I've been running a CPG1.6 upgraded from 1.5 for a few months. Since a few weeks any user (new and existing) only sees a blank page after a login. Everything works fine for administrative accounts and before login still.
The blank page shows a 200 response code with a zero byte body. The PHP 7.1 error logs does not show any errors.
Since this came up unexpected with no changes from my side it must be server related. There's some poor excuses for log-files in the cpg/logs folder; the show all logins have completed successfully. As there are no errors in the logs I don't have any idea where to start looking.
What I did so far
- cpg logging mode set to all
- updated to 1.6.5 successfully
- run update.php again (everything already completed)
- uploaded the full content of the github release zip-archive again
Version check shows some changed files, but I think it's not in sync for 1.6.5. Also I compared some manually and they match the files released in github.
Nummer|Typ |Pfad |Fehlt |Berechtigungen|Version |Geändert |Kommentar
1|Datei |LICENSE.txt | | |n.z. (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
2|Datei |admin.php | | |1.6.05 (neuer als 1.6.03)|n.z. |Warnung
3|Datei |bridge/coppermine.inc.php | | |1.6.04 (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
4|Datei |bridge/phpbb3.inc.php | | |1.6.04 (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
5|Datei |bridge/smf20.inc.php | | |1.6.04 (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
6|Datei |bridge/smf21.inc.php | | |1.6.05 (neuer als 1.6.04)| |Warnung
7|Datei |bridge/udb_base.inc.php | | |1.6.04 (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
8|Datei |help.php | | |1.6.04 (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
9|Datei |include/admin.inc.php | | |1.6.05 (neuer als 1.6.03)|n.z. |Warnung
10|Datei |include/database/mysqli/dbase.inc.php | | |1.6.04 (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
11|Datei |include/database/pdo/dbase.inc.php | | |1.6.04 (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
12|Datei |include/database/pdo/install.php | | |1.6.04 (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
13|Datei |include/functions.inc.php | | |1.6.04 (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
14|Datei |include/picmgmt.inc.php | | |1.6.04 (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
15|Datei |js/admin.js | | |1.6.05 (neuer als 1.6.03)|n.z. |Warnung
16|Datei |plugins/upload_h5a/configuration.php | | |1.6.04 (OK) |Geändert (!) |Warnung
17|Datei |plugins/upload_h5a/js/upload.min.js | | |1.6.05 (neuer als 1.6.04)|n.z. |Warnung
Did anyone solve something similar before? Any ideas?
PS: The server is running on http only.
Have you tried disabling plugins?
Link to site and test user account, please.
Plugins! Thanks a lot.
There was a version of "shorturl" 1.4 installed that caused this problem. Problem solved by uninstalling.
Quote from: punkadiddle on December 26, 2018, 02:39:03 PM
There was a version of "shorturl" 1.4 installed that caused this problem. Problem solved by uninstalling.
It has just been updated: http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,79603.0.html ;)