I'm usually more of a lurker around here but I've read the docs and searched the forum and couldn't find an answer for this.
My gallery shows up "Fatal Error" when you pull it up. I came on here and did as the docs instructed, went to my phpMyAdmin, went in the config and changed the debug value to 1 instead of 0. Nothing has changed...still a white screen with "Fatal Error" and nothing else...it didn't show any more info, doesn't seem that debug is working. :(
Here is my gallery: [urlhttp://dearmrgable.com/gallery/index.php][/url]
Any help would be appreciated!
Try an upgrade as you seem to be running 1.4.24
I thought that might be it and tried to do that but when I point my browser to the update.php file, it displays a chart and everything next to it says "Ok" or "Already Done" and the bottom says "Update Completed" even though it isn't. And I can't do a version check either, says Fatal Error. ???
When I say upgrade I mean follow these instructions =>
That's what I tried to do. But when I get to this part---> http://yoursite.tld/your_coppermine_folder/update.php it acts like it already upgraded.
sending pm for admin.
Well I finally got the upgrade to work. Docs now say 1.5. But I still have this fatal error and the debug still won't work. :-[
I got your pm but the site says I am not allowed to send personal messages. ??
thats why my email is in it.
Oops. Sorry. I see that now.
You had not turned debug mode on.
The real error is
While executing query 'DELETE FROM `dmg`.gallery_sessions WHERE time < 1284338618 AND remember = 0' in bridge/coppermine.inc.php on line 248
mySQL error: Can't open file: 'gallery_sessions.MYI' (errno: 145)
Performed SQL
REPAIR TABLE gallery_sessions
Your gallery works now.
Your antique theme didn't work so I changed it to Curve. It probably needs to be upgraded for 1.5.x, please open a new thread if you would like help with that.
please resolve your thread as outlined here => http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,55415.msg270631.html#msg270631
THANK YOU so much!! That was way over my head.