Support => cpg1.6 plugins => cpg1.6.x Support => cpg1.6 plugin contributions => Topic started by: gmc on November 02, 2018, 03:20:44 AM

Title: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: gmc on November 02, 2018, 03:20:44 AM
This is a port of the cpg1.5.x plugin MiniCMS.

Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 04, 2009, 01:55:01 am
QuoteWhat it does
    The MiniCMS plugin is a minimalistic Content Mangement System which allows the gallery admin to add / edit / delete pages. Typically this will be used by people who just want to add a few pages like About, Contact etc to their installs of coppermine but do not want full fledged CMS like Joomla.
    It currently includes the ability to create stand-alone pages and add content to any category, album, or intermediate image page.
    It has  a WYSIWYG editor which works in IE and Mozilla, and respects the admin rights from Coppermine

Primary update to eliminate direct calls to MySQL functions and convert to CPG wrapper functions that use the CPG database abstraction layer.
MySQL functions are removed in PHP 7.

See thread,68455.0.html (,68455.0.html) for the history under 1.5.

Update 2.5 - only insert CMS Test message on initial install (tables being created).  Avoids having to manually delete message in an already established installation - and addresses sharpo's issue of mysteriusly appearing quantities of the test message.
(Have to delete 2.4 due to single post size restriction.  This plugin is large with fckeditor included.)
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: Αndré on November 02, 2018, 11:54:08 AM
The plugin has been added to our GitHub repository:
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 02, 2018, 12:46:03 PM
Thanks Greg.

Have downloaded and installed in my 1.6 test site. Only added one set of text so far, on home page, to thank you for releasing the update!!

I'm now one step further to upgrading my 1.5 galleries now.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: gmc on November 02, 2018, 12:53:47 PM
Quote from: sharpo on November 02, 2018, 12:46:03 PM
Thanks Greg.

Have downloaded and installed in my 1.6 test site. Only added one set of text so far, on home page, to thank you for releasing the update!!

I'm now one step further to upgrading my 1.5 galleries now.
lol... thanks... should have been released earlier - just not enough hours in day these days...
An important one for me to get several of my galleries upgraded too.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 10, 2018, 12:05:03 PM
Oops, something has gone wrong!!! I've spent so much time trying to solve the mobile view problem on my 2 test sites that I hadn't bothered to look at my proper site that I upgraded to 1.6.

If you look at the screen print below you will see the example MinCMS message line keeps repeating itself. I upgraded the site a week or so ago with this plugin, probably with just the one MiniCMS entry showing on the home page. I have since added one new entry since noticing the problem, wonder if any more will suddenly appear??

Getting back to the problem, using my desktop, the message appears about 15 times on the screen and I scrolled down about 25 times before reaching the end, that makes about 375 enties if my maths is right?? Any idea what is wrong???
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 10, 2018, 12:06:56 PM
I always forget something, the problem site is:-
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: gmc on November 10, 2018, 01:48:10 PM
Quote from: sharpo on November 10, 2018, 12:05:03 PM
...If you look at the screen print below you will see the example MinCMS message line keeps repeating itself. I upgraded the site a week or so ago with this plugin, probably with just the one MiniCMS entry showing on the home page. I have since added one new entry since noticing the problem, wonder if any more will suddenly appear??

Getting back to the problem, using my desktop, the message appears about 15 times on the screen and I scrolled down about 25 times before reaching the end, that makes about 375 enties if my maths is right?? Any idea what is wrong???
Looks like you have 3 messages in there (at least for the home page) and only one is repeating...
Would like to take a look at the data behind it (and try to recreate in my sandbox).  Can you attach an SQL dump (export from phpMyAdmin including structure and data) of the two CMS tables?  Going to be very small - one row per message in cpgxxx_cms and 8 rows in cpgxxx_cms_config. 
Not saying it is data related (and that would be a problem too assuming you used the plugin only to update the data) - but just want to see if I can recreate...

Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 10, 2018, 02:15:44 PM
Just noticed your reply Greg, will try and get what you ask for.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 10, 2018, 02:27:49 PM
Have to say you were very quick in responding to the problem!!

Hope I've done this right...... They are .sql files but if they don't work then pm me with an email address and I'll send that way

Aah, sql wouldn't send so trying text files
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 11, 2018, 01:21:53 AM
I logged into mysql and deleted all the ones that shouldn't have been there, just 3 MiniCMS entries remaining now. Hope it stays like that unless I add any more. Very strange how they appeared???
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: Chuckster on November 11, 2018, 04:24:12 AM
Worked like a champ on my site.

I was just wondering about this a couple weeks ago when I did my upgrade to CPG v1.6.

Thanks for such a great mod.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: gmc on November 12, 2018, 12:08:20 AM
Quote from: sharpo on November 11, 2018, 01:21:53 AM
I logged into mysql and deleted all the ones that shouldn't have been there, just 3 MiniCMS entries remaining now. Hope it stays like that unless I add any more. Very strange how they appeared???
I have no guesses at this point as to how they all got in there... but at least we know why so many were displaying!
Let me know if you see that again.
Title: Re: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 12, 2018, 12:59:03 AM
Quote from: gmc on November 12, 2018, 12:08:20 AM
I have no guesses at this point as to how they all got in there... but at least we know why so many were displaying!
Let me know if you see that again.
Will do. Strange that it happened on one of my proper galleries and not any of the three test sites. I must check it more often in case it happens again, not many updates of our dog photos these days!!
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 19, 2018, 05:25:27 PM
It happened again Greg. Just had a look to make sure all was working and 6 new entries had appeared. Done a little print from mysql.

Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: gmc on November 19, 2018, 07:03:38 PM
Quote from: sharpo on November 19, 2018, 05:25:27 PM
It happened again Greg. Just had a look to make sure all was working and 6 new entries had appeared. Done a little print from mysql.
Any idea what you were doing in the gallery around those time stamps??  All happened within an hour.
Only the install dialog should add a message like that.

I'll do some testing and see if I can recreate that here.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 19, 2018, 07:10:37 PM
It's not a gallery I look at on a regular basis, only looked this afternoon as I was about to back it up for the first time since the 1.6 upgrade. Previous visit was days ago.

I know what you mean about that message appearing, as I always remember to delete it when the plugin is re-installed - such as after the recent 1.6 upgrade.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 22, 2018, 10:45:47 AM
Another site had about 70 blank messages appear early this morning, while I was asleep. I have since removed them from the database, easier than doing it one by one using the gallery. Any ideas?

Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 22, 2018, 11:41:04 AM
It has just screwed up again, looks like hundreds of entries. I will delete from database again, but watch to see if they come back again. If it continues like this l will have to uninstall, pity really, as it is so useful.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 22, 2018, 11:52:50 AM
Just for the record, it was 130 entries timed between 10.14 and 10.24 this morning.

I am the only administrator. Is there anything else I can check? I did look in logs after the earlier incident but nothing obvious.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: gmc on November 22, 2018, 03:35:51 PM
Quote from: sharpo on November 22, 2018, 11:52:50 AM
Just for the record, it was 130 entries timed between 10.14 and 10.24 this morning.

I am the only administrator. Is there anything else I can check? I did look in logs after the earlier incident but nothing obvious.
Only way I can get multiple messages to happen for me is if I repeatedly uninstall/reinstall the plugin...
As a quick workaround - edit file 'minicms/sql/basic.sql' and remove line:
INSERT INTO `CPG_cms` (conid,title,content,type) VALUES ('0','Welcome to Coppermine', 'Simple test of CPG MiniCMS','0');
Without this line - no way the message can be inserted again.

Adding version 2.5 to first post that checks if tables already existed at install time and only inserts the test message if they are being created new...  Probably the behavior it should have anyway - as don't want to add test message on a reinstall.
I expect this will also eliminate the symptom you are seeing.

Still a mystery to me why it seems install is getting driven... Not doable from the menus (have to uninstall first).
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 22, 2018, 04:16:42 PM
Thanks Greg,

I've removed that line for my 3 live galleries, hopefully that's fixed it for me. I'll leave the test galleries as they are and let you know if any of those have a problem - it's more to keep you informed than anything, as they're of no real importance to me.

Oh, did you notice on my live galleries (if you looked) that I have used MiniCMS to aid new visitors, with icons to shows slideshow and lightbox icons?? I thought it was a good idea!!!
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: ron4mac on November 22, 2018, 04:50:43 PM
Quote from: gmc on November 22, 2018, 03:35:51 PM
Still a mystery to me why it seems install is getting driven.

codebase.php, line 80:
function minicms($content='')
    global $MINICMS, $CONFIG, $cat, $album, $REFERER, $lang_minicms, $HTML_SUBST_DECODE, $cms_array;

    if ($MINICMS['dbver']!=MINICMS_DBVER) {
        echo "<h2>{$lang_minicms['minicms_full']}  ..........
        minicms_configure(false); //auto-updater and dont print the "go" button

I think minicms() might be getting called without MINICMS_DBVER having been defined first (as in cms.php ... although that doesn't seem to get used).
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 22, 2018, 07:20:39 PM
It has happened again!

I had edited the file as per a previous post and part of it now looks as below with a line removed:-


INSERT INTO `CPG_cms_config` VALUES ('dbver', '0.0');
INSERT INTO `CPG_cms_config` VALUES ('redirect_index_php', '');
INSERT INTO `CPG_cms_config` VALUES ('related_size', 'thumb');
INSERT INTO `CPG_cms_config` VALUES ('editor', 'fckeditor');
INSERT INTO `CPG_cms_config` VALUES ('rss_enabled', '0');
INSERT INTO `CPG_cms_config` VALUES ('rss_description_length', '50');
INSERT INTO `CPG_cms_config` VALUES ('rss_include_image', '0');
INSERT INTO `CPG_cms_config` VALUES ('rss_image_size', 'thumb');

but if you look at it has another 16 or so entries.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 22, 2018, 07:26:33 PM
....and just to clarify, my edit was completed at 15.09 (or actually 16.09 due to the hour time difference setting I suppose) not long after the edit instruction was posted.

Mysql dates and time as below, and after the above edit:-

   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   412    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 18:04:53    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   411    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 18:03:56    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   410    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 18:03:03    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   409    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:59:41    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   408    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:55:29    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   407    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:52:49    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   406    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:49:56    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   405    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:49:46    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   404    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:49:44    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   403    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:49:42    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   402    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:49:40    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   401    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:49:37    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   400    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:49:36    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   399    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:45:34    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   398    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 17:42:31    NULL    NULL
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: gmc on November 22, 2018, 07:30:52 PM
Quote from: sharpo on November 22, 2018, 07:26:33 PM
....and just to clarify, my edit was completed at 15.09 (or actually 16.09 due to the hour time difference setting I suppose) not long after the edit instruction was posted.

Without that SQL statement - even re-driving install wouldn't be able to add another record.
Ron may be onto what was driving it (not my plugin originally - so didn't know/recall about the automatic update...)
What is the setting of 'dbver' in the cms_config table?

But regardless - without the SQL statement - I have no idea how it would be still adding messages...
Could another gallery be pointing at the same database/cpg prefix??
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 22, 2018, 07:58:46 PM
cpg       = Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   dbver    1.5.20
kc         = Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   dbver    1.5.20
BB3cpg = Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   dbver    1.5.20

my new 16 = Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   dbver    1.5.20

Looked at my 3 "live" galleries, as per my signature, and the newly installed 1.6 test - all are the same version.  All different databases though.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 22, 2018, 08:20:37 PM
No more entries appeared for an hour or so, then at 19.08 more appeared, totalling about 70 now.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: gmc on November 22, 2018, 11:20:51 PM
Quote from: sharpo on November 22, 2018, 08:20:37 PM
No more entries appeared for an hour or so, then at 19.08 more appeared, totalling about 70 now.

Here's a bandaid...
In minicms/codebase.php, find: 

    $where = (isset($MINICMS['ID'])) ?  "ID='{$MINICMS['ID']}'" : "conid='{$MINICMS['conid']}' AND type='{$MINICMS['type']}'";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CMS']} WHERE $where ORDER BY cpos";

and replace with: (adding middle line...)

    $where = (isset($MINICMS['ID'])) ?  "ID='{$MINICMS['ID']}'" : "conid='{$MINICMS['conid']}' AND type='{$MINICMS['type']}'";
    $where .= " AND title != 'Welcome to Coppermine'";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_CMS']} WHERE $where ORDER BY cpos";

Will stop the DISPLAY of the messages... but not the cause of them being created.

Are you sure no other gallery points to this database?
I don't understand how messages can continue to get added if the SQL to add it has been removed...
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 23, 2018, 01:50:49 AM
I've been away from the computer all evening since adding that text at 19.30, but a quick look at mysql shows more has been added. I'll look at your post properly in the morning, but for now, the last few added are:-

Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   470    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 22:02:38    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   469    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 20:23:07    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   468    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-22 20:22:24    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   397    0    Welcome to Coppermine    &lt;p&gt;Simple test of CPG MiniCMS. Still got thi...    0    0    2018-11-22 19:30:52    NULL    NULL

The spacing looks odd but you can see the one I edited at 19.30 - which was the one at the top of the page on my gallery, forgetting any new ones would be added at the bottom end of the list.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 23, 2018, 11:26:27 AM
This morning I logged into my main gallery and it looked like there were more messages, so I uninstalled MiniCMS. Since then I looked at your earlier post and made that edit, then reinstalled MiniCMS and the unwanted messages have been blanked out.

A few days ago I was trying to tidy up my web space etc. and was listing sites and names of databases linked to them - and no galleries share a database.

Looking at Mysql this morning, there had been more additions during the night when I was asleep - so they appear even when my pc is switched off, some of the more recent ones and it looks as if two can appear at exactly the same time. That's faster than anybody can physically uninstall and reinstall it:-

Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   494    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 07:45:41    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   492    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 07:45:11    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   493    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 07:45:11    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   490    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 07:45:01    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   491    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 07:45:01    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   489    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 07:44:30    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   488    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 07:41:36    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   487    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 07:40:30    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   486    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 07:40:17    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   485    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 07:40:03    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   484    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 06:02:47    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   483    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 05:49:06    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   482    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 05:48:38    NULL    NULL
   Edit Edit   Copy Copy   Delete Delete   480    0    Welcome to Coppermine    Simple test of CPG MiniCMS    0    0    2018-11-23 05:47:23    NULL    NULL
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: gmc on November 23, 2018, 01:53:52 PM
Quote from: sharpo on November 23, 2018, 11:26:27 AM
Looking at Mysql this morning, there had been more additions during the night when I was asleep - so they appear even when my pc is switched off, some of the more recent ones and it looks as if two can appear at exactly the same time. That's faster than anybody can physically uninstall and reinstall it:-
what Ron pointed to was code in minicms that drives a 'behind the scenes' update if the installed dbver doesn't match what the code expects.  It would be driven on a gallery view - not necessarily an admin uninstall/install.
Not a function that has been used much - as the dbver is still at 1.5.20 from minicms point of view.

Even so - I still am not understanding how the messages can keep getting added if the sql to add them has been deleted - and no other gallery shares the database.

Try V2.5 (and redo the last change to suppress the display of test message - as that isn't in the package).  That only issues the SQL to add the test message if the tables were just being created...
I'll try to find some time to walk the rest of the code and see what might be driving the update process.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 23, 2018, 02:24:05 PM
Righto, will try v2.5.

I was half way through typing when I realised you had posted a reply. Not really relevant but what I was going to say was:-

"You obviously won't see it now, but from 10.20 this morning to 11.32 the entries went up by over 100 and the latest entry is number 598 but no more appeared in the last 75 minutes.

I haven't been working on any of my galleries this morning and checking all of the Mysql databases it is only that is having the problem at the moment, although the other two live galleries have had the problem a week or so ago."

Back to now, I will uninstall 2.4 then make that edit to suppress the test message, then delete all those 100+ messages that have appeared recently. Will report back when that is all done.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 23, 2018, 02:42:31 PM
2.5 installed in that one gallery.

Reloaded page and all those messages showed again, then edited that file and reloaded the page and they were hidden. Finally deleted 202 of those messages from Mysql.

I will leave it a few hours then check the _cms file for that gallery and see if any more messages appear. The other galleries can be checked by refreshing the home page as haven't made the suppress edit for them yet.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 23, 2018, 05:37:12 PM
Another 164 have appeared since my last posting here. I'll just keep deleting them on a daily basis until I hear what else to try next.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: Αndré on November 27, 2018, 05:18:27 PM
Just a guess, but maybe those entries haven't been added by the plugin, but somehow else. Please try to disable/uninstall the plugin (or even better, delete the whole plugin folder from your server temporary) and check if new messages continue to appear in your database.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 27, 2018, 08:51:07 PM

I think I have "removed" the problem, at least I hope so. When upgrading to 1.6 I did something I have done before, which was to copy all the files for the gallery to a spare domain I have in my web space. A precaution in case I made a big mistake with the upgrade!! All the files were stored within a newly named folder that, in theory, would never be accessed as nothing would be directed to it.

A few days ago I "zipped" or compressed all the files within that folder and then deleted the files. Since then no more entries have appeared.

There have been other times when I have used that method without a problem - as it is so easy to switch folders back and forth and restore a database if I have had a problem with something. On this occasion though it seems to have gone wrong.

Do you think that was the cause of the problem?

Pleased to say though that, after that problem which seems to now be fixed, the upgrades have all gone well and the plugins I use are all working - although a few fixes were needed (all solved via this forum) to get things right.

Thanks to all who helped!!!
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: Αndré on November 28, 2018, 10:53:16 AM
Quote from: sharpo on November 27, 2018, 08:51:07 PM
Do you think that was the cause of the problem?
Difficult to say, but if no more messages appear, it seems that this was the cause (strange anyway).
Title: Re: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: sharpo on November 28, 2018, 12:13:34 PM
Quote from: Αndré on November 28, 2018, 10:53:16 AM
Difficult to say, but if no more messages appear, it seems that this was the cause (strange anyway).
I'll watch for any more mysterious messages suddenly appearing - but still looking good at the moment. Will remember to zip it in future, or copy without config file - making sure I have a copy offline of course!!
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: AJDunford on January 04, 2019, 07:09:16 PM
Hello and thank you in advance for any help you can supply - I am not an expert, not even sure this is the correct place to seek support

I am trying to install minicms 2.5 on a fresh installation of cpg1.6

I get the following error:

Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'plugins/minicms/include/' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php-5.6.37-flock/lib/php') in /var/sites/c/***********/public_html/plugins/minicms 3/codebase.php on line 131

Any ideas?
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: Αndré on January 04, 2019, 07:12:39 PM
Please check if you have uploaded the plugin completely, as it seems at least the file in the error message is missing (or has wrong permissions).
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: AJDunford on January 04, 2019, 07:34:38 PM
Thanks for your very quick reply Andre

Both and codebase.php are present, they both have the permission 0644 - is this correct?
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: Αndré on January 04, 2019, 07:39:07 PM
Looks okay. Does reside at the correct directory (plugins/minicms/include/
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: AJDunford on January 04, 2019, 07:51:10 PM
yes it resides there - except the folder is 'minicms 3' not 'minicms' - surely it wouldn't be as simple as changing that folder name?

Maybe it would be because when I inspect codebase.php it contains, on line 131:   require 'plugins/minicms/include/';

I am tempted to change either the folder name or the require on line 131. Which do you think?

To see if any files were missing I uploaded it over itself again using FTP and a couple of files were missing from ...minicms 3/fckeditor/ folder, a couple of gifs and one js file.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: Αndré on January 04, 2019, 08:22:48 PM
I suggest to rename the folder to "minicms", though I haven't checked the code if the other folder name may be intended.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: AJDunford on January 06, 2019, 02:51:25 PM
Thanks Andre that was the correct solution, great support for a great app
Title: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: KchoPrro on August 15, 2022, 06:46:49 PM
Quote from: gmc on November 02, 2018, 03:20:44 AM
This is a port of the cpg1.5.x plugin MiniCMS.

Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 04, 2009, 01:55:01 am
Primary update to eliminate direct calls to MySQL functions and convert to CPG wrapper functions that use the CPG database abstraction layer.
MySQL functions are removed in PHP 7.

See thread,68455.0.html (,68455.0.html) for the history under 1.5.

Update 2.5 - only insert CMS Test message on initial install (tables being created).  Avoids having to manually delete message in an already established installation - and addresses sharpo's issue of mysteriusly appearing quantities of the test message.
(Have to delete 2.4 due to single post size restriction.  This plugin is large with fckeditor included.)

Thanks for adding an essential plugin for me.

I just upgraded to CPG1.6x t and the old version of miniCMS doesn't work now. It requires updating to the current version of miniCMS and I have two questions;

A) Is the process described for the installation of this version the same if the objective is to update a previous version or a clean installation? (I already have a minicms folder in my gallery, I imagine all files with the same name will be replaced).

B) All the html pages created with the previous version of minicms will be lost or still available? (I see that my databases have not been touched, all the pages are in them).

Thank you
Title: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: KchoPrro on August 16, 2022, 08:56:25 AM
Quote from: KchoPrro on August 15, 2022, 06:46:49 PM
Thanks for adding an essential plugin for me.

I just upgraded to CPG1.6x t and the old version of miniCMS doesn't work now. It requires updating to the current version of miniCMS and I have two questions;

A) Is the process described for the installation of this version the same if the objective is to update a previous version or a clean installation? (I already have a minicms folder in my gallery, I imagine all files with the same name will be replaced).

B) All the html pages created with the previous version of minicms will be lost or still available? (I see that my databases have not been touched, all the pages are in them).

Thank you

I answer to myself  8)

It doesn't matter if you update minicms or do a clean installation. It's just a matter of copying the "minicms" folder to the plugins directory, replacing the files from the previous version. I have not needed or perform the installation from the minicms plugin administration panel since it was installed. I have not lost any data, all my pages created with minicms are still on their site. Thank you very much!!! :)
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: screamqueen on September 02, 2022, 09:16:10 PM
It's really amazing. But I can't write anything except title.
Title: Re: MiniCMS for CPG 1.6.x
Post by: mustachio on August 09, 2024, 08:07:26 AM
Hi, I'm running cpg1.6.26 and I'm getting this error when I go to install the plugin:

`Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given in /home/vol2_8/ Stack trace: #0 /home/vol2_8/ in_array('english', NULL) #1 /home/vol2_8/ include('/home/vol2_8/ep...') #2 /home/vol2_8/ display_plugin_list() #3 {main} thrown in /home/vol2_8/ on line 38`

Is there a simple change I can make on my side to fix this? I was able to find the line it's talking about, but I don't know enough about PHP to actually fix it. Thank you!