Help I need pay support. My images are out of sync with the thumbs after upgrade. When I log I can't get my tools. I can if I log t0 admin php only users get no tool bar the index page is frozen in time. The random thumbs don't display at random. New pictures upload but attach to the thumb I had before upgrade. A mess in short I changed the page title to errors being worked on it changed in all but the index page. I ran the update after install. Did it over check it out file by file for missing. Rebuilt the thumbs and images. I am no expert by any means and have done everything I can think of 10 times. I upgraded because I was having log on problem and registration problems. I have over 6000 images and many users. Please contact me if you can offer support. It is an adult board so to be safe I will not leave a ULR contact me at
Did you backup your database and albums folder before upgrading?
Did a full site backup of all directors