Support => cpg1.6 plugins => cpg1.6.x Support => cpg1.6 plugin contributions => Topic started by: ron4mac on April 20, 2017, 02:22:50 PM

Title: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: ron4mac on April 20, 2017, 02:22:50 PM
This package contains a CPG 1.6 plugin that provides one-way user synchronization from other web applications that are in the same domain as CPG.
Currently supported are Joomla 3.x, pbpBB 3.1+, Drupal 8.x and Invision Community 4.

By use of secure encrypted cookies, users logged into supported apps using a special link to CPG will automatically be logged in to CPG, creating an account if necessary. This creates a loose coupling between the two apps that can easily be broken with no harmful effects. The user accounts fully exist in each web app, allowing users to directly log into either one as though the other doesn't exist. The option is available to sync passwords, as well ... password changes at another app will automatically be applied at CPG.

Update 12 May 2017: CPG plugin 1.3.3 - corrected issue where link to CPG via tunnel does not login user on first use.

Update 04 Mar 2018: Added Invision Community 4 to apps that can tunnel to CPG.  IC4 and phpBB3 can tunnel to CPG that was previously bridged. User ID's from the bridged app will transfer to CPG.

Update 02 Oct 2019: Corrected issue setting up phpBB3 extension.

Update 14 Jan 2020: Modified extension for phpBB3 to function with version 3.3.x

Update 09 Feb 2020: Added tunneling capability for Drupal.

Coppermine Photo Gallery Tunnel for Joomla!, phpBB3, Drupal or Invision Community 4
version: 1.3.6

The five files in this package are plugins for CPG, Joomla!, phpBB(3.1+), Invision Community 4 and Drupal(v8.x).
The phpBB3 and Invision Community tunnels can function with installations that have been bridged with CPG.

For CPG:
Install the plugin,
Configure its 'secret phrase', encryption method, usergroup settings, whether to sync passwords and optional theme name.
The tunnel encryption phrase/method must be set the same for each tunnel component (CPG and Joomla/phpBB3/invision4/Drupal).

For Joomla!:
Install the plugin,
Enable the plugin and configure its 'secret phrase' (phrase same as CPG), encryption method and usergroup settings.
Establish any links in Joomla! that will point to CPG as: <CPG URL>/index.php?file=tunnel2cpg/joomla
Use the same link when setting up access to CPG using a Joomla! menu item 'wrapper'

For phpBB3:
Unzip the extension,, into the <phpbb>/ext folder.
Enable the extension and configure its 'secret phrase' (phrase same as CPG), encryption method and usergroup settings.
Establish any links in phpBB3 that will point to CPG as: <CPG URL>/index.php?file=tunnel2cpg/phpbb3

For Invision Community 4:
From the Admin Plugins area, install the plugin file invision4CPGtunnel_v1.xml
Enable the plugin and configure its 'secret phrase' (phrase same as CPG), encryption method and usergroup settings.
Establish any links in IC4 that will point to CPG as: <CPG URL>/index.php?file=tunnel2cpg/invision4

For Drupal:
Unzip the module,, into the <drupal>/modules folder.
Install/enable the module and configure its 'secret phrase' (phrase same as CPG) and usergroup settings.
Establish any links in Drupal that will point to CPG as: <CPG URL>/index.php?file=tunnel2cpg/drupal8

Mcrypt encryption methods can not be used with PHP version 7.2 and later. You must use openSSL.

Joomla!, phpBB3, IC4 and Drupal users will have to logout and back in before a tunnel will be established.
Subsequently, when users logout from Joomla!, phpBB3, IC4 or Drupal, they will also be logged out of CPG.

Once users have accessed the CPG instance via Joomla!, phpBB3 IC4 or Drupal, they will also be able to go directly to the
CPG instance (<CPG URL>) and login with their same Joomla!, phpBB3 IC4 or Drupal username and password.

A sample CPG theme is provided that is designed for use when accessing CPG via a Joomla! menu item wrapper.
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: phill104 on April 20, 2017, 04:29:53 PM
Excellent work as ever.
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: maxhasher on May 04, 2017, 06:19:31 PM
Good Work there .
Up and running on a live site with CPG 1.6.03 , modified tunnel (on my site end) and logs in and out well, and does password update into cpg.. excellent. not a bb.

Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: maxhasher on May 04, 2017, 06:30:20 PM
Works well on both test box with PHP 7.0.15 apache 2.4.18 and MySQL server 5.7.18

and on live site with PHP 5.6 and MySQL community server 5.01
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: DirkMa on May 04, 2017, 10:14:39 PM

I have installed the plugin but the tunnel don't work.
I have the same secret phrase in cpg and joomla (for example 1234hhh)

I have tree attachments.

What's wrong?

Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: ron4mac on May 05, 2017, 04:32:21 AM
Quote from: DirkMa on May 04, 2017, 10:14:39 PM
What's wrong?
What happens when you use the Joomla menu item? Does it link to CPG with an error message? Did you enable the Joomla plugin and log out and then back in before using the link to CPG?
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: DirkMa on May 05, 2017, 05:58:48 AM
Sorry, my english isn't so good that's the reason I write a little bit short.
The Problem is that I come to the login from cpg (joomla3.jpg).
My user in joomla is "Super user" and with the same name and password in cpg als "administrators".


Title: Re: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: DirkMa on May 05, 2017, 06:06:36 AM
Quote from: ron4mac on May 05, 2017, 04:32:21 AM
What happens when you use the Joomla menu item? Does it link to CPG with an error message? Did you enable the Joomla plugin and log out and then back in before using the link to CPG?

Yes, I enable the Joomla plugin and logged out.

Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: ron4mac on May 05, 2017, 02:01:22 PM
It seems that you are not accessing CPG with the required link. You must be logged in to Joomla and then access CPG as:
<CPG URL>/index.php?file=tunnel2cpg/joomla

Can you provide links to Joomla and CPG? And maybe a test-user login?
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: ron4mac on May 05, 2017, 02:15:27 PM
You could also try using MCrypt for encryption instead of Openssl.
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: DirkMa on May 06, 2017, 02:34:14 PM
I have used MCrypt too. It's the same.
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: ron4mac on May 06, 2017, 06:35:37 PM
Quote from: DirkMa on May 06, 2017, 02:34:14 PM
I have used MCrypt too. It's the same.
Emailed you.
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: DirkMa on May 09, 2017, 05:53:49 AM

sorry, I doesn't get an email.

Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: ron4mac on May 09, 2017, 01:43:09 PM
Quote from: DirkMa on May 09, 2017, 05:53:49 AM
sorry, I doesn't get an email.
I just tried with my own mail client instead of the Forum's email function and sending to your Forum registered email gets rejected.

If you send me links to your sites and a login(s), I’ll see what I can do to resolve the issue.
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: DirkMa on May 09, 2017, 06:55:09 PM

I'm sorry, I've forgot to change my email. I have done it today.
I have send you an email.


Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: ron4mac on May 09, 2017, 07:47:34 PM
Quote from: DirkMa on May 09, 2017, 06:55:09 PM
I have send you an email.

I logged into Joomla and then clicked on the CPG link. Like what you saw, it just displayed a CPG login page. But, if I just refreshed the browser page, I was logged into CPG. After that, I could log in and out and it worked as expected. I'm not sure why it behaved like that. It may have something to do with there being no public view for CPG.

I'll setup a similar Joomla and CPG instance in one of my work areas and see if I can duplicate the behavior and find the cause.
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: DirkMa on May 09, 2017, 08:00:32 PM

thanks for your Support.
Ich hope you find a solution.

Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: ron4mac on May 12, 2017, 06:12:06 PM
Quote from: DirkMa on May 09, 2017, 08:00:32 PM
Ich hope you find a solution.

See updated version in original post...
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: DirkMa on September 11, 2019, 04:54:04 PM
Hello Ron,

your plugin worked for a long time.
Now I wanted to change my Joomla (3.9.11) page from PHP 7.1 to 7.3.
Now I get the following error message when I go to a page of my homepage, where the plugin is called:
Call to undefined function mcrypt_module_open ()
Can you possibly help me?

Kind regards

Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: DirkMa on September 11, 2019, 05:01:55 PM

I have seen that the problem is only by MCrypt.
Open SSL is ok.

Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: bucko on December 19, 2021, 12:31:05 AM
Hi ron4mac can Drupal 9 support be added please? It told me it was no longer supported and I had to uninstall it for now. I can test it. Thanks.
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: ron4mac on December 20, 2021, 05:40:24 PM
Adding one line to the module yml should allow it to work as is

name: CPG Tunnel
description: Extends user authorization to Coppermine Photo Gallery instances.
package: Custom
type: module
configure: cpgtunnel.admin_settings
version: 1.0
core: 8.x
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9               <<----   ADD THIS LINE
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: bucko on December 28, 2021, 04:13:24 PM
That sorted it thanks :).
Title: Re: Tunnel2CPG user synchronization plugin(s)
Post by: panhead on March 09, 2022, 03:55:40 PM
The number of users in CPG and phpBB3 are not equal. How can I synchronise them?