If that is vague I apologize. Six years ago my non-profit org began using Coppermine for a competition, winners win a page in a Calendar we produce yearly as a fund raising event. Four years ago the management of the program was assumed by a member of our org. Due to circumstances beyond our control I had to take over that management two weeks ago. I moved the domain to a new host and installed the current version of CP. Submissions resumed.
What we need:
1. Advice on whether what we need can be done on a shared server acct. We can and will move the install to a vps acct if that is required.
2. A system to eliminate duplicate ranks/votes. We have the occasional submitter that tries to game the system and have had as many as 100+ rank/votes from the same IP address. As of last years CP version dups still happen.
3. A system to tally the final rank/votes that is fair to everyone that has submitted a photo for consideration.
We are willing to pay a reasonable fee however we are a small org and projected sales does create a ceiling on what we can pay and we are facing a deadline, submissions end on Sept 20th and rank/voting will be turned on until approx Oct 4th.
I believe our previous program developer was using command line instructions to accomplish the above, but that is entering a realm I am not experienced with. Ideally a plugin or plugins would be the accepted ongoing solution however other solutions will be considered.
Thank you for considering
1. Coppermine usually runs well on a shared server
2. If I remember correctly, duplicate votes aren't possible if vote statistics are enabled - but this needs to be checked
3. I think you need to determine how exactly you want to handle the votes. A one star rating (like Facebook's "like" button) will of course eliminate that consideration, as the pictures with the most votes are automatically ranked on top
*Keep detailed vote stats* has always been turned on but the duplicates still happen. I just confirmed that, the config is setup exactly as it was last year. I have always been the person that sets up the config file.
The first 2 yrs I managed the gallery and had to open details on every image, cut and paste into an editor in order to delete them. IIRC I even posted here in the forums about the problem.
Last year the prog devel'r issued a report that again showed duplicate votes were still happening. Because of his efforts they had been reduced to just 4 or 5 gamers instead of the 2 dozen or more back when I did it.
Thank you for replying.
Quote from: prairiewolf on September 04, 2015, 02:34:18 PM
*Keep detailed vote stats* has always been turned on but the duplicates still happen.
I can have a look at that if you like. If data exist which IP has voted for which picture, it's possible to deny further voting. I'll send you a PM.