I want to use coppermine on my web page....but I do not understand how to do it... :P :P if any body can help me...and I like the eyeboll look.
thanks in advance
will pay if is reasonable...
Coppermine 1.5.x can be downloaded here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/coppermine/files/Coppermine/1.5.x/
The installation instructions are here: http://documentation.coppermine-gallery.net/en/install.htm
Setting the theme is a simple configuration change to set to 'eyeball'.
While we can do the install (as freelance request) - we prefer those using it know how to install and maintain so they keep the software more current.
To install would require FTP (upload files) and MySQL (set up database and/or id) access at a minimum.
tu es de où ?
de quel pays, de quelle 'langue' ???