http error 500 in google chrome
Obviously we cannot check your link as it is not valid. This makes any diagnosis guesswork on our part.
Having said that, a 500 error is a generic error from your host, not your browser. It means that an instruction to your server cannot be processed stopping the script. There are two ways to work out what the error is, one is by looking at the server logs for the exact time the error occurred, the other it to enable full display of errors on your host. For both you may need to ask your host for advice.
Please be aware that version 1.6.x is currently in beta stage which is why there is no download link on this site yet.
I am in the process of migrating to a Ubuntu 16.04 and i'm using a host entry to direct traffic to the new host, I was able to log on and run upgrade.php but it doesnt like to let me logon from the home page.
PHP and nginx logging are enabled but it didnt reveal the cause of the issue.
Happy to pass the details of the IP and FQDN if you think this would help?
I would simply reinstall...
Without knowing what the error is looking at the site would not help. Re-installation is unlikely to help too, as usually these types of error are server related. If it is your own server, enable full display of errors and see if that helps.
I got the same problem. After running update.php the problem was fixed. I think it maybe a database issue, as in parts haven't been upgraded that the new software needs.