Hi. I'm trying for 2 days to remove the "Login" button from the main menu and I've followed all the instructions I've found everywhere without success. When I copy the section "** Section <<<THEME_HAS_NO_SYS_MENU_BUTTONS>>> - START" from the Sample theme.php to MyTheme theme.php I then get a blank screen. If I try and login via http://MySite.com/login.php I also get a blank screen.
Can somebody help please? What am I doing wrong?
Please post a link to your site and also attach a zipped copy of your theme folder so we can take a look for you.
Thanks for your reply.
Website is www.miketriay.com
Attached is the compressed theme folder.
Many Thanks
Nobody have any ideas as to what the problem could be?
Sorry Mike, been really busy this week as are the other supporters. I will try and take a look tomorrow, please bump this thread if you do not get a response. I only have an iPad with me as I am on the road so cannot look at your file until I get back.
Another option would be to restore your theme before your edits and use the final extract plugin to configure the menu buttons you wish to remove - http://sourceforge.net/projects/coppermine/files/Plugins/1.5.x/cpg1.5.x_plugin_final_extract_v1.3.zip/download
Thanks for your reply Phill. I'll look into that.
IMHO the Final Extract plugin is the easiest way to remove such buttons. For more information, here's the link to its announcement thread: http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,62665.0.html