Hi, many thanks for the excellent gallery! I run it since 12 years and start to appreciate how nicely the photos start to look old :)
Now I've migrated my 1.5x gallery to a new server, and have upgraded it to 1.6.06. The process has been chaotic to some degree, but the gallery works: I can watch the photos, statistics, login as the admin, create a category etc. But I can't create a new album. A spinner shows up after typing the album's intended name and pressing the "OK" button, and nothing happens.
I can add the photos to the existing albums, albeit I've set up the permissions too generously.
Link to gallery, please.
This issue was being caused by a field in the _albums table that was left over from CPG 1.3. Removing the field was apparently missed in the CPG 1.4 upgrade mechanism. The field was last_addition (a date field) and its default value (0000-00-00 00:00:00) is not, by default, allowed in newer database engines. Removing the field from the table solved the problem.
From what I have seen, the policy has been not to delete 'obsolete' fields from the database as part of an upgrade...
I identified a number of obsolete fields going back to 1.3 days when I coded 'Gallery Merge' for 1.5. When merging an older gallery, I ignored the fields, but many older galleries likely still contain them.
_USERS: 'user_favpics'
_CATEGORIES: 'subcat_count', 'alb_count', 'pic_count', 'stat_uptodate'
_ALBUMS: 'pic_count', 'last_addition', 'stat_uptodate'
_PICTURES: 'owner_name'
I think 'last_addition' is the only date field - and affected if enforcing new standards at database level. Plugins may have also added date fields to various tables over time that may or may not still be used.
Not sure the right answer - but the gremlin is out there...
Thank you for posting this fix, it also solved my issue. I would like to make it aware that this issue can also happen in version 1.5.46 as I discovered after changing to a server that uses a newer database engine (MySQL 5.7)
Thank you, this solved also my problem, removing that columns.
Hi all,
I was finally able to move my website to a new server and promptly ran into the same issue as described here: no more new albums can be created, after clicking ok the spinner shows up and the process gets stuck at this point.
I follwed the proposed soluton here and deleted the obsolete fields in table _albums as advised, however the problem persists. Coppermine version is 1.6.25, database is MariaDB 10.5.
Any ideas? Thank you for your help!
Quote from: totosfo on December 16, 2023, 07:45:33 PM
Any ideas? Thank you for your help!
The problem likely comes from the HTML5 Slideshow plugin. If you want to continue to use the plugin, you will need to update it to the latest version (https://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,79126.msg383616.html#msg383616). (you will need to uninstall then re-install)
An alternative full image viewer can be found here (https://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,80388.msg388968.html#msg388968).
thank you for the info and sorry for me replying late - I was off for a couple of days.
I don't need the plugin as the gallery mainly serves as a photo repository for my forum, so I'll uninstall it (will create a backup copy of the cpg tree on my server before to be on the safe side.