1) Make "Enlarge-It" work
2) Make "Put new files into..." drop down A-Z
3) Make videos play in Firefox
- http://www.razorpro.net/coppermine/index.php
- Budget : $20
- Time-frame : 1 Day
I honestly do not think you need someone to do this work. Better to post the questions in ther right forums and you should get them fixes easilly.
1: What is wrong with enlargit? It seems to be working fine for me.
2: Not looked at that before but probably a simple case of addin a meta album.
3: Videos are working in Firefox but as you have uploaded them as .wmv (Windows Media Video) you need a plugin in the browser to make them work. Nothing can be done in Coppermine to change that as it is the end users browser that needs the plugin. I suggest you replace those videos with .flv files then they will play much better in most browsers stream rather than require downloading to start and work from within enlargit.