I have to migrate my Joomla 1.5 site to Joomla 2.5 and I want to remove the Coppermine bridge to 1.5 so that I can link to it as a standalone. I read somewhere that the bridge can be disabled but and have no further information on that. When I go to Bridge Management it only offers what I can bridge to, it doesn't offer a disabling feature.
Can someone please let me know who to remove or disable the bridge from Coppermine to Joomla 1.5? And yes, I did read that I am supposed to give you a link to the site and set up a test account but I don't think this question requires those things and I'd just as soon not give them, so please if you have an answer, let me know as I am trying to get this migration done but can't until I can remove the bridge.
Details are in the docs - http://documentation.coppermine-gallery.net/en/bridging.htm#bridge_manager_recover_start
Thank you.