Hi. I have been experiencing difficulties adding files through batch new files at one of the coppermine galleries I add files to. Unfortunately, I cannot provide more information other than attached screenshot - as the error does not expose entirely.
Any ideas what this might be? I am willing to provide login if needed.
PM sent.
Here's the issue:
While executing query 'INSERT INTO kkpix_pictures (aid, filepath, filename, filesize, total_filesize, pwidth, pheight, ctime, owner_id, title, caption, keywords, approved, user1, user2, user3, user4, pic_raw_ip, pic_hdr_ip, position, guest_token) VALUES ('47', 'Photoshoots/2019 An Le/', '001.jpg', '1532682', '1994635', '2480', '3260', '1554994187', '1', '', '', '', 'YES', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '')' in include/picmgmt.inc.php on line 184
database error: 1364 : Field 'date_upl' doesn't have a default value
Datei: /home/minowncu/public_html/kO40nEk79tx18U/gallery/include/functions.inc.php - Zeile: 250
"date_upl" must have been added by you or a plugin, it doesn't exist in vanilla Coppermine. However, adding a default value to that field with a tool like phpMyAdmin should fix the issue.
Quote from: Αndré on April 11, 2019, 04:55:22 PM
Here's the issue:
While executing query 'INSERT INTO kkpix_pictures (aid, filepath, filename, filesize, total_filesize, pwidth, pheight, ctime, owner_id, title, caption, keywords, approved, user1, user2, user3, user4, pic_raw_ip, pic_hdr_ip, position, guest_token) VALUES ('47', 'Photoshoots/2019 An Le/', '001.jpg', '1532682', '1994635', '2480', '3260', '1554994187', '1', '', '', '', 'YES', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '')' in include/picmgmt.inc.php on line 184
database error: 1364 : Field 'date_upl' doesn't have a default value
Datei: /home/minowncu/public_html/kO40nEk79tx18U/gallery/include/functions.inc.php - Zeile: 250
"date_upl" must have been added by you or a plugin, it doesn't exist in vanilla Coppermine. However, adding a default value to that field with a tool like phpMyAdmin should fix the issue.
This is the coppermine that was reset by accident with the date stamps and ended up messed up all together. I wonder if I should start over this particular gallery as it appears to have tracks of wrongs from that date-incident.
It's up to you if you want to start from scratch. I personally would try to fix the issue(s), starting by adding a default value for that field (or just drop the field, if it's not needed anymore).