Just building this website for my 7 year old daughter to show off her Beanie Kids collection - Coppermine V1.5.6 Fruity Theme
http://beaniekids.parkinson.id.au/gallery/ (http://beaniekids.parkinson.id.au/gallery/)
I don't have a big budget but do not know if my requests are 5 minute changes or changes that take days so please give me an indication.
I would like plain english urls as seen in this gallery
http://slinq.com/gallery/html/54-Page1-Cuckmere-Haven-2009-11-07.html (http://slinq.com/gallery/html/54-Page1-Cuckmere-Haven-2009-11-07.html)
I would also like the Title shown below the thumbnail to be a clickable link
SEF_URLs plugin for cpg1.5.x => http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,42568.html
just noticed this was in the paid section, are you looking to pay someone for this or did you post in the wrong spot?
Hi Jeff,
The serfs plugin does not do what I want it to do - well i don't think it does
Sorry i haven't explained properly
At the moment I click on a thumbnail for, say Giggles The Clown, and it is set to
http://beaniekids.parkinson.id.au/gallery/displayimage-12.html#top_display_media (http://beaniekids.parkinson.id.au/gallery/displayimage-12.html#top_display_media)
I want the url to be http://beaniekids.parkinson.id.au/gallery/gigglestheclown or
I have spent a few hours reading the forums and have seen a few requests for this but no answers. I am willing to pay for this as long as it can be done quickly
I have now worked out how to perform both
Plain English URLs and Links in title
Please disregard this paid help request