Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: Warwick Chapman on January 06, 2013, 07:56:53 PM

Title: Assistance completing migration from Dragonfly CPG 1.3.1 to standalone CPG 1.5.x
Post by: Warwick Chapman on January 06, 2013, 07:56:53 PM

I gather from posts I have read here that the integration of CPG into Dragonfly CMS has been a pain for this community.  I am presently battling to round off a migration of a 5G DF CPG gallery into a standalone gallery and am looking for some help in this regard.  I will pay if I must.

The gallery is presented on an offline system so I cannot share it with you yet, but I basically did the following:

1. Created a new DB with only the cpg tables extracted from the DF DB.
2. Installed CPG 1.3.1 (matching the version used by DF) using a different DB
3. Compared the table structure and amended the copied DF tables to match
4. Copied all the data from the DF albums, categories, comments and pictures tables to the tables of the newly installed CPG 1.3.1 (replacing anything that was there).

Because all the user data was stored in DF, there is no users table - but that shouldn't matter for my purposes (migrating to IP.Gallery with IP.Board or migrating to a standalone CPG bridged with phpBB 3). 

What I need help with is that the above process has not produced and entirely working CPG (sans users).  The Default listing of galleries on the front page shows no thumbnail pic and 0 files - and I need to fix that.  I don't know what else is broken.

I will share the whole process with the broader community so anyone else trying to get out of the DF trap can use this.


enable register_long_arrays in /etc/php.ini

ALTER TABLE  `cpg_albums` ADD  `keyword` VARCHAR( 50 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NULL ;
ALTER TABLE  `cpg_albums` CHANGE  `last_addition`  `last_addition` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT  '0'
INSERT INTO  `cpg`.`cpg131_albums` SELECT * FROM  `cpg13`.`cpg_albums` ;

ALTER TABLE  `cpg_categories` CHANGE  `catname`  `name` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE  `cpg_categories` ADD  `thumb` INT NOT NULL AFTER  `parent` ;
INSERT INTO  `cpg`.`cpg131_categories` SELECT * FROM  `cpg13`.`cpg_categories` ;

INSERT INTO  `cpg`.`cpg131_comments` SELECT * FROM  `cpg13`.`cpg_comments` ;

INSERT INTO `cpg`.`cpg131_pictures` SELECT * FROM `cpg13`.`cpg_pictures`;

update cpg131_pictures set filepath = replace(filepath, 'modules/coppermine/albums/userpics','albums/userpics');
