins and/or by using an unmodified theme?
Plugin Enabled.
Plugin Configured.
v2.5 Yes.
Does the code appear, with other disables. No
I don't have to put anything in extra setting for Google Analytics do I?
Quote from: Forgottenmem on March 19, 2011, 08:20:12 PM
Does the code appear, with other disables. No
I don't have to put anything in extra setting for Google Analytics do I?
Just to be 100% sure, you need to make those tests when you are
not logged in as admin (and also remember to remove the cookie if you installed it). Did you also try with a default theme without any modifications (including anycontent.php or other core file)? You don't need to put anything in the extra setting for Google Analytics.
What is your PHP version? If it's v.4, can you try with v.5? Is your gallery an upgrade from cpg 1.4? Do you get any PHP errors either in your gallery's logs (available from viewlog.php) or your server's logs (from cPanel, VistaPanel,etc)?
Quote from: papukaija on March 20, 2011, 05:09:12 PM
Just to be 100% sure, you need to make those tests when you are not logged in as admin (and also remember to remove the cookie if you installed it). Did you also try with a default theme without any modifications (including anycontent.php or other core file)? You don't need to put anything in the extra setting for Google Analytics.
What is your PHP version? If it's v.4, can you try with v.5? Is your gallery an upgrade from cpg 1.4? Do you get any PHP errors either in your gallery's logs (available from viewlog.php) or your server's logs (from cPanel, VistaPanel,etc)?
Thanks for the support. I'm no longer using the plugin. I have implemented the Google analytics code into one of my files that appears on all pages. Cheers.
papukaija, how does this show up in the Page Source? I searched my source for anything google and analytics and nothing shows up, though its showing up in GA, so obviously its working... just want to really verify it is all, in case I need to ensure its working after adding another plugin.
Google Analytics (and Piwik) should be in the header part of the code. If you don't see it, try changing the order of your plugins in plugin manager.
Right...but like I said, its not showing up at all... only two plugins I'm running right now is yours and the Facebook Comments/Like/etc plugin. Tried changing order on both but no luck.
But its odd since Analyitics is pulling its working...just not sure why its not showing up in the page source. Hmm.
(gallery link in my sig)
Do you mean That site is showing the code in the header part of the html source. Please try emptying your cache. Remember that the code won't show if you're logged in as admin or if you have enabled the cookie.
Quote from: papukaija on March 23, 2011, 12:14:39 PM
Do you mean That site is showing the code in the header part of the html source. Please try emptying your cache. Remember that the code won't show if you're logged in as admin or if you have enabled the cookie.
Ahhh that was my issue (admin), thanks :)
I added v.2.6 of this plugin to the initial post. Piwik's code has been updated to add support for tracking downloads and the documentation is updated too. An update isn't necessary if you haven't allowed your visitors to download albums while using Piwik.
Nice plugin, I translated english lang to polish lang. In attachment is polish lang for External Tracker.
@fabkov: Thank you for your contribution - I've added it to the plugin in v.2.7. And sorry for the late reply but I've been very busy for the last few weeks.
Not sure this is working with v.1.5.16.
I don't even see a 'config link in plugin manager'.
Any help appreciated.
@cyberdyne2: Please post a link to your gallery (,55415.msg270616.html#msg270616) as required by board rules.
My apologies. I was looking for general help regarding the plugin supporting the latest version of Coppermine, not specific help regarding my forum.
However, you are correct, my gallery is at http://www.
Thank you
Please make sure that you've installed the latest version of this plugin and that you've uploaded all the files in the package to your server. Do you get any php errors in cpg/Apache/cPanel's logs? You should upgrade your gallery asap.
A new version of this plugin has been added to the initial post.
Changes in version 2.8:
- Added support for the Do Not Track header
- Revised documentation
when i wil install. i get next error.
Critical error
There was an error while processing a database query
Please post a link to your gallery (,55415.msg270616.html#msg270616) as required by board rules.
Error on installing version 2.8 to CPG 1.5.18
While executing query '
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cpg1410_plugin_external_tracker` (
service_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
service_active enum('YES','NO') NOT NULL default 'NO',
service_name_short varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
service_name_full varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
tracker varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
tracker_extra varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
help_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
async enum('YES','NO') NOT NULL default 'NO',
PRIMARY KEY (service_id),
UNIQUE KEY service_name_full (service_name_full),
UNIQUE KEY help_url (help_url)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Used to store settings for External tracker plugin.'' in plugins\external_tracker\codebase.php on line 96
mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Used to store settings for External tracker plugin.'' at line 13
Gallery URL - (
>:( Same problem here. Find the schema.sql file in cpg15x/plugins/external_tracker folder and change last line TYPE=MyISAM to ENGINE=MyISAM. Save and install the plugin. Hope this helps.
Thanks Prozac. (How many people can say they owe their thanks to Prozac? Clever)
That went without a hitch and for the record for others, be sure to hit the Config under External Tracker's Plugin settings. That's where you insert your own tracking choices and account ID. By default they were all turned off and had a different Google Analytics account ID entered.
TYPE has been deprecated.
Updated original post with new version.
Thanks for the reports and the fix. I was actually preparing the fixed zip archive when I realised that Jeff had already released a fix for this issue... Anyway, I reuploaded the plugin with updated changelog, configuration.php and the deletion of the whole MySQL engine's reference (to follow the style used in cpg's /sql/schema.sql).
I am also having problems with the External Tracker (version 2.9).
I installed it using the Plugin installer and it appeared to install OK.
I could not find any Config button in the Coppermine Plugin Manager or anywhere else.
In the "External tracker (external_tracker): v2.9" in Coppermine Plugin Manager the "Support Thread" button returns "The requested URL /index.html/topic,65174.0.html was not found on this server."
I can, however get to the External Tracker Config by going to "index.php?file=external_tracker/plugin_config" as suggested by papukaija so can probably get it up and running OK but thought I should post this on the board for others.
The Google Analytics 'Help' link on the "External tracker by papukaija - Plugin Manager" doesn't appear to work and returns "We are sorry but the information that you have requested cannot be found. Please try searching or browsing the Help Centre."
I have temporarily uninstalled the mod until I have a little more time to get it up and running.
Quote from: Johnfromhere on December 12, 2012, 06:11:18 PM
In the "External tracker (external_tracker): v2.9" in Coppermine Plugin Manager the "Support Thread" button returns "The requested URL /index.html/topic,65174.0.html was not found on this server."
I guess you're using the SEF plugin. Just change the index.html to index.php in your browser's address bar and it should work. The fix would need to go to that plugin, not my plugin.
I'll try to look at the other issues over the next few days. Can you tell me if you get any php errors in Coppermine/Apache/cPanel's logs?
Thanks for the reply.
QuoteI guess you're using the SEF plugin. Just change the index.html to index.php in your browser's address bar and it should work. The fix would need to go to that plugin, not my plugin.
Yes, I am using the SEF plugin but I'm not sure what that has to do with it :-[.
QuoteCan you tell me if you get any php errors in Coppermine/Apache/cPanel's logs?
As far as I can see, there are no errors in any of the logs.
Having configured it using "index.php?file=external_tracker/plugin_config" as suggested, it appears to be working OK and now all I have to do is to learn how to use Google Analytics properly.
Many thanks for the plugin, papukaija.
Quote from: Johnfromhere on December 14, 2012, 06:15:15 PM
Yes, I am using the SEF plugin but I'm not sure what that has to do with it :-[.
That plugin replaces all references of index.php to index.html but unfortunately it does that for external links too.
Quote from: Johnfromhere on December 12, 2012, 06:11:18 PM
I could not find any Config button in the Coppermine Plugin Manager or anywhere else.
The config button should be between the cookie install and support thread buttons. Are you using the default theme? If not, can you try it? Can you also try to search for the codes below from the plugin manager's html source?
file=external_tracker/plugin_config" class="admin_menu"
<img src="images/icons/config.png
Quote from: Johnfromhere on December 12, 2012, 06:11:18 PM
The Google Analytics 'Help' link on the "External tracker by papukaija - Plugin Manager" doesn't appear to work and returns "We are sorry but the information that you have requested cannot be found. Please try searching or browsing the Help Centre."
Thanks for reporting. Google has changed the URL for that page, I've updated the link for the next release.
First of all: Thanks for the plugin!
Any plans to also implement the (optional) anonymization of tracked IP's for Google Analytics? (
Hi papukaija,
I was not using the default theme (curve), I was using 'dark_velvet' so I reverted to the default theme for the following tests.
QuoteThe config button should be between the cookie install and support thread buttons. Are you using the default theme? If not, can you try it? Can you also try to search for the codes below from the plugin manager's html source?
The config button is not there.
I am not sure what file you meant as the 'plugin manager's html source' but I have searched for the two sets of code in "external_tracker/configuration.php" and it found the first extract
Quotefile=external_tracker/plugin_config" class="admin_menu"
but not the
Quote<img src="images/icons/config.png
Any further advice/guidance gratefully received.
Many thanks.
Quote from: Johnfromhere on December 26, 2012, 03:52:02 PM
I am not sure what file you meant as the 'plugin manager's html source'
Sorry if I wasn't clear. Go the plugin manager (pluginmgr.php) in your browser and then open the page source (Ctrl+U in Firefox).You should be able to find at least the first code.
Could you also try if the attached file (unzip and replace the file included in the plugin) solves the issue for you?
Quote from: taucher0815 on December 26, 2012, 01:14:45 PM
Any plans to also implement the (optional) anonymization of tracked IP's for Google Analytics?
I guess I could add this to the next release, as non-technical users are unlikely to be aware of the Do Not Track function.
This is awesome, thanks!
Can you add support for Bing - Webmaster Tools?
Sorry for very late reply but I didn't get an email notification about your message, probably because I didn't login when I read your previous message. I guess I can add both Bing and Google Webmaster Tools to this plugin even if they aren't full analytics tools.
Thanks guys again for your feedback and feature suggestions - they've been included to this plugin's v. 2.10 which is attached to the initial post (sorry for the massive delay, but I haven't had time to work on this plugin until now). Please see below for the full change log.
Changes in version 2.10:
- Updated Google's Javascript to use the new Universal Analytics tracking method (with anonymisation of tracked IPs)
Please make sure that you're using the new Universal Analytics tracking method from Google Analytics's settings before updating this plugin.
Please see for more details.
- Added support for Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmaster Tools)
- Minor adjustments to the Javascript codes for Piwik and Yahoo! Web Analytics
- Updated the help links for some trackers' docs
- Revised documentation
Please note that you'll need to completely uninstall (including settings) and then reinstall the plugin in order to use it for Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Search Console.
I just installed this and nothing has come up in the config screen? Where do I config it for Google Analytics?
Thanks in advance
Kriss :)
Quote from: Dankriss on July 08, 2016, 05:04:15 PM
I just installed this and nothing has come up in the config screen? Where do I config it for Google Analytics?
Thanks in advance
Kriss :)
Click on Config > Plugin Manager, then click the little grey cog within the section for this plugin.
I've just installed this plugin onto a 1.5.26 gallery with no problems, thank you!
It doesn't let me edit my previous post... I meant to say I installed it onto 1.5.46 (the current version of coppermine) with no issue.
I've been trying to install the tracker program but can only find V2.1 attached to the original message by the Author. I have seen mention of a V2.9 in this forum but can't see it anywhere, am I missing something or is this no longer available?
I know it's a little counter-intuitive but what is attached to the original post is version 2.10 ... which is greater than 2.9 (10 is larger than 9).
Quote from: ron4mac on June 16, 2018, 12:25:50 AM
I know it's a little counter-intuitive but what is attached to the original post is version 2.10 ... which is greater than 2.9 (10 is larger than 9).
Thanks, a bit of a Doh! moment on my part, I realised it was 2.10 rather than 2.1 after I'd left that message. I got it installed and it seems to be working fine.