This is the cpg1.6.x and PHP7 compatible version of the Remote videos plugin.
Quote from: Αndré on June 18, 2009, 05:03:20 PM
With this plugin you can 'upload' videos from Youtube and other video file hosters to your website.
Please find the button for the config page on the plugin manager. There you can enable/disable the different video hosters.
1. Create a text file and insert the permalink or url from the browser address bar (e.g.
2. Rename the text file to <filename>.<provider> (e.g.
3. Upload the text file to your Coppermine gallery (use the upload form or the batch-add feature)
4. Optional: upload a thumbnail for your video by using this plugin (,60272.0.html)
Have tried this plugin but cannot get it to work with an MP4 file I have uploaded to Vimeo.
I then noticed that in 'filetypes editor' for Vimeo it makes use of the 'application/x-shockwave-flash'.
Does this still work? I thought (wrongly?) that it was withdrawn by Adobe - or perhaps it was just that it was no longer supported.
Anyway, I wonder if you could enlighten me as to if this plugin should still work, André. If so, I will have another attempt.
Many thanks.
I have just realised that I shouldn't have posted it to this board.
I can't see any way to delete it, perhaps one of the moderators could move it to the appropriate board for me.
Many thanks and profuse apologies.