Are you aware that $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] is not available in many configurations of php? This is accessed directly right at the beginning of index.php and generates a warning from php, but of course without error_reporting at sufficient level you don't see it (I have had a working gallery for a while but I set error_reporting=E_ALL to debug something else and there it was).
If you think you are ok, just try E_ALL in your index.php!
I must say that lines 21-27 of index.php in CPG1.3 are pretty lame anyway - I don't want to parse this code every time my gallery is hit just to detect whether I am stupid enough to install the wrong version. So the fix is easy.
On the bright side :) I love Coppermine and have installed it a number of times; it is at the heart of a sexy (not in that sense) integration project I am working on right now...
i have encountered the same errors. mine errors are:
Notice: Undefined index: PATH_TRANSLATED in C:\wwwroot\index.php on line 21
Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in C:\wwwroot\index.php on line 22
where exactly in index.php did you add error_reporting=E_ALL to fix these errors? any other solution?
switch off debug mode in coppermine config and you should be fine.
where can i find the coppermine config and switch the debug mode off?
Log in as administrator and make sure you're in Admin Mode, not User Mode. Click the config button.
i don't think i got to that stage. it won't continue to the next page. i'm stuck at the "welcome to coppermine installation".
the notices are definitely not your problem...
i was restless many nights trying to get coppermine running correctly. i formatted my pc and reinstalled php501, even the latest php502 and still got the same errors. finally!!! i got it to work. thanks everyone for your support and effort. special thanks to my buddy, tony, provided a great suggestion... to install php4.x
Hi :)
maybe the same?