Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: redbull111 on August 06, 2010, 01:35:42 PM

Title: Pago 10 $ a quien me haga un sistema de pms en v.1.5.6
Post by: redbull111 on August 06, 2010, 01:35:42 PM
Hola, pues lo dicho, que pago 10$ a quien me haga o modifique un plugin de mensajes privados entre usuarios registrados para mi versión de coppermine que es la 1.5.6

PD: mis disculpas si no es el sitio correcto para publicar el anuncio. Contactar por privado por favor. Gracias
Title: Re: Pago 10 $ a quien me haga un sistema de pms en v.1.5.6
Post by: Αndré on August 06, 2010, 02:29:31 PM
In English please.
Title: Re: Pago 10 $ a quien me haga un sistema de pms en v.1.5.6
Post by: redbull111 on August 06, 2010, 02:49:56 PM
ok, sorry. Google translate:

Hello, so the above mentioned thing, that I pay 10$ to whom there does to me or modifies a plugin of private messages between users registered for my version of coppermine that is 1.5.6

PD: my excuses if it is not the correct site to publish the advertisement. To contact for deprived please. Thank you
Title: Re: Pago 10 $ a quien me haga un sistema de pms en v.1.5.6
Post by: redbull111 on August 08, 2010, 05:35:09 PM
nobody help me? 20 $? thanks
Title: Re: Pago 10 $ a quien me haga un sistema de pms en v.1.5.6
Post by: Αndré on August 08, 2010, 05:45:04 PM,8170.0.html
Title: Re: Pago 10 $ a quien me haga un sistema de pms en v.1.5.6
Post by: culatra on April 13, 2011, 02:54:43 PM
olá!! actualizas a tua versao para 1.5.12 e instala o plugin que está neste link;topic=70696.0;attach=34786 (;topic=70696.0;attach=34786)

O meu era 1.5.8 actualizei para essa versao e voilá!!!...deu certo...depois de uma pequena modificaçao que vem a explicar no mesmo link.

Espero ter ajudado...mais vale tarde que nunca!
Title: Re: Pago 10 $ a quien me haga un sistema de pms en v.1.5.6
Post by: culatra on April 13, 2011, 02:56:47 PM
Peço desculpa sou novo nisto e nao coloquei o link da pagina para veres as explicaçoes
Title: Re: Pago 10 $ a quien me haga un sistema de pms en v.1.5.6
Post by: Αndré on April 13, 2011, 03:04:59 PM
Again, you're not allowed to write in other languages than English in this forum!