I am looking for someone who would be willing to help me customize a coppermine gallery. I had a scrapbooking website for approx 6+ years and then about 2 years ago I deleted it as I didn't have time to commit to it.
I'm trying to give it another go, but my husband who did all the site work before has NO TIME whatsoever and suggested I find someone to help.
The site is www.cookinupcreations.net/gallery.
Basically I'd like the logo centered, and the color scheme to match the black in the logo.
I'd also like the link icons to be removed and the words cleaned up & spread out across the top of the page.
*here's an example. https://www.cocoadaisy.com/forum/gallery/search.php?search_id=recent
I would be willing to pay for any help. Please let me know how much.
Hi Tammy,
In case you did not know, the Coppermine Photo Gallery software comes with a few other themes:
( click here (http://www.cookinupcreations.net/gallery/?theme=123) to reset your theme view )
Perhaps one of them is a better starting point for you. The setting can be changed in the gallery configuration.
And if you spend a chunk of time searching on the web, you can find quite a number of free themes that might come closer to what you are looking for.