Due to some popular demand here's a Coppermine plugin to put a selection of buttons for a few social networks on the picture page.
Now that I am finished as far as this, I notice there is already an existing plugin which seems to do similar things, Facebook Sharer (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=65740.0).
Now if you also want to try this one, it has quite a bunch of config options, as I wanted to hardcode only as little as possible.
Specifically in Facebook it seems to be actually quite a puzzle to predict when or when not a thumbnail will be shown. Although all elements are always provided with a thumbnail image by this plugin, I have managed to only get Facebook to display it right away when either using the old sharer.php, or the Like button but then needing to enter something into the balloon that turns up when liking something. As all of this seems to be functionality inside Facebook, I would not be surprised if it may change every once in a while. If anyone knows a way to provision Facebook into always displayng the thumbnail -- please let me know and/or contribute.
This plugin works together with fb_oauth (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,65943.0.html) but can also be used independently of it.
Install via the plugin manager. Check the configuration options; I hope the inline explanations with them are clear.
Important: On a picture page double-check the HTML code that arrives in the browser to make sure that it contains OpenGraph metatags:
<!-- BEGIN OpenGraph metatags -->
<meta property="og:site_name" content="..." />
<meta property="og:url" content="..." />
<!-- END OpenGraph metatags -->
These tags missing is a known issue with the XFeed plugin and possibly others that also use the page_meta hook. Please fiddle with the plugins order in the plugin manager until these tags really appear in the picture page header. For Facebook you might also find the Facebook Linter (http://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint/) useful to check what those information mean for Facebook.
Many thanks for lots of useful ideas and testing go to Thomas Behlke of the Fotofreunde Rathenow (http://www.fotofreunde-rathenow.de/) who, just as myself, is amazed with all the opportunities that Coppermine and its plugins can offer.
If you like this and can implement even more additions or social networks or improve the (default) layout, please feel free to contribute and extend the code and share it back in this thread.
Now I hope that this may be really some use for some people out there :-)
Best Regards,
Actual plugin is now in the initial post (edited).
Checking this out now :D Thanks!
looks good so far :)
I'm liking all the options
However, having one issue with my comments box... I'm getting an error stating the feature is not enabled for my domain, yet I can't find an option anywhere (like in your settings or in the application developer settings on FB) that "turns on" this feature.
Any help?
Facebook shows you the page title. Here you have to limit the length of your domain.
not so http://teknosounds.com/tspics/index.php?cat=10
better so http://teknosounds.com/tspics/
then it should work
Hmm, the application I'm using is set up for my vbulletin forum, but everything points to just http://teknosounds.com/
So, if I understand you correctly, I'm going to either need to change the URL referenced to http://teknosounds.com/tspics/ or make a new application just for the coppermine gallery?
Hi TeknoSounds,
the problem is likely that the OpenGraph metatags are missing in your gallery, check the HTML source of your picture page ...those metatags are probably eaten up by some other plugin.
Try to change the oder of the plugins in the plugin manager.
Or fix the other plugin :-), so that on the page_meta hook it does not create new content but appends to the input parameter that it received from Coppermine. (Initially I had made the same mistake in social_sharing's page_meta hook -- in social_sharing this is now fixed so if social_sharing's page_meta is called last, it does not eat up the other plugin's page_meta result.)
Hope this helps.
Well that was the case, the meta tags weren't showing. Now I've corrected the order and they're showing, but its still telling me:
QuoteThis feature is not yet enabled for your domain, teknosounds.com
i.e. http://teknosounds.com/tspics/displayimage.php?album=242&pid=27365#top_display_media
(can view source and see the og meta tags as well)
now then, i've used the application I initially set up for my site for vbulletin, however, that setup didn't require anything special being done to the app, just setting the URL to the base site and domain to the domain. Nothing else has been set as far as I can see. But I don't see any options for "enabling comments for my domain" nor is there any help on the plugins section for fb for the comments.
yes you have to create new App ID, then enter back into the plugin and then it should go.
Quote from: 1aB on January 26, 2011, 11:23:21 PM
Many thanks for lots of useful ideas and testing go to Thomas Behlke of the Fotofreunde Rathenow (http://www.fotofreunde-rathenow.de/) who, just as myself, is amazed with all the opportunities that Coppermine and its plugins can offer.
Please note the link to this gallery is here http://fotofreunde-rathenow.adtg.de/Teil5 (http://fotofreunde-rathenow.adtg.de/Teil5)
Right, now the metatags are there. As far as I can judge, the approach with using the same AppId for the forum and for the gallery when both are under http://teknosounds.com/ and that is registered with Facebook, should be fine.
But wait... today I am getting that message in my gallery, too; when I try the comments box :-(
Seems Facebook is making some changes currently....?? A little bit clueless about this at the moment ???
Try this. This one works for me ...at least today ;)
Background and reason why I think it would work tomorrow, too:
v1.0 had specified <fb:comments href="..."> but href is actually not a documented attribute, in fact it seems to me now it has triggered some Facebook-internal functionality, which I *suspect* is why Facebook is blocking it now.
v1.1 is now specifying only <fb:comments url="..."> and that is per the Facebook JSDK doc the correct way to refer the containing page.
But now I have a double Like button?
Does the new comment box have a like button attached to it now? kinda looks like it...
Yupyup looks so.
Removed the individual Like button and looks much better now :)
I want to post a link of my album on FB, but it doesn't pull a thumbnail for the album... is that a meta tag thing? Easily fixable or gonna require some effort?
I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: http_build_query() in /homepages/29/d320159611/htdocs/friseurfragen/frisurengalerie/plugins/social_sharing/codebase.php on line 209
Sorry: I get the above shown error also when i try to config the plugin.
there are no other plugins activated except this one.
How do you get the facebook comments work in your gallerys? or is it part of the plugin?
(As posted above, i cant see the config options of this plugin cause of erroro i posted)
Greetz X
Make sure to grab version 1.1 in a couple posts above mine
1) You need to create a facebook application
2) Input the facebook appid into the appropriate field in config
3) Turn on comments in config
hopefully that gets it for you
@newx: oops, the message about http_build_query() probably means that I am using PHP5 and have not taken care of compatibility with PHP4.
@TeknoSounds: make Facebook show thumbnails seems to be quite unpredictable :-) But idea for using this for album level, too, is good ...will require some effort, though.
Got it -i've switched to php5.
Works now! *yeah* exept pulling images while using "Share"...
thx NewX
Oops tested that too...link pops up but no thumbnail for the image :(
v1.2 here; at the moment I can still do quite fast, cannot promise forever ;)
@TeknoSounds: new album-level options, they can visually be placed on the thumbnails page. Unfortunately I did not find a way to hook into the album descriptions on the index page; that would have been cool but seems impossible unless we get a new hook from Coppermine developers for that :)
@newx: the plugin now does not use http_build_query() any more. Not sure if it would break for you at another point now, or whether it would work now. Would appreciate a test :)
@Quinn: from your PM, I have found a few issues which might play a role when working together with the Lightbox plugin. Should work better now.
Thanks all!
Quote from: 1aB on January 27, 2011, 06:33:25 PM
v1.2 here; at the moment I can still do quite fast, cannot promise forever ;)
@TeknoSounds: new album-level options, they can visually be placed on the thumbnails page. Unfortunately I did not find a way to hook into the album descriptions on the index page; that would have been cool but seems impossible unless we get a new hook from Coppermine developers for that :)
Thanks all!
No, no, thank you! Amazing work!
You can request a new hook point, hopefully they'll oblige. Please! :)
Okay, so something I was just pondering... how are we to see when comments are made on pictures? previously we had the ability to hit Last Comments or as Admins, Review Comments. But since this is store via FB now instead of coppermine... hmm.
I guess a solution would be, is there a way to have it post to the wall of the App when someone makes a comment? I need to ask vB about this too...
Hook is now requested :)
What use the Facebook commenting is... or how to use it best, no idea.
Just a pity that Facebook seems to be blocking the commenting functionality that I had seen with href= for a few hours. (It had properly picked up the site_name/appname then, and even when somene commented the comment on the user's wall, those comments have been added back into the comments stream in the gallery ...which with only url= is not happening. :( ) Maybe worth to research / check every once in a while if Facebook officially brings back those features, rather than saying "not yet enabled for your domain" when it sees the href attribute... (or does someone know a different approach/solutuon for this?)
Found an answer to one of my questions...you can at least be set to notified of comments made in the gallery.
To set it up, when viewing a picture, click the Administer Comments under the Post button of the comment field
Check the box next to Notification Subscribers
i am going to test that this evening (the share with pic problem)
But i have one more idea:
Many Blogs using disqus for their comments (http://disqus.com/ (http://disqus.com/))
Is there a way to implement disqus in this plugin?
So that you can choose if you like to use fb.comments or disqus one.
Greetz NewX
I haven't heard of Disqus before, but I have now put their Universal Code (http://docs.disqus.com/developers/universal/) in the plugin's social_sharing_makelinks and social_sharing_makealbumlinks() functions ...and at least I can "see something" with the "example" shortname. I read at Disqus that they want one to register with them ...so I call this "untested" now, and let me know how it works :-)
As Steve Jobs would say: Awsome! Amazing!
This little Plugin turns the "old" CPG into a very 2.0 application! Great work!
Great that you thought about commenting albums - geil!
Now lets make it better :D
FB Share still pics pictures at sharing (but the "new" like buttons also allows sharing - so the "old" share on is superfluous)
I like disqus..
I registered an get a username.
I picked "show fabeook and twitter login buttons" but they wont show up.
Everythings else seems to work as it should.
Greetz NewX
The url transfer for disqus comments seems to be invalid.
At the disqus backend theres might be missing the album ID so that you cant return (and cant find) to the comment.
the red strokes in attachment
An it should be disable-able at the Homepage (CPG-Index Page)
There it appears between lastview and lastup pictures ;)
Ok tested al littel longer now.
- Disqus ID to albums and single pictures doesn not work correctly
- Facebook Comments working perfect on Single Pics, on album pages ist loading and loading . . .
- other problems i described above
Greetz NewX
@newx: Okay, I found a couple of mistakes that I had made in the code. And fixed them.
I think each of those mistakes relates to one of the problems that you mentioned. :)
So they might be fixed with v1.4 now. ;)
@TeknoSounds: Cool placement that the FB Share button really fits into the album title bar on your site. In the <span> attributes configuration you might want to try whether style="padding-left: 2ex;" would separate it a bit from the text and does not glue directly to it ;-)
Thank you so much!
If you want to have a look:
http://bit.ly/fpHE2s (http://bit.ly/fpHE2s)
Seems to work perfect!
The CPG seems to be a total diffrent application now - great!
@newx, really cool site with a fresh design for the gorgeous art not only in the pics but also in the hairstyles. I just notice the OpenGraph metags seem to be missing in the headers of your site, which makes the sharing/liking to Facebook ...suboptimal. Try to set the social_sharing plugin as last one in the plugins chain, and if it should eat up any other plugin's output (I think it won't, I have already fixed two bugs in that area :)) let me know.
That some (http://www.friseur-fragen.de/frisurengalerie/displayimage.php?album=103&pid=3161) of the pictures are not displaying to me, I hope is not my plugin's fault but due to something else???
Didnt know that some pics doesnt show o_O also dont know why it is like this.
I now uninstalled all plugins and reinstalled yours. Thats what happend now:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function htmlspecialcgars() in /homepages/29/d320159611/htdocs/friseurfragen/frisurengalerie/plugins/social_sharing/codebase.php on line 453
but i am sure we get it working ;)
the above show error shows up now at more pictures, not at all pictures.
cant figure out whats the different between pics the error appears and pics which where correctly show up . ..
Ouch, what a stupid typo that I made.
Of course it should not be htmlspecialcgars but htmlspecialchars -- from line 453 means it happens on pictures that do not have a title set, so that plugin uses the filename as title.
You can safely correct the spelling, and so will I.
Sorry to all!
Quote from: 1aB on January 29, 2011, 03:17:59 PM@TeknoSounds: Cool placement that the FB Share button really fits into the album title bar on your site. In the <span> attributes configuration you might want to try whether style="padding-left: 2ex;" would separate it a bit from the text and does not glue directly to it ;-)
Ah hey thanks for looking at that and providing the fix :D worked like a charm!
Hey there!
Seems to work without problems now ;D
So I used the Album Share today for the first time. Worked great :D Pulled the album thumbnail and the description of the album np! Fantastic work :)
Alright, so apparently the "Notification Subscription" deal thing is broken or something. Not getting any notifications when someone posts a comment and such. I assume this will be fixed in a new version on their side, so nothing we can do about that...
However, I did find someone who wrote a script for emailing you whenever you received a new notification. 1aB, do you think this could be implemented as part of your plugin? Otherwise I'll have to hack it to get it working right :-/ Here's a link:
The only fun part is that the "Share Button" is now depreciated for "Like."
Lovely Facebook.
For the Facebook Share option for the Albums in the Configure Plugin, it won't pull the setting for the span tags from the database, so when you resave the options it'll save it with no options and must be entered every time or resaved with options later.
Quote from: TeknoSounds on February 01, 2011, 10:15:06 AM
However, I did find someone who wrote a script for emailing you whenever you received a new notification. 1aB, do you think this could be implemented as part of your plugin? Otherwise I'll have to hack it to get it working right :-/ Here's a link:
Just in case anyone was wondering, I was able to get this working for email notifications.
However, I'm still working on getting it "integrated" with this mod so that the necessary variables are stored via the database and such.
1aB - Anything on that bug fix? I was holding off until all was OK. Otherwise, TeknoSounds - what was the workaround you are using?
about the bug for the span tag?
I just have to re-enter the settings I use every time...kinda a pain, but really once its set how you like, there you go.
Currently trying to work on applying CSS to my box so it shows up dark and all...but having some conflicts or something. Either way nothing to do specifically with this mod :p
Heyas 1ab,
As most of my pictures are left with the original image name (IMG_xxxx) I'm trying to figure out how to put the album name in there with the image title so its a bit more descriptive when you "like" it...
suggestions where to change it in the code..?
Hi, I don't get this Facebook thing:
A comma-separated list of the Facebook User IDs of page administrators. Facebook asks to set either this or an AppId as part of the OpenGraph tags. A Facebook User ID (uid) is a long decimal number. For "newer" Facebook accounts it is part of the profile link. For "older" Facebook accounts it seems to appear only in certain other links within the profile.
I don't have any Facebook account, but it seems that I need to insert a sort of id in order to show the LIKE button, am I wrong? What should exactly insert in the "A comma-separated list of the Facebook User IDs of page administrators" text box?
EDIT: Is it possible to show both FB and Twitter buttons on the same line rather than as shown in the attached screenshoot?
link (http://"http://www.flapane.com/gallery/mostra-14-508-_Times_Square_by_night_3_.html#top")
Great plugin..! ;D How i can change language. Id like to change english to finnish?I cant find lines to translate from language file "english.php"
Hi everybody ;)
First of all, thanks for your great job. This plugin is awesome !!!
But i have a (little) issue with the integration in Facebook. I use the functionnalities of :
- Like button
- Comments (with moderation)
When I use the Like button, the related feed is added in Facebook with the associated image found in the meta "og:image". But when I make a comment, the feed appear in my Facebook profile, but not the image...
This is really annoying, because I'd like my FB friends to see the image linked to the comments!
Is there a way to fix this, or is this the normal way Facebook proceed with the comments application ?
Thanks for your help,
Think I have my answer :
http://forum.developers.facebook.net/viewtopic.php?id=77791 (http://forum.developers.facebook.net/viewtopic.php?id=77791)
According to an administrator of the FB forum, the functionality of picking the "og" informations is not yet available for the comments box...
Too bad, I lose interest for this. I hope FB will add this feature soon!
I think a superb enhancement of this plugin would be to allow it to show the icons in other plugins too such as EnlargeIt (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,57424.0.html) or other lightbox style plugins where the standard intermediate view is not shown. Maybe provide a simple php code that people can include in their scripts to show the buttons in their own.
sorry for not having come back for some time.
Mainly answering to TeknoSounds' questions:
Using the filename appears in two functions,
- function social_sharing_makelinks
- function social_sharing_metaheaders
Both occurences look similar:
if(!$title || strlen($title) == 0) {
// We should put *something* for the og:title
$title = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/\.[^\.]*$/', '', $pic_info['filename']));
It could be an option to simply put
$title = 'a picture';
there, I assume.
Or maybe
$title = $CURRENT_ALBUM_DATA['title'];
would work, too (unsure whether it needs extra html/bbcode de/encoding).
Is it widely requested that a fixed text or the album title should be put when there is no picture title?
The bug in the admin page with the span for the FB share, probably two lines missing in admin.php (I must have lost overview over my copying&pasting at some point...)
$html_plugin_social_sharing_fbshare_attr = htmlentities($CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fbshare_attr']);
$html_plugin_social_sharing_afbshare_attr = htmlentities($CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_afbshare_attr']);
The additional Javascript code for mail notifications... I suppose it should be possible to put it in, as it just seems to be some more HTML to add. (Actually it is rather the config options GUI which makes things really complicated ;))
About the layout... well... I was actually hoping someone with great CSS skills could find out how to align all the different elements optimally ;) and I could then put that into the plugin as a default for all the <span> attributes ;D
Just some comments for the moment...
tyty, will look into making those changes :)
As I mentioned in the Download Link thread, I think the JS from the emailer is conflicting from getting it to show... is there somewhere I could send you my files and maybe look to see what I messed up? Oh the emailer works great, except for emailing you the actual comment, just emails you the link to the page/pic it was posted on
Quote from: 1aB on January 26, 2011, 11:23:21 PM
Due to some popular demand here's a Coppermine plugin to put a selection of buttons for a few social networks on the picture page.
Now that I am finished as far as this, I notice there is already an existing plugin which seems to do similar things, Facebook Sharer (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=65740.0).
Now if you also want to try this one, it has quite a bunch of config options, as I wanted to hardcode only as little as possible.
Specifically in Facebook it seems to be actually quite a puzzle to predict when or when not a thumbnail will be shown. Although all elements are always provided with a thumbnail image by this plugin, I have managed to only get Facebook to display it right away when either using the old sharer.php, or the Like button but then needing to enter something into the balloon that turns up when liking something. As all of this seems to be functionality inside Facebook, I would not be surprised if it may change every once in a while. If anyone knows a way to provision Facebook into always displayng the thumbnail -- please let me know and/or contribute.
This plugin works together with fb_oauth (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,65943.0.html) but can also be used independently of it.
Install via the plugin manager. Check the configuration options; I hope the inline explanations with them are clear.
Important: On a picture page double-check the HTML code that arrives in the browser to make sure that it contains OpenGraph metatags:
<!-- BEGIN OpenGraph metatags -->
<meta property="og:site_name" content="..." />
<meta property="og:url" content="..." />
<!-- END OpenGraph metatags -->
These tags missing is a known issue with the XFeed plugin and possibly others that also use the page_meta hook. Please fiddle with the plugins order in the plugin manager until these tags really appear in the picture page header. For Facebook you might also find the Facebook Linter (http://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint/) useful to check what those information mean for Facebook.
Many thanks for lots of useful ideas and testing go to Thomas Behlke of the Fotofreunde Rathenow (http://www.fotofreunde-rathenow.de/) who, just as myself, is amazed with all the opportunities that Coppermine and its plugins can offer.
If you like this and can implement even more additions or social networks or improve the (default) layout, please feel free to contribute and extend the code and share it back in this thread.
Now I hope that this may be really some use for some people out there :-)
Best Regards,
I get error when click "like"
How can i put the link?
Gallery: www.traslanoche.com/gallery/index.php
I also get an error when I click the 'Like' button:
The app ID "[deleted my id]" specified within the "fb:app_id" meta tag was invalid.
But the id is absolutely right.
Quote from: coconutmilk83 on March 22, 2011, 04:23:08 PM
I also get an error when I click the 'Like' button:
The app ID "[deleted my id]" specified within the "fb:app_id" meta tag was invalid.
But the id is absolutely right.
Please post a link to your gallery.
Hmm, still running this on mine and tried it out just a second ago, still working fine here.
Do you two have any other plugins running? have you tried shifting the order?
my facebook butto not work, any can help me?
I am trying to get this to work but I am getting an error from Facebook when I click on the "Like" icon.
QuoteThe app ID specified within the "fb:app_id" meta tag is not allowed on this domain. You must setup the Connect Base Domains for your app to be a prefix of http://www.alanzeleznikar.com/photography/displayimage-8-264.html?pid=264.
In the plug-in configuration screen I have my Facebook User ID included in the Fecbook USer ID page adminstrators entry. The next configuration item says "AppId of a Facebook App in whose context the page belongs. Facebook asks to set either this or an Admin Facebook User IDs as part of the OpenGraph tags." I interpreted that as meaning if I have my user ID in the field above this one I don't need anything for this field.
What am I doing wrong?
http://www.alanzeleznikar.com/photography (http://www.alanzeleznikar.com/photography)
I'm not certain about using just an admin ID, but you could simply create an app in the FB Developers area. It's pretty simple to do, then can use that appID.
Hey 1ab,
It appears FB updated their comment code again in the past couple of days. Broke the CSS I had going and the ability for it to email me when comments were made :(
Looks like gotta figure out things again *sigh*
OK, I created a placeholder Facebook app to get an app ID, entered it into the appropriate field on the configuraiton page. If I click "Like" I get an error from Facebook but it looks like the "Like" is passed through to my Facebook page. So I guess it works but not as elegantly as it could, maybe...
http://www.alanzeleznikar.com/photography (http://www.alanzeleznikar.com/photography)
Need to add Google +1 now.
Also I think I could tweek the email script to add comments to the DB as well so Last Comments still works and all. Will have to work on that.
but, 1ab's account is now listed as guest? Guess he deleted it or something? :(
Quote from: TeknoSounds on July 21, 2011, 06:28:50 AM
but, 1ab's account is now listed as guest? Guess he deleted it or something? :(
I don't know what happened. Afaik users cannot delete their accounts themselves. Hopefully it wasn't deleted by some of our anti-spam-mechanisms :o
I just sent him an email.
when I press Like button, I get error, when I click on error I get this message.
QuoteThe app ID specified within the "fb:app_id" meta tag is not allowed on this domain. You must setup the Connect Base Domains for your app to be a prefix of http://balochnature.com/displayimage.php?pid=380.
I have created a facebook appid and I inserted appid and my facebook id in the settings.
I have problem with this plugin. Worked in a few days, but at today not send title and description to Facebook. FB get standard title tag and link, and no get meta settings. Plus thumbnail on FB not same like picture... Like OpenGraph not working or FB not read OG tags...
What's my problem?
Please check it, here is my link for a sample picture: http://foto.acegem.hu/displayimage.php?album=lastup&cat=0&pid=911
I tested this page:
with OpenGraph.in: http://www.opengraph.in/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffoto.acegem.hu%2Fdisplayimage.php%3Falbum%3Dlastup%26cat%3D0%26pid%3D904%23top_display_media&format=html
and with FB: http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Ffoto.acegem.hu%2Fdisplayimage.php%3Falbum%3Dlastup%26cat%3D0%26pid%3D904%23top_display_media
But FB see an error, what false I think... But datas read correctly. But my Like is incorrect on my post wall. Is this FB bug?
A plus information more: if "Include detailed OpenGraph metatags for restricted content?" option is enabled, then correct thumbnail will show on post. But if this off, then will show a picture thumbnail what before actual image.
I hope help to you for debug.
Ok, I don't understand a thing:
- If I select to default theme from any original theme, or NoteBored theme, then FB public will work correctly.
- If I select my generated theme (fotosarokA and FotosarokB), then meta tags there, but FB not published correctly.
I try replace theme.php, template.html or style.css in my themes, but nothing happened. Where is my problem??? My code is valid, labels in template.html is correct, and theme.php with empty content not solved my problem. But this plugin will work only original themes...
Need modify this plugin, or...?
OK, here is my solution:
In my theme.php was a line:
If this line removed, then share working correctly!!! I haven't progress graphics in my templates.
Sorry my posts, but if anyone have same problem, need search in template files!
I'll give up. :-\ At yesterday final publish pictures from my site correctly. Today not. Same problem: if original or NoteBored template setting to default, publish is ok, but mine templates not. But nothing changed from yesterday. If publish will correct, then I see an Error from facebook: my URL is blocked. :o
I'll give up.
And next bug (or something): I like a picture at friday, now tuesday, but I not see my like under picture. Lost my like or other problem?
Like again, and get Error with this comment:
QuoteThe content you're trying to share includes a link that's been blocked for being spammy or unsafe:<br /><br />Body of an error/warning message. Title is: Sorry, this post contains a blocked URL<br /><br />For more information, visit the <a href="http://www.facebook.com/help/">Help Center</a>. If you think you're seeing this by mistake, please <a href="/help/contact.php?show_form=block_appeal">let us know</a>.
I think facebook cached my page, because this picture was liked with correct labels, and re-like was ok, but if like older (not liked) picture, I get problem again.
If delete UserID for admin, then work correctly again. I don't understand what's happened. ID is mine.
Hi I use Social Sharing plugin " cpg1.5.x_plugin_social-sharing_v1.5.zip ". It is very great but below the comment box, facebook shows message like this--
"Warning: this comments plugin is operating in compatibility mode, but has no posts yet. Consider specifying an explicit 'href' as suggested in the comments plugin documentation to take advantage of all plugin features."
I have seen some coppermine user, who use this plugin without having this message below their facebook comment box. Please give me some suggestion to remove this message.
Any way to avoid this w3c error? I wonder if Facebook is still using non-compliant html tags as of today.
Line 9, Column 16: there is no attribute "property"
$socialmeta .= '<meta property="og:site_name" content="'.$CONFIG['gallery_name'].'" />'.$newline;
An integration to your plugin: it allows to show the last Disqus comments in the gallery.
Hope it helps http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,75871.0.html
I use this plugin for FB commenting. Recently got the message from FB:
Your app, Lightphotos.net comments, needs to be updated for the February 2013 Breaking Changes.
Once your app is compliant, set the migration setting to "Enabled" in the Advanced section of the App Dashboard.
These changes will be permanently enabled for all apps in 1 day on 6 feb 2013.
Details here:
What needs to be done from the plugin side?
I seem to be stuck with this error messages under facebook comments
QuoteWarning: this comments plugin is operating in compatibility mode, but has no posts yet. Consider specifying an explicit 'href' as suggested in the comments plugin documentation to take advantage of all plugin features.
I do not fully understand programming but after a few days of trying to get the href message it seems to have gone
in codebase.php
$links = '<span id="plugin_social-sharing"'.$CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_span_attr'].'>';
if($CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fblikeb_js'] || $CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fbcomments']) {
$links .= '<div id="fb-root">';
// $links .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect/en_US/core.debug.js"></script>';
$links .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://connect.facebook.net/'.$lang_social_sharing['fblangcode'].'/all.js"></script>';
$links .= '<script type="text/javascript">FB.init({'.($CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fb_appid'] != '' ? 'appId : \''.$CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fb_appid'].'\', ' : '').' status : true, cookie: true, xfbml : true });</script>';
$links .= '</div>';
and replace
$links = '<span id="plugin_social-sharing"'.$CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_span_attr'].'>';
if($CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fblikeb_js'] || $CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fbcomments']) {
$links .= '<div id="fb-root">';
// $links .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect/en_US/core.debug.js"></script>';
$links .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script>';
$links .= '<script type="text/javascript">FB.init({'.($CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fb_appid'] != '' ? 'appId : \''.$CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fb_appid'].'\', ' : '').' status : true, cookie: true, xfbml : true });</script>';
$links .= '</div>';
The only line was changed was
from http://connect.facebook.net/'.$lang_social_sharing['fblangcode'].'/all.js
to //connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1
No i got that comment bit sorted how to i change the title on facebook. It displays the file name. It looks like there is a section in codebase.php but tried changing some of the text but can't figure it out
Hi everyone,
When i share a page with Twitter, there is an automatic text on the small window with the tittle and the link, I would like to add my twitter account, but i don't find where i can change the code, i think it's on codebase.php but i am lost
Somebody can Help me ?
Thanks :) )
Hmmm... Share link doesn't work to me on my page, but like and twitter does.
What's my problem? :o
Here is my webpage:
And here is a developer documentation to share (?):
Share button was dropped on FB? Or need modify this plugin to FBML?
Update: I found a temporary solution!
Open codebase.php and find this:
. '<a name="fb_share" type="'.$CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fbshare_type'].'" share_url="'
replace with this:
. '<a name="fb_share" class="fb-share-button fb_iframe_widget" data-type="button_count" fb-xfbml-state="rendered" share_url="'
Thank you so much for this plugin :-*
Hi Roland,
first of all, great work with that plugin! Runs nicely so far.
I have one question / suggestion regarding the selection of Categories where you want the share buttons to appear. I realised, that if you allow one category, that does not mean that you allowed subcategories as well. Under certain circumstances that might be a nice option if not too hard to implement.
Further, is it possible to disallow certain categories instead of allowing all the others? What if my category names have special characters? Both does not work for me yet.
Any help on this would be very much appreciated!
www.fotowald.de (1.5.24)
Hi all,
I finally found a solution to disallow a single category and allow all the others. The expression
Disallows the category "Privat" but includes all the others. This is exactly what I was looking for. Just in case this is useful for others as well.
I found a bug with Flash Upload: file uploaded, there is in album, but I get an alert window with thumbnail path, and get "Upload failed" message. If disable this plugin, then flash upload is working correctly.
I attached my plugin version and I use 1.5.24 version.
I have a little problem with this plugin (which is excellent):
I have forbidden comments powered by Disqus, but it is displayed.
Added comment will be displayed after refresh the whole page
Displays an error has occurred, a warning.
Cpg 1,5,24 last version plugin
Hello, I've gotten most to work, but having a hard time figuring out facebook comment part. Instructions a bit unclear. I already had an app made for my site while back
Where it is circled red where i'm stuck. I know I don't have the right info in those boxes? the app id and what's in the other one?
Thanks! Really need the help
Quote from: oasisrain on June 29, 2014, 03:07:28 AM
Hello, I've gotten most to work, but having a hard time figuring out facebook comment part. Instructions a bit unclear. I already had an app made for my site while back
Where it is circled red where i'm stuck. I know I don't have the right info in those boxes? the app id and what's in the other one?
Thanks! Really need the help
Excuse me, but the image link did not work.
I just installed the plugin to my installation (version 1.5.21) and it works ok but i have an annoying problem. When i use Facebook Object Debugger i see that if i share a picture it should look like the first attachment, which is the right and what i want. But if i share that picture on my profile, in a group or in a page it looks like the second attachment. At the third attachment is what Facebook Object Debugger sees about that picture URL. Of course i have tried to share another photo but i have the same result. Thanks for any help.
You could just use something like the AddThis Sharing buttons script and here's how you can mod the gallery theme to have the Open Graph meta tags. http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,76929.0.html
Quote from: netb on August 05, 2015, 09:00:06 PM
You could just use something like the AddThis Sharing buttons script and here's how you can mod the gallery theme to have the Open Graph meta tags. http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,76929.0.html
I used some information on the thread you suggested and i managed to set the OpenGraph tags for each picture, except it's description (og:description tag) and now when i share the photo at facebook it looks exactly as i want. But because the Social Sharing Plugin is more easy to configure and use, i would like to use that instead of manually modifying the code. Is there any solution?
Quote from: dimangelid on August 09, 2015, 04:45:02 PM
I used some information on the thread you suggested and i managed to set the OpenGraph tags for each picture, except it's description (og:description tag) and now when i share the photo at facebook it looks exactly as i want. But because the Social Sharing Plugin is more easy to configure and use, i would like to use that instead of manually modifying the code. Is there any solution?
I fixed the problem by removing the following line from codebase.php on the plugin's folder:
$socialmeta .= '<meta name="medium" content="image" />'.$newline;
Now the plugin works exactly as i wanted :) :)
Quote from: mykee on January 12, 2014, 05:49:39 PM
I found a bug with Flash Upload: file uploaded, there is in album, but I get an alert window with thumbnail path, and get "Upload failed" message. If disable this plugin, then flash upload is working correctly.
I attached my plugin version and I use 1.5.24 version.
I noticed the same bug as
mykee . I have the latest version of the plugin and i'm trying it on three different coppermine versions: 1.5.20 , 1.5.21 , 1.5.38. The
Social Sharing Plugin has helped me a lot and i don't want to disable it but i also need the functionality of the
Flash Upload . Is there any solution to fix that?
Hi All,
Has anyone seen an issue in posts to Facebook where the page title contains an apostrophe? I am seeing the post appear with "&039;" instead of the apostrophe.
Example here:
http://www.creativefilm.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=26 (http://www.creativefilm.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=26)
Twitter seems fine with it.
Hope you can help. Thanks.
Quote from: dimangelid on September 25, 2015, 10:48:00 PM
I noticed the same bug as mykee . I have the latest version of the plugin and i'm trying it on three different coppermine versions: 1.5.20 , 1.5.21 , 1.5.38. The Social Sharing Plugin has helped me a lot and i don't want to disable it but i also need the functionality of the Flash Upload . Is there any solution to fix that?
Hello again,
That problem still remains unresolved. Has anyone found a solution? Or another way to provide our members the ability to upload more than one photos at a time?
I updated today my gallery to the latest 1.6 version.
Unfortunately the plugin does not work and when i have it activated in my gallery, it throws the following error when clicking to view a photo:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_num_rows() in /home/leofor/public_html/photos/plugins/social_sharing/codebase.php:840 Stack trace: #0 /home/leofor/public_html/photos/include/plugin_api.inc.php(218): social_sharing_metaheaders('') #1 /home/leofor/public_html/photos/include/functions.inc.php(944): CPGPluginAPI::filter('page_meta', '') #2 /home/leofor/public_html/photos/include/init.inc.php(444): load_template() #3 /home/leofor/public_html/photos/displayimage.php(19): require('/home/leofor/pu...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/leofor/public_html/photos/plugins/social_sharing/codebase.php on line 840
Is there a plan to make the plugin compatible for Coppermine 1.6?
Quote from: dimangelid on January 05, 2020, 09:38:16 PM
I updated today my gallery to the latest 1.6 version.
Unfortunately the plugin does not work and when i have it activated in my gallery, it throws the following error when clicking to view a photo:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_num_rows() in /home/leofor/public_html/photos/plugins/social_sharing/codebase.php:840 Stack trace: #0 /home/leofor/public_html/photos/include/plugin_api.inc.php(218): social_sharing_metaheaders('') #1 /home/leofor/public_html/photos/include/functions.inc.php(944): CPGPluginAPI::filter('page_meta', '') #2 /home/leofor/public_html/photos/include/init.inc.php(444): load_template() #3 /home/leofor/public_html/photos/displayimage.php(19): require('/home/leofor/pu...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/leofor/public_html/photos/plugins/social_sharing/codebase.php on line 840
Is there a plan to make the plugin compatible for Coppermine 1.6?
At all files under the plugin directory ( /public_html/photos/plugins/social_sharing ) , i changed mysql_ to mysqli_ and the error disappeared. However, at Facebook debugger ( https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fleoforeia.gr%2Fphotos%2Fdisplayimage.php%3Fpid%3D17639 ) it does not fetch any information from my gallery.
Quote from: dimangelid on January 05, 2020, 09:47:47 PM
At all files under the plugin directory ( /public_html/photos/plugins/social_sharing ) , i changed mysql_ to mysqli_ and the error disappeared. However, at Facebook debugger ( https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fleoforeia.gr%2Fphotos%2Fdisplayimage.php%3Fpid%3D17639 ) it does not fetch any information from my gallery.
Note that prior the update, i was using PHP 5.6 and now PHP 7.3
Change all mysqli_ in the plugin to cpg_db_
Quote from: ron4mac on January 06, 2020, 12:54:46 AM
Change all mysqli_ in the plugin to cpg_db_
Thank you ron4mac!! It worked. When Social Sharing plugin is activated, i face the issue posted at https://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,80041.0.html . Can you please check and respond to this thread?