I'm searching someone to help me with the following task:
• Backup
Upgrade our gallery http://www.tempoklubben.com/Billedgalleri/index.php (http://www.tempoklubben.com/Billedgalleri/index.php) cpg 1.4.19 to latest 1.5.18
• Make sure bridging to Phorum works. Understand how to recover from failed bridging.
• Install plugin Filemove and make sure it works
• Include Norwegian language file
The bridging for Phorum was not in place for 1.5 last time I tried to do this and that caused so much trouble that I don't want to try again. I have been told that the bridging to Phorum from 1.5 is in place now.
Timing and budget: As soon as possible and I'm sure we will agree on price if you know cpg :)