Support => cpg1.6.x Support => cpg1.6 miscellaneous => Topic started by: sharpo on August 24, 2018, 12:28:56 PM

Title: My 1.6 test site, it's simple - but works well.
Post by: sharpo on August 24, 2018, 12:28:56 PM
I'm no expert at editing themes and plugins etc. but have set up my test site in a way that looks and feels right for me. Using a pc, Chrome and Firefox seem similar, but on a mobile Firefox is hopeless at showing the intermediate image when browsing the gallery - so Chrome has to be used.

The theme is water_drop, and for mobiles theme_switch changes it to mobile_light. I use keyboard_navigation plugin, also lightbox and HTML5_slideshow.

The format for my images is 957x638, a size I chose when setting up my main gallery in 2006 as it fitted computer screens around at that time. Also, I had to be careful how much web space I was using due to hosting cost.

I no longer take photos, always using a camcorder instead, but now I can crop good images from the video and my original gallery is growing again.

HTML5 slideshow is new to me, and on tablets and mobile is great, especially now with improved swiping movement on the screen. Lightbox can also be useful on mobiles and tablets as the image can be increased in size by finger/thumb stretching, but on a pc and using keyboard navigation the left and right arrows on the keyboard make it easier to view images than the mouse.

The title and description are not set to show on HTML5 slideshow, for better viewing on a mobile, but do show on lightbox. When viewing the intermediate image, not using slideshow or lightbox, if the photo is from a video then I have added the word "video" in description, which will link to that video in youtube.

As yet, I am not ready to upgrade my 1.5 galleries, minicms is not available for 1.6 at the moment and I'm not sure what will happen with some of the images that used a plugin to connect to youtube videos.

Hope this might be a useful illustration of a 1.6 gallery that, for me anyway, can work well on a mobile, tablet and pc. Feel free to delete the topic if not appropriate, but any comments on what I may have done wrong, or ways I could improve things that that don't quite work right on this gallery would be appreciated. Themes and plugins are not modifed, other than config settings etc.
