I've been using the iScroll plugin for some time - nice work btw! - but always missed an option to choose myself which pictures would get featured on my album front page. Took some time today to do that, and it works fine now for me.
Basically what I've done is to add a "keyword meta album", where you can choose "Keyword" as meta album option in the admin section, type in a keyword of your choice (e.g. "iscroll") and have iScroll pull images with that keyword from the database. See screenshots.
So I thought: maybe someone else would be interested in using this as well. :)
- I'm not much of a PHP programmer. Java, C#, Perl, Python, ... but not much PHP.
- This is my first (possible) contribution to a coppermine plugin.
I've tried my best to do cameleon-style coding, sticking to the constructs and conventions in place, but I may have done clumsy or even dangerous things whithout noticing. Someone should probably look into it before it gets used in the wild.
And I need to do more testing (esp. installing/updating/uninstalling; there also still seems to be an issue with regex checks of the keyword).
But before I do that - would anyone be interested in this?
I've attached a simple diff of my patch against iScroll V2.1, it's really not much.
Thank you for your contribution. I had a short look at the patch file and haven't found any (major) issue.