Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: Walkinman on November 28, 2017, 01:55:25 AM

Title: CPG update, tweak or modify a theme to become responsive and more
Post by: Walkinman on November 28, 2017, 01:55:25 AM
Hey Folks,

My site has kinda gotten behind lately, and I simply need to invest my times elsewhere at the moment rather than fix it myself.

I need my version of CPG update (I'm running 1.5.20 or something ). I've edited the theme quite a lot, both CSS and some functionality stuff over the years ... and I really need those functional changes maintained.

The next step I need is the site needs to be responsive. I can switch themes, it seems, but it would still to have the same setup and so on that I have right now. Open to ideas how to achieve that.

Part of my site is static html, part of it is wordpress, and the stock section is all CPG. Ideally I'd like for them (as they currently do) to all match styling and design. So if someone has the time and gumption to want to tackle modifying the coding on all three, we can discuss that as well. My WP section is way outdated. None of the site is currently responsive and that seems to be giving google all kinds of grief.

Some of the changes I've made over the years are described in a couple of threads here I can retrieve if necessary. One or two of them may work well if someone wants to turn them into a plugin rather than hacking the code.

Budget is pretty open, depending on how much work you want/need to do. We'd probably want to consult a little bit about the best way to tackle it. First thing would be updating CPG without losing the functional changes we've made.
The site is the CPG is inside the "Stock" directory.

Title: Re: CPG update, tweak or modify a theme to become responsive and more
Post by: Walkinman on December 01, 2017, 11:36:22 PM
Well, the update is done, so mark that off the list.
