Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: treehstn on October 27, 2013, 09:37:01 PM

Title: Project to update version and fix errors
Post by: treehstn on October 27, 2013, 09:37:01 PM
I have a site with Coppermine, SMF and the SMF bridge.  None of it is working properly.  I need someone to update the version 1.4 gallery to 1.5 and get it all working again.  I have a lot of data both in the database and on the site itself that needs to be kept intact.

I have a support thread on the forum that can be looked at to get an idea of what the symptoms and issues are.  Please see:,76741.0.html

I plan on migrating the site to Joomla once coppermine and smf are working properly.  I have no idea what a reasonable price/cost is to do this project.  I would like to have it finished by Thursday, October 31 if possible.
Title: Re: Project to update version and fix errors
Post by: treehstn on November 29, 2013, 04:59:52 PM
Still looking for someone to work on this issue.  I've moved the site to my own VPS server so any issue with a hosting company's server settings is not relevant any longer.  I have full control of the server and all the software on it.

I would be willing to bet this is not a difficult or time consuming fix.  I just don't have enough skills to find the problem and fix it.  I can give full access to the database plus ftp access to the coppermine directory.

I'm willing to pay $100 for someone to fix this.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Project to update version and fix errors
Post by: gmc on November 29, 2013, 10:10:30 PM
I'd be willing to work on this - if you can wait till Monday. Traveling over the holiday weekend here - and only so much I can do on a tablet..
I've read thru your referenced post. Should be able to get it working. The effort to then upgrade to 1.5.x depends on your customizations.
Title: Re: Project to update version and fix errors
Post by: gmc on December 02, 2013, 03:41:10 PM
I'm available to work on your site...
I have my profile set up to allow email (if the forum allows it) - you should see a mail envelope under my name on left when you are signed in.
If you can't - let me know and I'll post contact info.
Title: Re: Project to update version and fix errors
Post by: gmc on December 20, 2013, 03:23:47 PM
I haven't heard from you... Please let me know if you are still in need of help - or mark this thread as solved if you no longer require assistance.