Support => cpg1.6 plugins => cpg1.6.x Support => cpg1.6 plugin contributions => Topic started by: ron4mac on November 13, 2018, 04:51:33 PM

Title: Thumbnail data display (ThumbPlus)
Post by: ron4mac on November 13, 2018, 04:51:33 PM
A plugin to manage data that are displayed with a thumbnail.

Updated 2018-11-23: Added 'mtime' attribute feature; version to 1.0

QuoteThis plugin provides the method to have more control over the data that are displayed with a thumbnail.

There are 13 opportunities to control those data:

If you are not sure where those would be applied, here is the method to get some visual clues:
   In the plugin configuration, enable all control scopes (no add/replace text needs to be entered).
   Be logged in as admin and have debug enabled for admin only.
   You'll now see flags injected on your pages like " ==== global " prior to where that control could be applied.
   NOTE: don't generally leave scopes enabled if you are not applying add/replace text

For each scope, you can enter HTML text with substitution codes, such as:
   <span class="thumb_title thumb_title_dimensions">{pwidth} x {pheight}</span>
That text would add the picture width and height attributes to the thumbnail display.

Attributes to be substituted are enclosed in braces: {keywords}

Availabe substitution attributes are:
   aid - numeric album ID
   album - the album title
   caption - picture description
   ctime - date/time added to gallery
   filename - the name of the stored file
   filepath - path to the file relative to the "albums" folder
   filesize - the size of the file
   hits - the number of times the file has been viewed
   keywords - the keywords associated with the file
   mtime - date/time last viewed
   owner_id - numeric ID of owner (uploader)
   owner - the user name associated with the owner_id
   pheight - height of the image in pixels
   pic_rating - the current average rating (in stars) of the file
   pid - numeric picture ID
   pwidth - width of the image in pixels
   title - picture title
   user1:user2:user3:user4 - custom fields recorded with the image
   votes - the total number of votes/ratings made on the file

Additionally, the config defined names for user(1-4) fields can be used.

Use of 'ctime' or 'mtime' can have an optional date/time format.
   {ctime|%B %Y} would display as Month Year

Some attributes may not be available in all scopes.

With each scope, there is the option to first clear any accumulated thumbnail data display.
May be helpful in some circumstances.
Title: Re: Thumbnail data display (ThumbPlus)
Post by: Hanna. on May 19, 2022, 12:39:21 PM
Hi. Can I get two more attributes added to this plugin please?

1: Album Description
2. Total amount of pictures/files

Title: ThumbPlus - Can we get some new attributes to this plugin please?
Post by: Hanna. on May 23, 2022, 12:48:27 AM
ThumbPlus - Can we get some new attributes to this plugin please?

1. Album description
2. Total amount of files in album