Support => cpg1.5.x Support => cpg1.5 themes (visuals) => Topic started by: cucciolina69 on May 20, 2013, 10:19:49 PM

Title: update chronicle theme
Post by: cucciolina69 on May 20, 2013, 10:19:49 PM
Good evening everyone, after 5 years since I created the gallery coppermine for a dear friend I upgraded to 1.5 but after coppermine changes the appearance is not the same as before. I think it comes from the fact that the issue has not been updated. I used chronicle, is there anyone who can help me by telling me if there is a version compatible with 1.5 or if there is a way to edit the files manually in order to make it compatible? The first version was 1.4 I beg you my friend would not want to change the theme otherwise must also change the rest of the site. Thanks for those who answer me. Best regards. Lorena  :-\
Title: Re: update chronicle theme
Post by: phill104 on May 21, 2013, 07:01:04 PM
Sadly that particular theme was never updated to CPG1.5 (you can see all available themes here - Can you zip a copy of your theme folder to your next post. I do not remember that particular theme. It may be simple to update or maybe not but until I see it with any custom mods that may have been made I cannot tell. A couple of screenshot of how it should look and how it looks now along with a link to the site will also be really helpfull
Title: Re: update chronicle theme
Post by: Αndré on May 22, 2013, 09:29:07 AM
I assume you already performed the steps described in the docs?
Title: Re: update chronicle theme
Post by: cucciolina69 on May 22, 2013, 04:49:45 PM
hello to all, in the meantime thanks for the answers.
I have not updated the theme because I've seen that there are several steps that do not think I can do and I'm afraid to ruin everything.

This side only administrator.
if you need an administrator password to see the side let me know that I will write in private message.
Thank's so much

Title: Re: update chronicle theme
Post by: Αndré on May 23, 2013, 11:12:15 AM
As your theme seems to work as expected as-is, I currently don't know what exactly you're asking for. What exactly needs to be changed?
Title: Re: update chronicle theme
Post by: cucciolina69 on May 24, 2013, 05:31:44 PM
the menu "configuration" "categories" "album" etc ... are no longer aligned horizontally but vertically. In fact this is now a secondary issue. There is a more serious problem. If I load some new file it gives me this error:
critical Error
Can not move in prova.jpg albums/userpics/10001 /!
Please help me. thanks
Title: Re: update chronicle theme
Post by: Αndré on May 25, 2013, 09:31:30 PM,55415.msg270618.html#msg270618