We need to convert our Gallery site to Coppermine. I am the site admin, but do not have any server experience (I drive the site but did not build it). I would love to learn how to do things myself (or maybe just learn how to manage it, and do the updates and such) but I don't want to manage this conversion. The site is somewhat important to the academic and science community and I do not want to loose anything in the conversion.
We have a few hundred dollar budget (we are a non-profit organization).
Our time schedule is open (would like to have it complete by the end of March if possible but for sure by the end of May).
This is our current webpage...
Perhaps a little more information might help someone decide whether to help you:
For what reasons do you want to convert from Gallery 2?
Will the G2 and Coppermine galleries need to co-exist until conversion is completed?
Will you need it to have the same visual appearance as the rest of the NANFA site?
Are there some other specific expectations that need explaining?
There is a tool available on these boards but I have not used it in a long time so not sure if it still works.
Quote from: ron4mac on January 03, 2018, 06:02:03 PM
Perhaps a little more information might help someone decide whether to help you:
For what reasons do you want to convert from Gallery 2?
Will the G2 and Coppermine galleries need to co-exist until conversion is completed?
Will you need it to have the same visual appearance as the rest of the NANFA site?
Are there some other specific expectations that need explaining?
Sorry for the slow reply, for some reason I was not getting notifications... anyway to answer your questions.
Gallery 2 is no longer supported nor being updated and we are concerned about ongoing security. Plus there is no one to teach me more Gallery 2 stuff to continue to manage the site well. So I would rather up convert to Coppermine and learn more myself so that we could maintain going forward.
It would be preferred for the old site to stay live until the new site was up and running. But no need for them to "co-exist" for any period of time. We could even tolerate some short period of time (say a few weeks or a month) where both sites were down.
No, we do not need to maintain the visual appearance of the rest of the NANFA site. Managing he appearance would be something that I would hope that I would be able to learn to take care of myself. But regardless, it would be totally acceptable for the site to ahve a different appearance.
My only other expectation is to keep the current permissions and structure so that the photo owners still manage their own content. Also my other expectation is that I might get some opportunity to learn so that I could do more for myself in the future.
Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on January 03, 2018, 06:34:52 PM
There is a tool available on these boards but I have not used it in a long time so not sure if it still works.
I read about that as well, but between the mixed reviews and my limited "under the hood" skills I thought it best to get some more knowledgeable help.
No takers? No help out there?
I quickly looked into doing it after your first post. I wouldn't want to be paid for doing it so, if it would be fairly easy, I thought I could help you out. I determined that it could be quite a bit of work... perhaps more than I wanted to commit to. Let me take another look at it. I have set up G2 and CPG installs to test with. Are you able to get a database dump of your G2 install? It would be helpful to see that. I'll PM you my contact email. If you can't read personal messages here, let me know.
I am crafting an importer for you (Gallery 2 -> CPG 1.6.x).
CPG has no album hierarchy, so all user albums will be at one level.
Passwords can not be transferred. CPG accounts will be created with generated passwords.
It may not be possible to transfer special permissions that may be set for some users.
That sounds very interesting and something I might be able to manage. I dont mind having to re-do the password or re-create any special permissions (there really are not any except admins). Trying to get you the database dump today.
The attached importer will only work with CPG 1.6.x
Create a CPG1.6 installation (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,79168.0.html). Conflicting usernames will not be imported so enter a unique admin username (e.g. cpgadmin).
Place the unzipped importer file in the root of the CPG install.
Access the file as <CPG url>/import_gallery2.php ... you will need to be logged in as the admin.
Follow the simple instruction...
Transferred user information will be in albums/edit.
[edit:] As mentioned by André below, the albums/edit directory is subject to being purged (though not with a default CPG 1.6 install). So don't rely on the results of the import to always exist in that directory.
Quote from: ron4mac on January 23, 2018, 03:37:47 PM
Transferred user information will be in albums/edit.
Probably not the best directory, as that directory get purged e.g. on upload (search the Coppermine code for
Quote from: Αndré on January 24, 2018, 12:26:51 PM
Probably not the best directory, as that directory get purged e.g. on upload (search the Coppermine code for spring_cleaning).
That no longer occurs during upload with the 3 packaged upload methods ... only happens on zipdownload, which is not configured by default.
Thanks, sorry for going silent there, I had the flu last week... anyway, let me see how this works... appreciate the help.
Hi - I'm trying to do the same thing as the OP. Convert a Gallery2 install to CPG.
I installed the latest CPG. 1.6.06, I think. Then I put the referenced gallery2import.php in the root of the cpg install. Then accessed that url with a browser. All I get is what looks just like the main page. No errors, no prompt for the path to the Gallery2 files.
Any help?
Quote from: FlyingDiver on April 25, 2019, 12:02:46 AM
Any help?
Any links?
I was able to surmise links to your galleries. The original .zip file in the post above had a mismatch between the zip file name and the name of the php file that was actually in the zip. I've renamed the file(s) and changed the instructions to match. My apologies for the confusion.
You can access the importer file as <CPG url>/import_gallery2.php