copperrank (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,48058.0.html) of the gallery plugin version 1.4xx has been ported to version 1.5xx.
What remains to be done by the Dev Team member must be the version number matching.
I also hope to have fixed the probelms. Please check again. On critical note, I would look forward to. I hope it finds your favor.
Demo (http://fotofreunde-rathenow.adtg.de/Teil5/profile.php?uid=2)Thanks to all
Adaptation of Configurations file
modified query in the profile.php
observed change instructions.txt
Quote from: Just_Some_Guy - Original plugin AuthorCopperRank
CPG 1.4x
This plugin will create fully customizable ranks for your gallery, all ranks are based on the number of uploads made by the user. The rank name, value (number uploads required to achieve the rank) and the rank images can all be changed through the plugin config page.
The default ranks are -
Newbie 10
Member 25
Extreme Member 35
Power Member 45
Addict 50+
The default images are blue squares; 1 for 1st rank, 2 for 2nd rank, etc.
Everything is customizable and doesn't need to be changed if you would like to keep the default settings.
Installation -
Upload the attached archive via the plugin manager.
Install the plugin.
Follow the instructions in instrutions.txt.
(optional) configure the plugin using the config page.
German (by Farnsi).
Dutch (by Hein).
Italian (by Lontano).
Spanish (by/por ksawery)
Translations welcome.
04/11/07 - 15:40 - Added German lang files. (by Farnsi)
04/11/07 - 16:35 - Added Danish lang file. (by Hein)
04/11/07 - 19:35 - Added Italian lang file. (by Lontano)
19/05/08 - 13:14 - Added Spanish lang file. (by/por ksawery)
19/05/2008 - 22:08 - V2 released including a change to a database query and init.inc.php by Nibbler
See the attachments for a demo picture.
Thanks to Sami and Frantz for the help!
Hope this proves useful,
Quote from: cmfa on February 06, 2011, 10:15:30 PM
What remains to be done by the Dev Team member must be the version number matching.
Just add
$plugin_cpg_version = array('min' => '1.5');
Moving to plugin contributions board. You're now member of the 'Contributor' group and will be able to edit your posts, mainly to maintain your announcement threads. Please don't edit posts in a way that replies to your posts or whole threads will become contextless.
Code in the instruction page (for profile.php) is incorrect. Accroding to it there is no users with 4 level, cause conditions are:
<=lev4 and next is >lev5
I installed this plugin and it does nothing,but now the profile page is broken:
I uninstalled and deleted the plugin.I deleted the profile.php file from the host and reupload it,but it's still broken.
what can I do?
It looks like you still have a few other plugins still running.
XFeed looks to be interfering, but since you also have MassImport running too, the best suggestion
is to uninstall and / or reorder those plugins.
still broken
was the newsletter plugin
I really want this plugin to work
please help
I does not do nothing.
my steps:
1.$plugin_cpg_version = array('min' => '1.5');
to configuration.php in the cooper rank folder after global $Config;
2.install the plugin
Replace endtable(); with -
//CopperRank Begin
Global $lang_plugin_CopperRank;
$rankplugin = mysql_result(cpg_db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PLUGINS']} WHERE name = '{$lang_plugin_CopperRank['CopperRank']}' "), 0);
if ($rankplugin == 1)
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td width="40%" class="tableb graybox" height="25">';
echo $lang_plugin_CopperRank['User_Rank'];
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="tableb graybox" >';
$result = cpg_db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE owner_id = $uid ");
list($rank) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$rank1 = $CONFIG['rank_value1'];
$rank2 = $CONFIG['rank_value2'];
$rank3 = $CONFIG['rank_value3'];
$rank4 = $CONFIG['rank_value4'];
$over = $CONFIG['rank_value5'];
if ($rank <= $rank1) {
echo "{$CONFIG['rank1']}";
echo "{$CONFIG['rank_image1']}";
} elseif ($rank <= $rank2) {
echo "{$CONFIG['rank2']}";
echo "{$CONFIG['rank_image2']}";
} elseif ($rank <= $rank3) {
echo "{$CONFIG['rank3']}";
echo "{$CONFIG['rank_image3']}";
} elseif ($rank <= $rank4) {
echo "{$CONFIG['rank4']}";
echo "{$CONFIG['rank_image4']}";
} elseif ($rank > $over) {
echo "{$CONFIG['rank5']}";
echo "{$CONFIG['rank_image5']}";
} else {
echo $lang_plugin_CopperRank['no_rank'];
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
//CopperRank END
but the users have no rank
I created a new users,uploaded 11 files but the user has no ranks.I deleted the 11 files
The plugin works as desired,
the code is between:
make_form($display_profile_form_param, $form_data);
still nothing
where should I see the ranking images?
in the profile?
should I upload new images?
If the code in profile.php? the plugin does the rest images need not be changed. Own graphics can be changed in the plugin folder