Hello, Looking to have a Coppermine theme developed for our boy scout website. Using Coppermine 1.4.16-6, hosted on LunarPages. The website URL is www.troop537bsa.org. Want theme to match colors and use logo in some fashion. Don't need to change any of the basic features of Coppermine, just the colors of the page and inclusion of logo in some fashion. Don't want to completely ditch the Coppermine logo--give credit. Don't have much of a budget--$35 but do have a couple of weeks to get it done.
What else is necessary for someone to start this process. Thank you very much. Best, gg.
pm sent
This project has been completed. I am grateful to J.B. for his prompt and courteous attention to our request. The work was done quickly and without difficulties. Best, gg.