I have a site with Coppermine, SMF and the SMF bridge. None of it is working properly. I need someone to update the version 1.4 gallery to 1.5 and get it all working again. I have a lot of data both in the database and on the site itself that needs to be kept intact.
I have a support thread on the forum that can be looked at to get an idea of what the symptoms and issues are. Please see:
I plan on migrating the site to Joomla once coppermine and smf are working properly. I have no idea what a reasonable price/cost is to do this project. I would like to have it finished by Thursday, October 31 if possible.
Still looking for someone to work on this issue. I've moved the site to my own VPS server so any issue with a hosting company's server settings is not relevant any longer. I have full control of the server and all the software on it.
I would be willing to bet this is not a difficult or time consuming fix. I just don't have enough skills to find the problem and fix it. I can give full access to the database plus ftp access to the coppermine directory.
I'm willing to pay $100 for someone to fix this.
Thank you!
I'd be willing to work on this - if you can wait till Monday. Traveling over the holiday weekend here - and only so much I can do on a tablet..
I've read thru your referenced post. Should be able to get it working. The effort to then upgrade to 1.5.x depends on your customizations.
I'm available to work on your site...
I have my profile set up to allow email (if the forum allows it) - you should see a mail envelope under my name on left when you are signed in.
If you can't - let me know and I'll post contact info.
I haven't heard from you... Please let me know if you are still in need of help - or mark this thread as solved if you no longer require assistance.