Hello -
My website is http://photoshowdown.com and is a photo competition website. -Currently getting backed-up from a few days ago.
I hoping to pay $100 to upgrade to the latest version of cppermine and get the data base connected to phpBB3. The latest version I had running was 3.0.7 and I tried to upgrade to 3.0.12 and it would no longer work due to the mysql version would no longer be serviced by my webhost 1and1.com.
I created the website in Dreamweaver and have been online for over 10 years. I've been using the coppermine gallery all that time and have love it, but some of the functionalities are gone. I really like it when someone left a comment on a photo they would receive an email regarding the comment.
I am happy at this point to just have the basics work. Have all the photo galleries that I created work and also be able to have new members register when I give them permission. In the past I have had massive spamming with open registration. Literally thousands of bogus members trying to sell viagra or some other product.
I have had much difficulty dealing with my webhost and I really would like someone who is totally knowledgeable with coppermine and phpbb3. This would help eliminate having them messing up the site. In the past I have had help set up the coppermine gallery and I should have updated much sooner, but financial problems and just being scared of screwing up the site has prevented me from doing it sooner.
My site is going through a back up at the moment to get me back to a few days ago when the site was working -except for new members trying to sign up. I tried to update the phpBB3 myself and it messed up everything. I just want to reconnect to my data base on get my members back.
I would like to do this as soon as possible. It would be great to have this accomplished in the next few days... If possible.
Quote from: guntherize on February 04, 2014, 02:45:42 AM
Hello -
My website is http://photoshowdown.com and is a photo competition website. -Currently getting backed-up from a few days ago.
I hoping to pay $100 to upgrade to the latest version of cppermine and get the data base connected to phpBB3. The latest version I had running was 3.0.7 and I tried to upgrade to 3.0.12 and it would no longer work due to the mysql version would no longer be serviced by my webhost 1and1.com.
I created the website in Dreamweaver and have been online for over 10 years. I've been using the coppermine gallery all that time and have love it, but some of the functionalities are gone. I really like it when someone left a comment on a photo they would receive an email regarding the comment.
I am happy at this point to just have the basics work. Have all the photo galleries that I created work and also be able to have new members register when I give them permission. In the past I have had massive spamming with open registration. Literally thousands of bogus members trying to sell viagra or some other product.
I have had much difficulty dealing with my webhost and I really would like someone who is totally knowledgeable with coppermine and phpbb3. This would help eliminate having them messing up the site. In the past I have had help set up the coppermine gallery and I should have updated much sooner, but financial problems and just being scared of screwing up the site has prevented me from doing it sooner.
My site is going through a back up at the moment to get me back to a few days ago when the site was working -except for new members trying to sign up. I tried to update the phpBB3 myself and it messed up everything. I just want to reconnect to my data base on get my members back.
I would like to do this as soon as possible. It would be great to have this accomplished in the next few days... If possible.
It appears the restore of your site didn't restore everything?? Or is it still in progress?
Many of the images (including logo) and links produce 'page not found' errors.
As for Coppermine, it appears you are already running 1.5.x, and using 'rainy day' theme (though I can't see enough to tell if it is customized or not) - so the upgrade should be rather simple... (assuming a working gallery after the restore... I can't view the gallery as you require registered user to do so...)
While you can certainly pay me to do the upgrade - I'd rather see you be able to apply maintenance going forward, as you would be much more likely to stay current... The documentation should give you the steps you need - and we can certainly answer questions here on the forum.
I haven't worked with phpBB3 - I would need to download/install in my sandbox before attempting anything with someone else's site... unless you have a test copy of your site to work with (always a good idea...)
Quote from: gmc on February 04, 2014, 03:42:07 PM
It appears the restore of your site didn't restore everything?? Or is it still in progress?
Many of the images (including logo) and links produce 'page not found' errors.
As for Coppermine, it appears you are already running 1.5.x, and using 'rainy day' theme (though I can't see enough to tell if it is customized or not) - so the upgrade should be rather simple... (assuming a working gallery after the restore... I can't view the gallery as you require registered user to do so...)
While you can certainly pay me to do the upgrade - I'd rather see you be able to apply maintenance going forward, as you would be much more likely to stay current... The documentation should give you the steps you need - and we can certainly answer questions here on the forum.
I haven't worked with phpBB3 - I would need to download/install in my sandbox before attempting anything with someone else's site... unless you have a test copy of your site to work with (always a good idea...)
Hopefully the site will be restored by tomorrow and hopefully it will be working again. I didn't have too much customization done on the site... It was hooked together with phpBB3 to allow for forums and registration. I could care less about the forums now, because I also have a Facebook site that the members comment at more frequently. I do need to have some way to regulate who can sign up and what level of membership they can have. I'd like to prevent spammers from taking over the site.
I've back up everything and I can see that the 1and1.com people have made a mess of the back end. Duplicates and triplicates of coppermine folders and php script all over the place. What a mess. Once it gets uploaded again- I plan on cleaning it all up one folder at a time... LOL. I appreciate the help and I would gladly pay the $100 for you to assist me. I'm not really great at programming skills. I'm dyslexic and have problems with coding and get a little overwhelmed with trying to fix things that I totally don't understand. It causes me great anxiety and frustration. Something that I've accepted years ago. It is better to have someone do it that knows what they are doing. I can't jeopardize loosing all the members that I've accumulated over the ten plus years.
Quote from: gmc on February 04, 2014, 03:42:07 PM
It appears the restore of your site didn't restore everything?? Or is it still in progress?
Many of the images (including logo) and links produce 'page not found' errors.
As for Coppermine, it appears you are already running 1.5.x, and using 'rainy day' theme (though I can't see enough to tell if it is customized or not) - so the upgrade should be rather simple... (assuming a working gallery after the restore... I can't view the gallery as you require registered user to do so...)
While you can certainly pay me to do the upgrade - I'd rather see you be able to apply maintenance going forward, as you would be much more likely to stay current... The documentation should give you the steps you need - and we can certainly answer questions here on the forum.
I haven't worked with phpBB3 - I would need to download/install in my sandbox before attempting anything with someone else's site... unless you have a test copy of your site to work with (always a good idea...)
Hi Greg - The site is up and the coppermine gallery is running again. I'm still organizing files, because they have moved the root folder. If you are able could you take a look and see if you have the time to do the install and I also wanted to see if there was a go around, so I wouldn't have to use ppBB3 for registration.
Please email me.. (Click the envelope under my name on the left...)
I will need some information that shouldn't be posted here.
I will have time on Saturday to work on this.
As for eliminating the forum software - the challenge is you users (and maybe your groups depending on settings) are all defined in the forum tables. Dropping the bridge will lose all that information.
Would take some work to migrate users into CPG with same userids/groupids so picture/album ownership is maintained. - not a utility or function that I believe is coded today.
Let's get the upgrade done first - and then we can look at options.
Thank you Gunther. It was a pleasure to work with you.
Work completed and agreed upon fee promptly paid.
Created test gallery for this and future upgrades, upgraded coppermine to current release, fixed phpBB3 registration issue, and requested customizations completed.
Thank you!